BC Fan Resources

Friday, January 03, 2014

Tweets of the Week


  1. "In Al Skinner's last 5 seasons at Boston College, before he was fired, BC was 100-65 and went to 3 NCAA tournaments. Since: 50-62, 0 NCAAs"


    In TOB's last 5 seasons at BC, before GDF ran him out of town, BC was 45-18, and finished in the top 25 in three of those five years. Since: 48-43, no top 25 rankings.

  2. check that: 1 top 25 ranking since TOB

  3. GDF had a strong first ~8 years of his tenure. Got us into the ACC, was a successful fundraiser, and football and men's and women's hoops were consistently ranked and making the postseason.

    Then the Napoleon-complex kicked in and he ran off TOB/Jags, Al, and Inglese, hired terrible replacements, and left all three programs in the cellar. Sad.

  4. At the time of TOB and Skinner's departures, there were not many who didn't feel the same way. It was time for them to go.

    I think most BC fans wanted to programs to climb higher and for a brief moment under Jags the football team did.

    I was ok with the Jags firing on principle if the two of them had some type of arrangement, but the hiring of Spaz and now it seem Donohue were in error

  5. Jampino

    U must be a relative of Gene's!
    Many people in the BC fanbase saw the value in TOB and Skinner and said so at the time of their departure.

    Even if u take the approach that the fans wanted more. The AD is a well paid professional who is charged w/ finding and keeping the best coaches for his school regardless of what the fans' visions of granduer might be.

    He also completely mishandedled the Jags situation , whether they had an agreement or not. Like any other coach who had the 2 years Jags did would have, he was using the Jets interview to get a new contract from BC. Gene should have been ready for this instead of trying to be some kind of hero in the press.

  6. jags was an opportunist who didn't want to recruit and wanted only to get a major gig in the nfl. Proof of his worth is all the great jobs he has had since. Al did well but when his assistants left he was in trouble. He too has not been all that well received in the job market.

  7. Hoib--I don't blame Gene at all for the decision to fire Al and let TOB go. It was well past their time and the programs needed new blood. If they were such hot coaching commodities like you claimed they were, Al would have received at least one coaching offer in the last 4 years and TOB wouldn't have been a dismal failure at NCST. Gene's fatal mistakes were in the hiring of Spaz and Steve.

  8. Brave and Joe

    First how unusual that I managed to get u 2 to agree on anything.
    What any of them did after BC is not relavent when discussing Gene. He fired or drove off the 2 winningest coaches in school history and it's been all down hill since. The only exception is Jags which I said earlier that I think he screwed up w/ him too.

    The only relavent facts are all three's records at BC.
    as Bill Parcells said u are what your record says u are. nothing more nothing less.

  9. Athletic Director Gene made zero successful coaching hires. That is the SOLE reason why he is no longer the AD. Acomplete lack of judgement when it comes to people evaluations. He was great running business deals with his boys in Arizona and ESPN. The focus shifted from protecting the Athletic Department from financial ruins to the actual success of the programs Gene could not keep up.

    Baseball - Aoki, joke
    Womens Hockey - guy was sexting his players
    Womens Basketball - lady gone
    Football - spaz and jags, both frauds.

  10. Sexting?

    Women's hockey? Really?

    That strikes me as the poorest judgment of all.

    If you're going to sext...how 'bout basketball, volleyball, or a cheerleader?

    I mean. Even those aren't aiming high, but, c'mon...

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Oh, you mean the hockey coach?

    The women's hockey coach. For, you know, women.

    They let girls play hockey?

    What about head trauma and early onset dementia? Surely we need a 60 Minutes special on this in the interest of fairness and feminism and Title 9? Were I Gloria Allred, I would be protesting outside of CBS to get equal Alzheimer's coverage in the press. What gives?

    I certainly hope parents are steering their young daughters into non contact activities like cheering and chess rather than let them play hockey only to be abused by a WOMEN'S HOCKEY coach.

    I blame GDF.

  13. Some lines from The State newspaper in South Carolina -

    Tigers get quiet road test;

    BC's Conte Forum is the least daunting road environment the Clemson men's team will encounter in the ACC;

    ................Conte's lackluster crowds.........;

    Clemson will open ACC play in those quiet confines...........;

    Clemson cannot be distracted by BC's modest resume or its quiet crowd.


    Although Clemson has not done very well in Boston, they certainly know that the BC Program has zero energy.

    How long will we put up with this?

  14. quiet ???? we haven't seen quiet, quiet will be redefined this year. If there are more than a 1000 at this game I will be shocked.

  15. Temple got kicked out of the Big East Football for lack of fan support.

    What's to prevent the ACC from jettisoning this sorry program?

    Let's go, BC - figure this out. Ever to Excel - at what?

  16. Hoib--It was pretty evident that once Al's assistants left, the basketball program started going downhill. Also, TOB could never get over the hump no matter the circumstances or who he had on the team. Add to the fact that he also wanted out, there was no point in keeping him. Using your logic of career records being everything, I assume you were all for retaining JoePa and Bowden in their twilight years. Those programs went downhill quickly and there was no end in sight. But since they were the winningest coaches in college football history, I'm assuming you would have had them stay. Same logic can be used for Mack Brown. Recent results mean everything, not career coaching record.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. brave

    A good and thoughtful answer. My perspective comes from over 40 yrs as a BC fan. I don't think u can compare BC as an athletic program w/ the 3 u site. TOB and Al were good not great, but I think they were as good as we can do here. I'll take close to the hill w/o getting over it, as opposed to jousting at windmills in an attempt to becoming what I only think we can be in hockey.

    Hey we agree Gene was a fool I think though, right?

  19. I would absolutely agree with you about Gene. However I would like BC to shoot for the stars. If Gonzaga and Butler can create national powerhouse basketball programs and Stanford can create a powerhouse football program, there's no reason why BC cannot do the same.

  20. brave

    A good and thoughtful answer. My perspective comes from over 40 yrs as a BC fan. I don't think u can compare BC as an athletic program w/ the 3 u site. TOB and Al were good not great, but I think they were as good as we can do here. I'll take close to the hill w/o getting over it, as opposed to jousting at windmills in an attempt to becoming what I only think we can be in hockey.

    Hey we agree Gene was a fool I think though, right?

  21. Brave

    I hope u are right, but thanks to Gene we have a heck of a long way to go.

  22. Chalk up another terrible first half and another loss for the basketball team. There's probably a handful of women's basketball teams that could put these guys now.

  23. Yeah, I think we can all agree that this blog is about disagreement more than anything else.


    I think those of us not "in the know" are looking forward to the rumors and scuttlebootie regarding the next big hire.

    23 of 60 points from the stripe?

    Hello, Cornell.

  24. Donohue is very sincere. However, he can't do the job. Sad but true.


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