BC Fan Resources

Friday, March 21, 2014

Tweets of the Week


  1. Jim Calhoun...

  2. It will be great hire if possible, but the problem is how much can we afford to pay him.

  3. Great hire? BB says long term and Calhoun is 71.


    "We won't play BC after they leave here. I have no desire to play Boston College," Calhoun was quoted as saying in The Hartford Courant. "Not for the fact that they are leaving, but how they did it. I will not play Boston College as long as I'm here.''

  4. People were worried about Pearl running a clean program, and Calhoun isn't laughed out of the building?

  5. Boo hoo! Calhoun was quoted he wouldn't play BC 10 years ago.

    1999, 2004, 2011.

    I am more than OK with Calhoun chasing a fourth NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP at BC. If Bates can get someone better, then great, but BC can do a lot worse than a proven winner.

  6. Joseph

    It will be his final job and he will not use BC HC job as a stepping stone. Other young candidates might go for interview after getting some success here like Jags did. He will groom his assistant like Kevin Ollie and the assistant can take over upon retirement of Calhoun.

    Also, that comment he would not play BC again was 10 years ago and now a lot of schools have moved another conference for better revenue including Uconn.


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