BC Fan Resources

Saturday, January 04, 2014

Reading into the Town Hall

Prior to the basketball game, Brad Bates held a "Town Hall." But before it even began he said the meeting wasn't to talk about the season, the coaching, or recruiting. He didn't have the same restrictions when he held the football "Town Hall." I don't blame Bates. He cannot say a coaching change is coming. It wouldn't be right for him to throw his current coach under the bus in a forum like this and he also doesn't want to waste any credibility by making excuses or lying about how he feels. I wasn't there (obviously) but I can read into it just like anyone else. Not defending Donahue or even entertaining criticism verifies all the talk I've heard about Donahue being done.

As for the game, that didn't help Donahue's case either. BC lost a close game to Clemson, but it was only after BC dug out of a big hole in the first half. Hanlan had a chance to tie things but couldn't. The biggest news was the Dennis Clifford played. He looked decent in his 12 minutes. Maybe he will contribute more as the season goes on. I hope he does, since his redshirt is gone.


  1. can anyone give a recap of the town hall meeting?

  2. How about the town hall meeting we're having with Notre Dame at Fenway???
    GeezLouieeze!! It's BC Hockey at Fenway against the Pretenders!! C'mon! Its not an exhibition game...Tied right now 2-2 in the second.

  3. EAGLES WIN!!! EAGLES WIN!!! Notre Dame goes down at Fenway--welcome to Hockey East, ND !!! 4-3 BC!! Oh Yeah!!
    Happy New Year, Everybody!!

  4. Good win against the guys in the shiny helmets but playing on crappy ice at Fenway has outlived it's novelty.
    Let's hope the next Fenway meeting in 2015 at Fenway turns out the same.

  5. The BC Roundball club hosted Woody Kampmann (Director of Basketball Operations) after the game. He took questions mostly about the team's mindset and he graciously ducked people looking for him to second guess the substitution patterns (i.e. Heckmann's DNP). He said a decision about Clifford red-shirting has to be made by Saturday so he'll basically have one more game to see how he feels. After 10 minutes or so, Donahue actually walked in and took Woody's place at the front of the room. He looked exhausted (dark circles under his eyes) and he seemed close to tears when people asked about what he said to Hanlan in the locker room (his response: "I just gave him a hug"). It's really a shame things haven't worked out. Hard to imagine Skinner subjecting himself to questions from the peanut gallery at any point let alone a terrible season.

  6. Unknown

    Skinner rarely had to. Done-a hue is becoming an expert.

  7. Got to give Donahue credit for showing up and taking questions after a loss like that. It's too bad that someone who clearly has the character we like in BC coaches hasn't been able to combine that with ACC level recruiting an coaching skills.

  8. Atl any preliminary coach targets? Think bates stays in MAC? Toledo came in and beat us, Akron has dambrot, bobby Hurley at buffalo...

  9. Matt

    This was in the Times a few days ago.


  10. Thanks Hoib, great article


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