BC Fan Resources

Friday, March 21, 2014

No Country for Old Men

Thank you, Jim Calhoun. By letting the college basketball media know you are interested in the BC job, you gave the position a bit more appeal. However, you are never ever ever ever getting the job. Like ever. Putting aside Calhoun's obnoxious comments about BC over the years, his sketchy relationship with NCAA rules and inability to graduate players, the biggest issue with Calhoun is his age. The man is weeks away from turning 72. Brad Bates specifically mentioned energy for this job. Do you think he wants a guy who recently broke his hip and has battled cancer?

BC should have hired Calhoun in 1986. We didn't and it changed the course of UConn and BC basketball forever. But this is not the time.

As for real candidates, I've learned that Bates doesn't have a tight or final list yet. He's talking to plenty of people and getting background. Amaker is being considered but is not the leading candidate. In fact there is no "leading candidate." When Wake Forest forced out Bzdelik, some speculated that they locked up Howland. Yet reports Friday say that they are going after Shaka Smart first.

I also predict in the coming days you will hear unnamed sources or talking heads saying that BC is not a good job. Nonsense. Most of that is coming from coaches and assistants who won't even get contacted. I am not delusional with regards to our place in college basketball or that we need to invest in facilities and up our basketball budget, but unless a coach has a better job than BC, he would take the BC job. Just know that regardless of what the Boston media says, if Tommy Amaker stays at Harvard it is not because he didn't want to coach at BC.


  1. ATL, many on this board find this NOT TO BE an issue for BC.

    a "sketchy relationship with NCAA rules and inability to graduate players"


    It is hysterical that Calhoun would even throw his hat in the ring. Is this some kind of joke???

  2. I do not think this should be a consideration at all

    "Do you think he wants a guy who recently broke his hip and has battled cancer?"

  3. 1999, 2004, 2011.

    If Bates can do better, then fine. It is a good name to have in the mix and it is worth exploring.

  4. Atl, you may realize where the BC program falls in the basketball universe, but you have a hard time judging other programs/coaching positions. It's not hard at all to see Amaker turning down the BC job. With that said, the Calhoun interest is pretty laughable.

  5. Bravesbill:

    I know "sources" are lame, but I do believe the people that tell me Amaker really wants the BC job. But if he stays at Harvard it won't be because he turned down BC but rather we didn't offer him the job.

  6. Gotcha. I thought it was your opinion instead of being based on sources.

  7. Jim Calhoun : BC :: Adolph Rupp : Duke

  8. I just read the David Tannenwald piece on Amaker. It was well done and in some depth:


    The article makes clear that Amaker has developed a support group of Black Harvard Alumni and other members of the local and national black communities, which serve his tenure as head coach.

    If I were him, I would be reluctant to have to undertake building a similar support group from scratch at Boston College.

    The easier course for Amaker would be to continue to dominate the Ivy League for a few more years, until Coach K retires, then take over at his alma mater, Duke.

  9. Coach K may retire in a day or two.

  10. I find it bizarre that this report came out, but it only could have if Calhoun was seriously interested. It's not a fit for so many reasons (if Pearl was untouchable, Calhoun is 100x worse). Buuuuuuut, There's no doubt he would immediately redeem the credibility of the program, restock the talent pool, and only be able to stick around 4-5 years. Yes it makes no sense for so many reasons, but I can't say I'd be upset. Larry Brown is 73 and has rebuilt SMU from nothing. Calhoun could absolutely do the same. Plus to hear the crying from UConn supporters would be hilarious.

  11. OR, Calhoun could just want some of the enjoyment of coaching but not have the commitment to do all the work -- i.e. like Bobby Ross when he went to coach football at Army

  12. Not likely. Calhoun is ultra competitive. He wouldn't come back to be a Jim Boeheim/Coach K/Rick Pitino/Roy Williams punching bag.

    It is not going to happen, but I would be more than OK with it if it did.

  13. BC needs a bad "fit" to blow the doors off the hinges and change the culture that has made Conte a morgue.
    Calhoun is a gigantic coaching talent. Bates would be foolish not to hear him out. The only issue for me would be his health and energy. I normally would prefer somebody younger than 55 for this kind of job - but there are always exceptions. When some of you guys get to be over 50 - you'll experience how ugly and pervasive age discrimination really is. I give credit to Calhoun.

  14. This would show that God has a really whacked-out sense of humor, and likes to annoy UConn fans.

  15. Anyone care to chime in on why Buzz Williams sees the VaTech job as preferable to BC? I think Buzz is a pretty good coach.

    Let's take some of that good Flynn Fund money and throw it at Shaka, BAYBAYYYY....

  16. NB has the kind of attitude that destroys sports. no morals. No scruples. Nothing more than vicarious pleasure. Empty. Hollow. worthless. Destructive. Go away NB and stay away from my Alma mater. You and your ilk are disgusting.

  17. Let me guess that "Joseph" and "Mod34b" are either the same person or part of the same cadre. The matches of language and attitude are just too similar to be a coincidence.

    Perhaps one of you "two" should suggest who you would like to see as the BC basketball coach?

  18. The BC job is lousy. We won't pay squat first and foremost.

    Look at what Pearl and Buzz Williams are making. Can you imagine BC paying anything close to that for coaches of that caliber? We can't even afford ot poach Cooley.

    There is no recruiting base to speak of. The fan support is non-existant.

    ATL and others have such a BC centric view of college sports that they can't see objectively.

