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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Same old, same old for Spaz and Co

Spaz is now 0-4 against Notre Dame. Our offense couldn't score again. Our defense couldn't get them off the field -- allowing Notre Dame to convert 10 straight third downs. Missed tackles, dropped passes, getting pushed around the line...all the trademarks of the season were there for a national audience to see.

The only upside is that Rettig received some positive national attention.

I will have second viewing thoughts and grades up late Sunday night.


  1. can we end the spaz era now

  2. Jasmine, "No." (Bates lacks stones)

  3. And I thought we bottomed out last season!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. bill, i know we lost . yadda yadda yadda but when you do your second viewing grades, can we get an A+ for bobby vardaro?

  6. Game had the feel of a controlled scrimmage. Kelly didn't go for the kill. Gentlemanly treatment of a lesser team in BC. It is very hard to watch this football. There is no enthusiasm although Spaz seemed engaged during parts of the game.

    Players know there are going to be big changes coming. This reclamation project of a program will take years to bring back. We better get used to it.

    At least we had a great tailgate.

  7. Anonymous5:18 AM

    In general, I try not to pile on but that halftime interview with Spaz was a joke. In the era of social media, quick sound bites, this is how our program is presented to the outside world and there is no way Spaz can get any recruits from outside our circle of influence.

    Seriously, take the hit economically and time to start over.

  8. If bates had the big ones, he would have fired spaz right after the game. We looked like temple in the late 90s. Spaz looked like he was on another planet the whole game. Makes us look like a D3 school.

    I guess that is what happens when you hire from the MAC.

  9. An "A+ for Bobby Vardaro"? Seriously? He lost his cool because be and his line couldn't keep their QB upright all night. He acted like a clown and then was crying on the sidelines. Nice.

  10. I think Vardaro deserves credit for at least standing up for his QB after the sack (if not before). But the crying on the sidelines? yeesh.

  11. The offensive line is just horrific. Letting Retting get sacked by a three-man rush? Please. They simply can't move their feet. in any direction but backwards. They're big kids who aren't getting the strength and conditioning training nor the technical training required to be successful in D1. Pathetic coaching job.

  12. As stated, this was a "controlled scrimmage". BK just didn't want to run up the score. The ND tight end could have caught 30 passes instead of the 11 or so that he did catch.

  13. Was at the game and sitting right in the middle of all the ND yahoos (and I have season tix). Was very tough. Most of the ND fans are from Boston, have no connection to the school, have never been to South Bend and simply follow a front runner. This made last night even tougher. The one salvation - I only need to sit through one more game with Spaz on the sidelines. Go Eagles and to a brighter future.

  14. Well Hanlan is already making it easier to get over Jordan Daniels. That kid is quick!

  15. I couldn't tell if it was ND not going at full throttle (injuries, they still remember the last Gerry Faust game against Miami and don't want to do the same to Spaz....if so, kudos to Brian Kelly) or if they just aren't as good as their ranking.
    I've got to think it was the former more than the latter (though I don't think they are as good as their ranking...they aren't bad enough to only beat BC by 15.)

  16. Just as an FYI, it is about 95 degrees in Conte for the men's hoops game right now. I have no idea what's going on delirium is setting in.


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