BC Fan Resources

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

KPL love and other links

The biggest BC winner coming out of the NFL Combine is KPL. Both Yahoo and FOX listed him among the biggest movers at the Combine. By dominating his position group in the drills, KPL will force NFL teams to go and look back at his game tape. While not as consistent as Kuechly (who is?), KPL certainly made a lot of plays and a lot of tackles. I think he could move up into the 3rd round.

It looks like BC might use as many as six different running backs next year.

Mike Naples and Steele Divitto are training together for BC's Pro Day at the renowned Parisi Football Academy. Naples started blogging about the experience too.

This Falcons blogger wants Andre Williams in Atlanta. Considering how often the Falcons like to screen, I don't know if it is a good fit.

OL Prospect Justin Skule is looking at multiple ACC schools.

The Women's Lacrosse team's matchup with Syracuse Wednesday is great opportunity for the team to move up the rankings.


  1. The hype on Jonathan Hillman appears to be very good. He was an ESPN-300 player. It states that he is big and strong. The article did say that he did not enroll early. This early enrollment issue is very troubling for the state of college football. There is an entity called high school graduation to worry about. So, just how are those SEC schools bringing in droves of players for Spring football? They obviously didn't finish high school and they certainly cannot be qualified to attend classes. It is all one more joke on the NCAA and their biggest "notch on their gun", the gutting of the program at SMU. They swatted a "fly" while "sharks are in the water". There is no doubt that BC admissions is on the job but think again if SEC admissions is doing likewise.

  2. Why do you assume that early enrollees at SEC schools didn't finish high school? Do you assume the same about BC's early enrollees?

  3. Early enrollment requires a student complete his state's high school graduation requirements and actually graduate from his high school. It is not that difficult to complete the minimum requirements early assuming you pass all of your classes a long the way.

  4. Early enrollment requires a student complete his state's high school graduation requirements and actually graduate from his high school. It is not that difficult to complete the minimum requirements early assuming you pass all of your classes a long the way.

  5. Yeah, JoeyMethod is correct. Early enrollees are high school graduates. You can't go to college without, you know, FINISHING HIGH SCHOOL. Recruits plan accordingly after accepting a scholarship offer from a university and the process is carefully coordinated. SMU? Completely irrelevant. If you wanted to make a point about grayshirting, then that's certainly worthwhile.

  6. There is an issue called a curriculum. As a former high school teacher with 25 years of experience, it is next to impossible to graduate early on the "up and up". I would say that it can't be done. All that BC does is look at the ACT scores which are undoubtedly falsified in the SEC and a graduation certificate and voila. Johnny Manziel didn't even go to class during the last year. He took internet classes. Once the players get to BC, things are done right. I already know of a case for a Missouri player who took freshmen classes as a senior in high school. His transcripts were falsified and this was at an all white County school. Both of these instances are SEC.

  7. Peter King's MMQB following Andre Williams through draft -- good coverage. http://mmqb.si.com/2014/02/25/andre-williams-rookie-journey-the-mmqb/

  8. Tough loss for the ladies in lacrosse to Syracuse. We'll get them next time. We have a very solid team. If you want to see a program where they know how to recruit - look at this lacrosse program. Read the bios on the BC sports site. We have recruited some of the finest players in the country.


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