    We'd be lucky to get Ammaker. In spite of what ATL says, there is absolutely a possiblity he could pick Harvard over BC. Shaka Smart says "hello".

  19. ATLEAGLE - I have to disagree with you. I think Calhoun will be considered for the job and is a strong possibility. Both BC and Calhoun have a lot to benefit from this union. I think if Bates, Leahy and Calhoun sat down together in a room they would all come to realize it very quickly. And let's not forget one thing - basketball needs to be a revenue generating sport and Calhoun is a proven winner at that. This point cannot be avoided.

  20. PC, VCU, and GWU were all done tonight. So Bates now has some more candidates to interview with.

  21. If we keep all our players, a good coach will do some damage with these guys.

    By "keeping" I mean a lot of them don't leave or transfer.

    With encouragement and better coaching, we can be pretty good next year.

  22. Mod can't be Joseph. Mod has actual valued contributions on this blog (outside the whole Pearl nonsense) whereas Joseph is just a troll. "Hollow. worthless. Destructive." He should go away and stay away from my Alma mater. Him and his ilk are disgusting.


  23. Joseph - Are you this board's version of the pontificating judgmental little old church lady? Just remember Joseph that by not saying anything people will only think you are stupid.

    of the meatheads. And you shouldn't say things on these boards that you wouldn't say in person.

  24. Anonymous7:36 AM

    I vote yes.

  25. Call me paranoid but I say this is a ploy by Calhoun, to infiltrate Boston College and get us to drop our opposition to letting UCONN join the ACC. I smell a rat…

  26. Coach K, with some of the best talent in the game, gets knocked out of the first round for the second time in three years. Amaker may be heading to Duke soon. Whoever BB hires it will be an upgrade. Just a publicity stunt by Calhoun.

  27. I'm w/ ATL that it's too late for JC @ BC. To think we had a chance at one of the greatest coaches of all time in 86 and chose the wrong Irishman. He never let us forget it. Beating us 19 times in a row till 2 guys named Skinner and Bell came along to straighten things out.

    If it were real though I'd love to be at the first practice he ran w/ our current group of players to see the looks on their faces about half way through. I'd also love to be a fly on the wall in the admissions office the first time he walked an ap over.

    He would come across as the ultimate hypocrite if he did this. After getting on us for the move to the ACC, how could he justify doing this to UCONN .

  28. Six ACC teams in the tourney. Five win their first game. Only Duke disgraces the conference with a loss to a 14 seed. The best coach on the Duke campus is the football coach not Coach K.

  29. That's pretty harsh Ned. He has won 4 championships after all. Plus after the game he did visit the Mercer locker room and congratulate them. Pure class all the way. And NCST did lose in the same round after blowing a huge double digit lead late....because they couldn't hit free throws.

  30. I agree with Eagle94.

  31. Ned

    Bravesbill is right Coack K is the Jerry York of college Basketball. I love to see them lose though, my son's a Tar Heel.

  32. Buzz Williams would've been a great get. That came out of nowhere.

    Calhoun turns 72 years old in May. he's had several recent health scares. that alone disqualifies him from consideration. next coach is going to get a 5-6 year contract, i dont think Calhoun would be able to finish that out. beyond that, most alumni over the age 30 that i know loathe Calhoun.

    Coach K also has 2 gold medals in addition to the 4 chips. anything can happen in single elim knock out tournaments.

  33. So let me get this straight a hall of fame coach with 3 national titles has interest in being our coach and people on this board so no way. What am I missing? Go ask how SMU about their decision to hire Larrry Brown. Calhoun would give us instant credibility which we sorely lack at this point, the program is completely dead at the moment, don't kid yourself. He could certainly coach for 4 years and then turn it over to a coach in waiting. I hear great things about the guy at "Quickinthesac" he is a former assistant under Calhoun. This is a no brainer if he wants it give it to him now. It is ridiculous that anyone would immediately say no. I do not want some guy from a mid major who had a nice tourney run, these guys never work out, or at least rarely. We need someone who will attract big time recruits and Calhoun would immediately do that. It is all about recruiting. I was not a huge fan of the Adazzio hire but the guy is recruiting his tail off and doing a great job.

  34. Thanks Bravesbill

    Lenny your true colors have shown through after these many years and it ain't pretty.

    And no, i am not Joseph. I can't stand most of his posts, but i am not interested in censorship.

  35. "Only Duke disgraces the conference with a loss to a 14 seed."

    So we have another moron here. It was a basketball game. It had nothing to do with moral leadership. Get an effing life you guys this is not WWIII or a supreme court decision. Can you get your heads around that it sports and all you get out of it is "mine is bigger than yours"( and if it it is, so what". Totally weird BS.

  36. mod34b:

    My only colors are maroon and gold (not red and yellow, Reebok and UU).


    All I can say is that, as I have done all these years, I sign my real name to every one of my posts and my opinions.

    Let me know when you can do the same.


    BTW if you guys can talk about Jim Calhoun --OMG---then I can ask about Paul Westhead? I hear his gig coaching the Oregon women's team has come to an end. May he could just advise on his SYSTEM. I would love to see "run and gun" at BC. Westhead is only 75. Even mod34b and Jospeh would have to admit he;s clean and honest:

    "What I do is kind of a special way to play and when you can get it going and it works, it's really exciting and captivating and the players and fans really seem to get involved," Westhead said in 2009. "When it doesn't and you lose, you wind up out. It's kind of clear-cut. With my deal, you're either good or you're bad, no in between. It either works or it doesn't."


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