BC Fan Resources

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Thank you Al Skinner

When discussing TOB, the media liked to laud him for rebuilding BC after the "gambling scandal." Unfortunately because of personalities, media spin and the nature of the two different sports, people rarely recognized the monumental rebuilding Al Skinner did with the basketball program. Jim O'Brien left behind little talent and scorched the earth with recruits. After a rough start with Al, we were soon playing exciting basketball and at the top of the Big East. Skinner leaves the program in a much better place than he found it. I thank him for his class, his success and for plenty of exciting, memorable basketball.


  1. Couldn't agree more. Skinner's been good to the program and good to BC, but it is time to move forward with a new coach.

  2. The only real personnel implication: do we keep Reggie Jackson?

  3. Agreed. Best of luck to you Al, but now lets bring in someone with some fire and in-game coaching prowess.

    Here is a link to Andy Katz's article on ESPN. The national media doesn't appear to be dumping on BC yet. Curiously, he also makes it sound like GD is going to be quite candid during today's press conference.


  4. EIB...great points on both Skinner and Reggie. Agree completely.

  5. I'd be surprised if we have to worry about Reggie. I was not one who was bothered by Skinner's offense, but it was very structured...the incoming coach will almost certainly have a system that allows Reggie more room to create.

  6. Gene is a monster! (I am thinking of the little king in Shrek I right now) His ego is out of whack. I hope he does not start crying and getting really weird again like did at the infamous Jags press conference.

    Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of getting a new coach for hoops, but GDF seems to be all thumbs when it comes to transitions.

    GDF can spin this latest "departure" all he wants, but the media is going to spin back.

    Here is what ESPN's Katz says as of a few minutes ago -- (buying the GDF spin, ALS not fired; GDF kind-hearted):

    "Al Skinner mutually agreed to leave his job as men's basketball coach after a meeting with athletic director Gene DeFilippo last Wednesday, two days before he interviewed for the vacant St. John's job, according to DeFilippo.


    "We agreed to separate before he interviewed for the best interests of both parties,'' DeFilippo said. "We agreed to split to part ways before he talked to St. John's. And we kept it out of the public so that he could gain employment.'"

  7. I am grateful for where Al has brought our program. I may not be sad to see him leave, but I certainly wish him well.

    GDF, on the other hand, may be next on my shit list. The quote that gets me from Katz's column:

    "Men's basketball has consistently been a poorly attended program at BC, regardless of who's coaching the Eagles... the Eagles have struggled to generate interest in college basketball. DeFilippo said the donor-based seating at Conte Forum isn't a reason a number of seats have remained empty."

    Really Gene? I remember after I graduated and wanted to buy season tickets I couldn't because I hadn't donated. Instead of going to every home game, I went to only 3 of the best games that year. What a crock.

  8. As a freshman in 98-99 who attended nearly every game during the 6-21 campaign and a current season ticket holder I can say I've seen just about all of the Big Al years. I know how bad it was in 98-99 when Dwanye Pina had to turn his back to the basket just to bring the ball upcourt.

    I don't think anyone could have done a better job of getting BC to where it is today. But I think Gene wants a personality guy who can sell BC to some big recruits and I don't know if Al fits that mold. Still, I find it hard to believe that Al's successor will be as solid a coach as he was.

    I just hope they keep the Eastern Clothing of Watertown commercial active at halftime in future years. It was the highlight of most games this season.


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