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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Getting to know Bordner and other links

Chase Rettig gets all the attention, but from all accounts it looks like the other early enrollee, Josh Bordner, will get a chance to compete for the job. In this good Q&A Bordner talks about the transition to college and his expectations.

The Heights did some good work tracking down Skinner's last hoops recruits. I understand their hesitations, but Noreen would be foolish not to come to BC. He should be perfect for The Don's offense.

The overrated/underrated link from the comments section caught ESPN's attention.


  1. As far as Big Papa, he's signed an LOI so I can't imagine Dononhue can not take him if the kid wants to come here, whether he can swing it academically or not.... right?
    Maybe it means he just isn't bending over backwards to keep him? I don't know, that seemed like a strange statement.

  2. Interesting comments by Bordner.

    Note who he leaves off his list of friends: Shinskie and Rettig . . . hmmm, wonder what that's about? Does Rettig have a Jimmy Clausen personality?

    Have you become friends with a lot of people on the team so far? If so who?

    Yeah, coming in I was mainly friends with some of the kids in my dorm just because there were already relationships the players had with each other but now I've become good friends with Mike Marscovetra, KPL, John Wetzel, Keith Bourne, and Ian White.

  3. Bill, did you coin the nickname "The Don"? Something you're trying to get to stick? I kind of like it.

  4. Well, you don't have to be friends with everyone. Maybe a little healthy competition breeds a bit of brisk feelings. Regardless, I just want the best QB to get the job (probably will be Shinskie due to experience) and red shirt his successor, hopefully someone who can be a future stud for us.

    As to Kevin Noreen, I hope he doesn't leave. I have tried to watch film of him but have been unable to find anything substantive. Although by all accounts (available) he is a great kid and prolific scorer, he has apparently been long criticized as too soft, unathletic and playing with inferior competition. Then I read that he played a recent game with a ruptured spleen (unbeknownst to him obviously). You gotta be tough to play through that pain. Regardless, if he really does have a good jumper and basketball smarts, he will be perfect fit for Donahue's system. The Minnesota gopher boards were a mixed bag on him:
    Kevin Noreen

  5. also important to note that he may have taken the question to be "who that was already here have you become friendly with?"

    also, probably hard for an 18 year old and a 26 year old to become friends in the same way as he would with a 20 year old

  6. you know the football news is slow when we're breaking down a freshman QB's friends and the reasons behind each relationship...

  7. "who that was already here have you become friendly with?"

    Ry -- your grammar is atrocious, even by bloggin' standnerds :~). If you were educated by nuns (and God help you if you were), what would they say!

    Ps KPL (who is on the friend list) is as new as Bordner and Rettig (not listed), so your theory needs some work....

  8. "The Don" was a nickname the Cornell fans used.

  9. He also left off about 80 other people. They must all have Jimmy Clausen personalities.

  10. Any one have a rough estimate of scholarships we have available for the 2010 class?

    The story of the football spring, to me at least, is the lack of any discernable drama (injury, suspension, firing, etc...knock on wood) and the slow pace of 2010 recruiting. At this point, unsure if the lack of commits is a function of collateral damage from the Jags-Spaz transition (perhaps), a reflection of Spaz' recruiting acumen (perhaps- not sure how much of last years solid class is attributable to Jags' foundation or Spaz' closing ability), or if we simply are targeting a smaller class.

  11. We really were the 8th most popular basketball program in 2008?

    /per Harris poll

  12. Whoever Harris is, I hope he doesn't get paid for his work.

  13. Re: Harris poll. It says late in the article: "The Harris survey found that 26 percent of the 2,320 adults polled followed men's college basketball." Interesting that 74% of respondents on a poll on basketball team popularity self-identify as not following the sport. Seems it's basically a poll on brand recognition at that point. Something we certainly have with some signature wins, especially over the No 1 and No 2 in the poll - Duke and UNC. Let's not forget BC was picked by The New York Times, and a lot of people, to win the entire NCAA Tourney back in '05-'06. It wasn't THAT long ago... and hopefully won't be long before we're back to that level again.

  14. erik (the half a bee), the harris poll has been a prominent US polling company for more than a half century.

    but yes, i agree. the notion that BC Hoops is #8 in popularity is so shocking that it MUST BE WRONG.

    But then again BC does get pretty good TV ratings in lots of sports, so maybe there really is a silent majority out there that loves BC -- who knew.

    Soon we will be more popular than ND in football.

  15. With the obvious caveat that this is just a random interview, I thought the "who is the upper classmen that really shows you the ropes" question was interesting. 1) Does the football team work out by class, do the new freshman work out separately? Didn't really get that one.
    2) I found it surprising that he didn't say Shinskie here. That's kind of the stock answer an athlete would be expected to give. "[Last years starter] has been through everything I'm going through and has really helped ease my transition."

    Yes, we are really starved for information.

  16. Mod - great ability to detect sarcasm.

    (note to Mod: this msg is also sarcasm)

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. erik,

    [page intentionally left blank]


  19. Wouldn't worry about the lack of commits yet. First of all, it's only freakin April. Second, IMO Spaz's first class was way better than anything JagOff ever brought in. Finally, UF, ND and USC have 3, 2 and 1 commits respectively so I really wouldnt worry too much yet.

  20. I like that everyone calls KPL, KPL.

  21. matt -- thank you for sharing your special thought.

  22. you're right mod, the grammar in the comment i hastily typed on my phone was bad. thanks for noticing and pointing it out to me. what would we do without your help? thank god for mod. i'll keep an eye out for you in case you make any boo-boos as well.

  23. ry - i, it is, be the one who is glad so much to be helped by you. to give is to receive and the other way around also too. grammar is just bourgeois convention after all. ee cummings hated punctuation. so i think u r in good company. so much so. for sure. thank you for your offer of a sort to be most helpful to me in the further. my very best ry, but I remain concerned you hath not scene my emoticon, signaling a lightheartedness ye may have overlooked. ever to excell ry.

  24. Sweet fancy moses this comment section is going down faster than a hooker on Tiger

  25. i have a feeling they dont argue as much about proper grammar on the UGA boards -



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