BC Fan Resources

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

First impressions of Donahue

We've had so many press conferences now, that we all know better than to read too much into them. Ultimately it is just an introduction and a setting of the tone. Based purely on that, we are off to a good start with Steve Donahue. The new coach came off as poised, mature, sincere, prepared and passionate. He even choked up a bit when talking about leaving Cornell. This is an emotional business. You don't have to be a screamer or a crier to succeed but coaching with passion can change a program. Donahue was hired for his Xs and Os but also to give the program new life. Let's hope that in ten years, he'll get choked up talking about BC.

Here are some other topics that he and Gene touched on...


This is on the forefront of everyone's mind. Donahue has never recruited players to compete at this level. It involves a different sort of evaluation and pitch. Donahue tempered concerns by explaining that recruiting for an Ivy team forces you to look high and low across the country. And because of that history he has a vast network of high schools and AAU programs to call upon. Now he will just be asking about a different type of player. I am less concerned about Donahue's network or ability to sell BC. I don't care if you bring in stars or not. I just want good players that can win. In recruiting, I think an eye for talent is much more important than selling a kid on a school. Since next year's team is all Skinner, we won't know much about Donahue the recruiter until 2011-2012.


He didn't get into specifics, but we now know the staff will be Joe Jones, Nat Graham and John Gallagher. This is heavy on an Ivy League background. I had hoped he would add some people who had more experience in a major conference, but this is not a bad group. Jones is the key as he was at Villanova and is considered a good recruiter.


Both Gene and Donahue feel they can win National Championships at BC. Donahue even thought he could win one at Cornell. I believe BC can win a National Championship too. To paraphrase Gene, Butler, Gonzaga and other mid majors show you can do it with midmajor talent and good coaching. I think we have the coaching, now let him get the talent.

More to come later, but I am on board and really looking forward to the Donahue era.


  1. I couldn't watch Skinner-Ball this season, or the last several for that matter.

    I wish Al well, and look forward to Donahue-Ball.

    Let's go BC. I'm upbeat now for sure. I have been around long enough to know that sometimes the right guy doesn't get his chance the same way others do. This coach looks like he could be one of those individuals, and I for one will watch and support strongly.

  2. Anonymous9:19 PM

    as we move forward, sometime you have to look back:


  3. I am reassured that Coach D will not merely be an "yes man" for GDF. He gave every impression of being his own man, in a positive sort of way.

    I liked Coach D.'s interaction with GDF. It was one of equals.

    I look forward to a "faster" brand of hoops and a team-oriented, effort-based brand of ball.

  4. i like this comment by Coach D:

    ""It's the most passionate sports region in the country. We play in the best conference in the country,'' Donahue said. "We want everyone on board. ... I find it hard to believe if we play (an exciting) brand of basketball, and do it in the ACC, that we won't fill the building.''"

  5. When did Katz become a such a shit about BC. in the 1980s, at least, the hoop games were always sold out. Maybe lately its a problem. Katz you a no longer welcome on campus, even if you are some putz from Newton.

    "New Boston College coach Steve Donahue will be successful at some point, possibly next season if the Eagles return every player. But one thing the administration shouldn't pressure him to do -- fill the stands. Boston is a college town with a slew of universities but it's not a college sports town, and the fans at Conte Forum won't flock there on a consistent basis -- never have, never will. Miami and BC will consistently fight that issue within the ACC. The other ACC schools are much more tradition-rich college fan bases that will turn out, regardless of opponent."

  6. I hope D's right about exciting Boston and filling the building. Either he is in for a shock or we are...

  7. I'm cautiously optimistic. As far as I could tell from looking back on Jones time at Villanova, he had to be instrumental in the Randy Foye, Allan Ray class there. Villanova built their program while he was very involved in recruiting. That is definitely comforting.

    Speaking of recruiting, MA kid and 6' 10" center Carson Desrosiers committed to Wake Forest. Do they let incoming freshman out of LOI when there is a coaching change and if so, what are the odds we can get back in on a kid like that? These are the type kids that Donahue has to have come to BC if he wants them. Losing a kid to Duke, Kansas, et al is acceptable. Losing a MA kid to Wake is absolutely not.

  8. Dustbowl--Although Katz has been quite critical of BC during the Al Skinner saga, what exactly in that passage you quoted is incorrect?

  9. Even the self-righteous on here would have credibility complaining about Wake's coaching change today due to "postseason failures."

    Mr. Timing, er, Coach D said all the right things, and, unknowingly or not, supplied a backhanded criticism of Skinner Ball with the "exciting bball...will fill the stands" quote. I'm happy that a promotion, and a pay raise, hasn't deadened Coach Donny's better sensibilities. Now let's go recruit somebody who can dribble. And shoot.

    Katz has some slack with me since he's the only national media member to know where BC is located. But his "Conte can't fill up, Boston is a pro sports town," thing is not only cliched, but wrong. If you put a winner on the floor, with a flair for elegance, they will come. We did in the '93-'94 timeframe when fellow Big East teams came to town--Conte was loud and rockin' and rollin'. It was the place to be. Granted, the hockey team sucked. And UConn and Providence, for example, travelled well. But selling out an 8,600 seat arena is not like selling out Michigan Stadium. A little marketing effort, coupled with a coach whose heart rate exceeds 50 every once in awhile, will achieve it.

    Now, go hockey.

  10. BC basketball fans are some of the worst in college football. They are a bunch of bandwagoners. If a winning product is not on the floor, they will not show. That is the very definition of being on the bandwagon. And even when BC had great success with Dudley and Co., BC would still have problems selling out the building against the lesser known schools. It's truly pathetic.

  11. is there video of the press conference anywhere? the cbssports link doesnt work.

  12. At what point does GDF take some blame for the donor based seating in Conte? I dont know what the current status is, but I know back in '05 and '06 they wouldn't sell me season tickets due to the lack of my donations.

    Instead of going to every home game, I went to 5. No matter what brand of basketball is being played, sooner or later, fans will run into GDF inspired walls.

    With that said, I haven't been this excited about a season since the Dudley era. Its good to see the the sports marketing dept. behind this and its good to see some passion from our coach. He has a ton of tools to use next season, and a lot of time to build up some recruiting momentum.

  13. so dino gaudio is out and wake and it looks like hill may be out at rutgers as well.

    remember skinner's quote about missing playing at MSG for the Big East Tourney? what are the chances his name gets tossed around for the Rutgers job. i could see that being a fit for him.

  14. "BC basketball fans are some of the worst in college football!!!!" They are just a bunch of wagon banders??

    no, that 's not it

    err "BC basketball fans are some of the worst in college hockey" they are a bunch of bandages

    BC Basketball is a team at boston college that uses band aids. Oh boy..

    oh, man, i've gotten ripped again and it brings out the willies in me.

  15. Er I meant to say college basketball. And whoever the Bravesbill clone is, I'll take your unquenchable desire to be me as a compliment.


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