BC Fan Resources

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

More on the early enrollees and other links

Early enrollees are nothing new to BC. However, the size of this group and the attention they are getting is different. Murphy and Wade highlight the list but all the new players will be important. As a reminder enrolling midyear benefits the program in two ways. The primary benefit is the ability to go through Spring ball with the team. Although less critical to the on the field performance, midyear guys also count towards last year's recruiting commitments. This means Addazio could exceed the 25 scholarship limit on Signing Day. I don't think he will since I predict he will want to leave space for some mid year players next January.

Now healthy, Lonnie Jackson is playing with much more confidence.

Andrea Adelson wrote a fair recap of the football season.

BC is going hard after 2015 New Jersey Linebacker prospect Jamie Gordinier.


  1. Despite his very brief de-commit a couple months back, I guess we can finally breathe a sigh of relief on Landry. I can't believe we landed someone with offers from Auburn and FSU. Can't wait to see him get after the QB on Saturdays.

  2. I ran into Jamie in the gym. He said BC is tops on his list. He loves Addazio. They told him to put on 20+ lbs and be an outside linebacker. A very nice we'll spoken young man who would be a classic BC player.

  3. What's the status of Murphy's shoulder injury? Is this something that will nag him throughout next season?

  4. Nice to see Jackson playing and feeling better. The best line in that ESPN story was "...sold-out, rocking Conte Forum." If we could just do that for every home game.

  5. According to most articles, Murphy should be back for Spring practice.

  6. I think we leave out the fact that enrolling early really helps the players get used to BC as well. The academics + practice, meetings, etc can be challenging. Probably best that Freshman get a semester to get used to it before the season, and also be ahead in academically to ease the stress of the next 4 years...

  7. RE: sold-out rocking Conte -- didnt it seem like 40% of the fans there were syracuse fans?

  8. Does this restrict the ability to redshirt if there is an injury?


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