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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

BC wastes good effort from Hanlan, Heckmann in loss to Pitt

BC's reliance on 3s and converting at the free throw line isn't always going to work. It didn't in tonight's loss against Pitt, but that wasn't the real problem. Only having three guys show up for the game was the big issue...and terrible defense again. 

I am glad Patrick Heckmann is coming into his own as the season comes to a close. But his success and the terrible game from Rahon and Jackson highlight a less discussed Donahue issue -- our rotations. Because we lack a traditional lineup or a balanced roster, we have too many players competing for minutes and all bringing similar skills to the table. So players cannot get into a consistent groove or once one guy gets hot, another player becomes a non factor. The roster doesn't compliment each other. Hanlan had a great game. That should be enough, but if we don't have four more guys playing halfway decent, we cannot win. 

Wake is up next. Anyone want to take a guess on who will get hot next at the expense of Heckmann's minutes?


  1. You should have created a standard post template for 21 of these recaps this season. Would have saved you a lot of time.

  2. Ct

    True dat.

    Out rebounded 30 to 17. That is one areas where we are consistent. Hard to believe we once competed very well w/ big east teams now that we are so soft.

  3. ‘‘We don’t know exactly how we’re going to win games day in and day out,’’ BC coach Steve Donahue said of the rough season.


  4. You may as well count out Hanlon for next season. There are two rounds of 30 teams in the NBA. In some mock drafts, Hanlon is seen as a late first rounder.

  5. I don't think there's an offense in D1 basketball that is easier to defend against than BC's.

    Given the horrible mismanagement of the roster this season, especially Heckmann, how long before Owens announces his transfer?

  6. Jesus, how hard is to spell Hanlan right? Unreal that so many of you criticize this team (rightfully so) but can't even spell the guy's name right.

  7. BC Hoops and Football both at 7 wins for the season.

    I think it stays that way.

    Pearl 1a
    Howland 1b

  8. tim to your point. how the hell can a coach say that comment? we don't know exactly how we're going to win games day in and day out. that is a fireable offense.

  9. and I know I have been riding the kid all year long... ryan anderson needs to get his act together. he is soft, both physique wise and physically in the game. he does have talent, but he clearly hasn't gotten better from his freshman season. I have to believe its due to a lack of work in the off season.

  10. I think the only player that has shown improvement since their Freshman year is Heckmann.

  11. I'd say Jackson has as well. He has turned into a lights out shooter a majority of the time. He did not play well at all against Pitt though.

  12. Heckmann always had a knack for just being in the right place at the right time. its a shame he got sick his freshman season.

    with regards to lonnie jackson, although he shoots well, it reminds me of the time someone said Odio was a player this summer. Jackson in no way is a starting player in the acc. it is completely ridiculous that we roll a guy like that out into the starting lineup. he would be very well suited to be a bench player that comes in for 12-16 minutes a game and stretches the D.

    i guess it also doesn't help lonnie out when there is absolutely ZERO inside out game.

    you know who this team makes me sorely miss? corey raji. That guy was awesome

  13. Oh how far this program has fallen when people yearn for the days of an undersized 4 who averaged 12 points & 7 boards his senior year.

  14. I'd agree Jerz. Compared to his freshman year though, Jackson was improved quite a bit. Everyone else has seemed to regress.


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