BC Fan Resources

Friday, March 28, 2014

Advice on the coaching search: trust Vega, ignore others

As the coaching search continues, it seems some BC fans are getting restless, while some in the media are having a field day posting nonsense. My suggestion is to ignore most of it. As with the early Donahue news, it is probably wrong. This is not like the days of Gene when he would freely share his thoughts and opinions with media, staffers and boosters. Bates is different.

If you are waiting for validation or insight from any of the mainstream media, then rely on the Globe's Michael Vega. Despite my occasional frustrations with Vega's beat work, the guy is well liked at BC and has the most trusted sources. If BC is going to hand news to anyone on anything, it will be Vega. Just look at his news on Hanlan leaving and others considering transfers. The Hanlan stuff is looking accurate and so is the transfer speculation (although BC won't release or address any player status until after the new coach is hired).

I've tweeted this before, but let me also say that Bates is talking to many people and many names that have not been leaked or speculated. I don't know what he will do, because he doesn't talk to me or any others writing about the situation. I still have trust that this process will produce a good coach. Let it play out and avoid the BS coming from people who have been wrong so many times before.


  1. If Vega says he's confirmed it, it means it came from BC.


  2. Great news, I think he is the best choice, get it done BC don't let him leave town. This would be a home run hire!

  3. Hopkins is #2 on my list behind Archie Miller. Hop's a great recruiter and a has a history of grooming great guards - wonder if he could convince Hanlan to stick around.

  4. Anonymous1:45 PM


    He is loved in Syracuse for sure. The only down side is will he jump back to Syracuse when JB retires? Personally I don't think he will ever retire.

    Nice candidate.

  5. #inblaudswetrust #likegumonashoe

  6. BC 6=2 over Denver Could have been 10-0 Great win.

  7. BC 6=2 over Denver Could have been 10-0 Great win.

  8. Blauds seems to be claiming on twitter that he is Vega's source... in which case we cant trust anyone

  9. Hariio

    Makes no sense. Journalists/bloggers can't be sources.
    Only someone in BC AD, or a candidate's people can be a legitimate source.

  10. Haha I know hoib... I was just joking

    Blauds can't even be called a journalist with his current antics...just a cranky old man with a computer


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