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Monday, April 12, 2010

New recruit and other links

This has been a slow spring on the football recruiting front, but BC has finally landed its first verbal. Bronxville lineman Kieran Borcich committed to Spaz this weekend and will hopefully get this class going.

As a follow up to the big win, Jerry York is getting some much deserved media attention. The Patriot-Ledger had this piece and appeared on WEEI this afternoon.


  1. That parade actually looked like a great idea. Too bad there was no one on the route but cool idea nonetheless. Whoever Baldwin is this year will tell people for the rest of his/ her life about driving the Zamboni through campus.

    Where'd they get the pipers from? I've been saying for years we need a piper section at football games. It would be awesome!!! Especially during Shippin Up to Boston.

  2. Correction: After a second look, Baldwin is not driving but still looks fun anyways.

  3. I hope the band never plays "Shipping Up to Boston" again, let alone with bagpipes. I've never seen a song get that over-played that fast. I cringe every time I hear it.

  4. Well I'm completely OUT on Sweet Caroline and even emailed the band director last summer to lobby against the song being played. Didn't work.

    (and I like Neil Diamond... maybe that is my problem)

  5. . Too bad there was no one on the route but cool idea nonetheless.

    Actually from the online feed and from the people who were there, it was plenty packed.

    I hope the band never plays "Shipping Up to Boston" again

    It's our song. It's what people now identify BC with. As you said, much better than Sweet Caroline...which is the Sox' song anyway. If you're tired of "Shipping up to Boston" you should thank your lucky stars you're not a Tenny fan or any one of dozens of teams that just blast their fight song repeatedly until you want to shove an icepick in your ear.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I'd pay any amount of money never to hear Shipping up to Boston or Sweet Caroline ever again. I'd gladly listen to Rocky Top 100 times a game instead.

  8. I'd agree Shippin Up is overdone, but you can't deny it's a good get pumped song. Might be better used only at the beginning of each half. And I don't care what anyone says, bagpipers are always cool, especially at an Irish Catholic school.

    I know it's just a scrimmage but KPL's stat line looked pretty damn good. Maybe, just maybe we finally found a 4 star that isn't a bust.

    4 tackles, 2 pass break-ups, a forced fumble, a fumble recovery, and a touchdown

    Oh and Keuchly had a pedestrian 17 tackles. Maybe he was tired.

  9. Granted, high school highlights are unknown quantities, but Borcich looks like a beast in the loop on youtube.

  10. Nice heads up Mod10.

    We are going to need some DL depth with this class, so nice to see that Borcich looks like a beast (though some scouting sites have him as an OG).

    Great way to start the '11 class, though the paucity of commitments thus far is a bit unnerving.

  11. Re Bagpipes: Fantastic! If this is indeed a new BC student band, hats off to whomever organized this talent. More likely, I suspect this is the same youth band that plays at some BC home games. If that's the case, hats off to whomever taps this talent and adds a bagpipe corps to the Boston College Marching Band--and I'd also love to see a fife & drum corps! As the northern outpost of the ACC, we should proudly proclaim our distinct heritage as a New England school with Celtic roots.

    Re "Shipping Up to Boston": If I'm not mistaken, this is actually a contemporary variation of "Sweep Down the Field," and old BC song that is hardly ever played at football games any more. I think I remember reading this in the BC Magazine.

    In any case, bravo to the bagpipers, bravo to the Marching Band, and Bravo to Jerry York and the 2010 National Championship EAGLES!

  12. To those who say they don't like Shipping up to Boston. Do you also not like how fired up the students get when it gets played (even if its for the 5th time in the game)?

    What if the team took even more steps to fire up the crowd. How loud would Alumni get if the team came rushing out after the slow build to the song? They could even borrow a page from Miami and use smoke or some pyrotechnics.

    The song excites the students. Excited students lead to excited alumni. We all agree that Alumni needs more excitement and noise in there, why remove one of the songs that adds to that culture?

  13. Amazing how this has devolved into band music. As grating as it is to hear the same song over and over, it's kind of nice to have a song performed by a local band using Woody Guthrie lyrics.

  14. DannyBoy is on to something. What if we had a build up with a fife and drum line, and had the team enter to Shippin'. That would be pretty sweet if done right, and could be a pretty cool tradition at BC akin to Enter Sandman at VTech (which is lame, IMO).

  15. I hope Borcich is a beast, we can use him. I would love if Spaz could recruit this monster


    He is a north jersey guy just like Spaz. Chances are slim since pretty much every school has offered (USC, UF, Ohio St, etc.). How heavily do you think our OL tradition and NFL placement comes into play for our OL recruiting?

  16. shoot (sorry I know Mod34 has explained this before), how do you insert those nice hyperlinks?

  17. Can I beat a dead horse here (Big Ten expansion) and mention that Paterno said on today's Big Ten conference call he'd like to see the conference move 'a bit' east to get a broader TV market and 'get married to someone you love' which means a school with a broad slate of athletic program and a strong academic commitment.
    Sounds like someone we know?

  18. The ACC had better pay attention to the Big Ten's latest thinking! Either make a pre-emptive strike or potentially pay the consequesnces.

  19. Congratulations to Coach York and his great staff, Coaches Brown, Cavanaugh and Logue - and a classy bunch of players who truly love playing with each other. I only hope Coach Donahue can get that feeling going in basketball.

