BC Fan Resources

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Goals for Spring Ball

BC's official spring practices begin Friday. In a way this year's spring session is more important than last year. In 2013 Addazio was installing a system, but he was also taking over a veteran team and expectations were extremely low. Now he's got to prove last year wasn't a fluke and find some new playmakers. Here are the big issues for the next few weeks.

1. Put Wade and Murphy through the ringer. It might not seem fair to ask two guys who have only been on campus for six weeks to step up, but that is Addazio's reality. While he doesn't have to announce a starter, the staff does need a good idea of what each guy is capable of and who gets the most reps in August.

2. Flush out the guys buried on the roster. There are plenty of Spaz recruits who barely got on the field last year. Come summer they will be competing with 30 new players Addazio brought in. If these guys want to play this fall they need to make an impression now. The end result of spring ball should be a few guys who blossom and a few who decide to transfer.

3. Make adjustments on D. Don Brown's squads usually improve from Year 1 to Year 2. Brown not only needs to replace some talent, but he needs to fix the holes from last year. We generated more pressure, but still allowed way too much yardage and scores. Talent and scheme was an issue, but there were plenty of missed tackles and blown assignments. That can start to change now.

4. Make a big deal of the Spring Game. BC cancelled last year's Spring Game in the wake of the Marathon Bombing. It was the right call at the time. Now is Addazio's chance to restart the Spring Game tradition. Spring Games can be a great tool. They can excite the fanbase and draw in recruits. Yet it has always been an afterthought at BC. Addazio seems committed to new traditions and selling the school. Holding an impactful Spring Game is one more tool to changing the culture of BC football.


  1. For the love of god make the spring game an actual game and not just offense vs. defense.

  2. Yeah, why not play a friendly against UMASS or Holy Cross?

  3. Thank God Louisville is joining the conference. I really missed all those great West Virginia jokes. From SI: "Three-star Louisville football recruit Sharieff Rhaheed-Muhammad was arrested Monday on felony charges after allegedly impregnating his 14-year-old cousin."

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