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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Just what we needed: Murphy enrolls

The best news of the offseason arrived Tuesday as former Florida QB Tyler Murphy enrolled at BC. As a graduate and "5th Year" transfer, Murphy is immediately eligible and will compete with Darius Wade for the starting quarterback job. Murphy brings much needed experience and depth to arguably the most important position on the team. He started six games for an SEC school which is six more starts than anyone on the roster next fall.

Murphy is from Connecticut and knew Addazio well before the coach ever started recruiting him to Florida. Although Addazio won't be able to do it much longer, grabbing these disenchanted Gators is such a win-win. We get depth, credibility with the media and on the recruiting trail, and we get to churn the scholarship after one season. The players get a fresh start in a new place, yet play for a familiar face.

Murphy is more mobile than Rettig, so I expect we will see more designed QB runs. The offense will probably be less Stanford and more Oregon/Urban Meyer (which is what Day and Addazio want long-term). Word through the grapevine is that Murphy was not promised the starting job, just a chance to win it.

With Wade on campus and Walsh ready for Spring Ball, the only real question related to the QB spot is if Josh Bordner will get a 5th year. My guess is that it will be up to him. BC should have enough room and having four QBs is not a bad thing. While unlikely to win the starting job, a 5th year does give Bordner one more season of college football.

Many -- including those around the program -- expected BC to take a step back in 2014 as we replace so much of last season's offense. I don't expect miracles from Murphy or Wade, but I do think we will be competent and exceed expectations again. Addazio showed that he can work a scheme to his roster and with Murphy his roster just got a little bit better.


  1. This makes me very happy. There's got to be something about Addazio that these former Gators really like. Really looking forward to spring practice.

  2. competition for Wade is a good thing. still hope that Wade ultimately grabs the reins and wins the job.

    all positives for Addazio so far. the fact that these guys are willing to follow him says a lot.

  3. Although Murphy rushed 61 times, he only gained 61 yards. (1 yard per carry for the math-challenged) But that rushing total includes negative yardage from sacks. Still, guy is not a great runner, at least not under Florida's schemes.

    But check out this highlight film - he throws a nice ball. Murphy looks good: Murphy highlights

  4. This will certainly help the team, as Patchen did this year but it further buries the facade of " student athlete". How about football graduate " students" trying to get noticed for the pros. I'm sorry we have to play in this free agent sandbox.The 5th year transfer seems to be a relatively new occurrence

  5. More . ....

    Favorite Movies: Batman movies (Let's hope he has some superpowers!)

    Likes underdog movies and underdogs in life (he'll get that chance at BC; good attitude!)

    Favorite pros: Drew Bree's, Russell Wilson and Michael Vick. (good choice Tyler! Maybe he'll have their moves!)

    Tyler Murphy radio interview

  6. Bordner's profile said he graduated last May and is pursuing his MBA. If he planned it to be completed by this spring he wouldn't be back. If he is only halfway done then I'd guess well see him come back. Pretty sure he would be in "prepare for the real world" mode by now.

  7. I don't think it's arguably the most important position, it is w/o doubt the most important position.

    Your always only 1 hit away from losing that guy. So u need 2 good ones. I'd also like to see both play for that reason.

    Another great move by Daz. He over achieved last year why not again in 14.

  8. I would like to know more about Darius Wade. Murphy appears to be a good move albeit the good critique by "lbkjj". Now, all they need is a kicker-punter, wide receiver, defensive end, nose tackle, and big running back to say nothing of shoddy d-backs. Murphy may indeed "walk on water" and have a nice personality but last I heard it still takes a team and not a dream.

  9. Thanks for the encouragement JBQ. Good insight. Makes me really understand that we ought to forfeit everything 2014. If we play we will surely lose and no point in risking harm to all these undertalented athletes.

  10. The way that some people are looking at this as a negative thing is astounding. Tyler Murphy is obviously not THE answer, but he sure as hell is at least part of it.

  11. @Joseph: Not undertalented but undermanned. Florida doesn't need Murphy. What does this tell you about the talent level in the SEC? The answer is for the NCAA to enforce the same rules for everyone that BC agrees to follow because of its high ideals. "Ever to Excel" is great but outside of BC, and that's why I support BC, who cares?

  12. The post above strikes me as a bit naive.


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