    You know in high school and college guys get reputations.Most guys have reputations (i.e. so and so is the most lively - so and so is a wild-man - whatever) Jerry York, though a standout athlete and student was known simply as a gentleman and a real nice guy - period!

    What you see is what you get - priceless!

  20. I am pretty sure the pipers are not affiliated with BC. They hire them or rent them out. If you look at the pics from the event you see they are carrying a banner with their band name. If you google that you see it is a young person's piping band in metro boston. They are not BC students. The chances of having that many pipers enrolled at BC is slim to none.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. @blist

    The Big-10 is enticing because the resounding success of the Big-10 Network (yielding like $7-8M more than the current ACC deal/school). Agreed that the Football/Basketball/Hockey stengths are more applicable. Academically, would be a good fit (like the ACC) in terms of undergrad education, though as a small private school, we would be in the minority in the B10.

    Can't imagine how burning bridges with nearly every DI program of note on the East Coast would impact scheduling.

  23. Here is BC's video of the parade:

  24. It's true EagleInBrighton, that would be burning bridges, but as Syracuse on the sked now shows, time heals some wounds (not UConn's though).

    I'm agnostic on the BigTen expansion, but I'm finding it a great diversion from actual things to worry about, like work and money.

  25. Somebody mentioned it not too long ago. The ACC could wrap up the entire East Coast and expand to 16 teams. Let the Big Ten fight over West Virginia, Louisville, Cincinatti and maybe Pittsburgh. Where does that leave ND? Tough luck - unless they read the tea leaves.

    Perhaps raiding the East Coast Big East teams is not good the way some of us think - but you'd have the entire coast - and maybe entice South Carolina away from the SEC and back into the ACC where they would have more of a chance to be competitive - and where they might really belong - who knows.

    Virginia Tech
    NC State
    Wake Forest
    (South Carolina or Pittsburgh or Navy - or get Penn State LOL)
    Georgia Tech
    Florida State

    Not bad, maybe. For those of us who hate UConn or Rutgers or Syracuse, etc - when you come right down to it, that's what rivalries are all about.

  26. maybe the ACC could sell Miami to the SEc or Conf-USA (is that still a league?)

    and we don't want Rutgers and UConn stinking up the league, particularly academically and being classless cruds from Nj and CT..

    Frankly, I'd like to see BC and Syracuse join the BiG TEN. Can't see that happening, but (as above) I don't think 'ol Joe was talking about Rutgers! (but maybe he was talking about Pitt?)

    Could you imagine the crowds and the party if we could get Ohio State, Penn State or Michigan to play at Foxboro. That would be rockin' (of course the BC v Indiana, BC v Ill, BC v IOWA Bc v NWern games would draw less fans than even BC Maryland or Bc v UVA

  27. Thanks very much Brighton, I'll use that next time. I'd rather not join the Big Ten, all we need is a another group of ex-conference jerks hating us. Also, New Jersey ain't that bad!

  28. JoePa could've meant Pitt, but don't think Pitt does much for TV.
    I too would love to see BC and Syracuse in the same conf again. The Big Ten would have some clunker matchups (imagine basketball vs Minn. or Iowa in the middle of Feb.) but the top end matchups vs. Mich, PSU, OSU, Mich St. would be huge.
    Don't rag too hard on Jersey - Boston will be getting the Jersey Shore spin-off I hear.

  29. How about Pitt and Notre Dame instead of UConn and Rutgers? This gives the ACC 14 teams, and then add two more. Reading this thread, I agree - the ACC needs to move first.

    Let the Big Ten fight over the rest of them - CT, Rutgers, WVU, Louisville and Cinn., et al Ha ha ha ha. Those schools are not their type - but they might woo Rutgers. As far as I'm concerned, you can interchange Syracuse and Rutgers. I don't care. BC fans will get riled up for either. But I like BC's presence in New Jersey a lot and always have.

  30. Any New Jersey player we can get instead of PSU or Rutgers is very satisfying.

    Some of our best players over the years have come from New Jersey - a great state and a great breeding ground for college football players. Blist, I would never rag on NJ. Ragging on Rutgers, however is another matter.

  31. John-
    Disagree that Syracuse and Rutgers are interchangeable. Syracuse is a private school with good academics; Rutgers is not. We have an historical football rivalry with Syracuse, but not with Rutgers. Syracuse has good basketball; Rutgers does not. BC fans used to pack Conte or Alumni for games against Syracuse, but games against Rutgers were usually played in front of sparse crowds.

  32. Rutgers does not equal NJ. Don't confuse the two.

    There is very little passion or interest for Rutgers sports beyond the passion of about 20% of RU graduates. No else gives a bleep about RU.

    I lived in NJ for 10 years and NYC for another 10. I love NJ. Love the Shore etc. But the RU crowd is quite different than the BC crowd [nb: the BC crowd includes, of course, the NJ/NYC BC crowd].

    I think BC may even be more popular in NJ than RU.

  33. Double you are right, and you too Mod. Syracuse and Rutgers are not interchangeable.

    Let the Big Ten have Rutgers ha ha ha ha.

  34. I just want BC to have some of that Big Ten Network money.

  35. looks like the other ACC coaching vacancies have been filled. clemson grabbed the head coach of wright state and wake hired a dude from colorado who hadn't done much there but does have prior nba experience.


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