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Friday, September 19, 2014

What Not to Wear

With the welcome news that BC will not use the Red Bandana uniforms again this season, the BC Twitterers and BC blogosphere went into overdrive about BC's current and future uniforms. Brian recapped the cross talk and outlined a basic plan I agree with, however, he didn't spend as much time on the "fashion don'ts" as I would have liked. Because if there is one person that BC should be taking fashion tips from, it is a blogger dad in his late 30s who wears about three different things and doesn't have to talk to recruits.

Rule No. 1: No more white pants
It is not even an after Labor Day rule. There is no historical justification for it and I closely associate it with the Gene DeFilippo era. Except for a designated special uniform day, our home pants should always be gold. No exception. On the road, I prefer the gold pants for historic reasons, but will accept the maroon pants (see Rule No. 3).

Rule No. 2: No white stripe helmet
I am okay with the stained glass effect (on a maroon stripe). I liked the wounded warrior helmets. I thought the red bandana helmets were appropriately subtle. I don't mind a solid gold helmet as a throwback. But all variations to the BC helmet should be under clearly defined specialty days. No random usage of the white stripe a.k.a. the 49ers helmet.
One could argue about the fun or early victories associated with the white pants. But the white stripe will always scream Spaz football to me. Do we want that kind of association? I know the history of the maroon stripe is not that old, but it is clean, classic and closely associated with BC Football. Embrace it and use it in most of our games.

Rule No. 3: No in-season variations to the road uniform scheme
My preference for all BC road games is a white jersey and gold pants. I can live with maroon pants. I never want to see the white pants again. But whatever BC does, I just want consistency. Pick a road uniform combo and stick with it for multiple seasons. When people flip on the channel, they should see the uniform and think "that's BC." Use the home games for the gimmicks. On the road you set a tone for the opponents and opposing fans. Establish a look and then go win a bunch of road games.


  1. I agree. Gold pants over white pants all day, home and away.

  2. Maroon long sleeve shirts and base layer long johns home and away.

  3. We should have a simple maroon jersey / gold pants for home and white jersey / gold pants for away. The Flutie-era uniform should be our alternate, which would be worn for one or two games per year.

  4. Just be consistent. Pick home and away combos and stick with them. Period. Deviate only for the red bandanna game and maybe one other.

    If we choose to stick with maroon (h)/ white (a) tops and gold bottoms, all the better.

  5. I'm with SaturdaysOnShea - period.

  6. To quote myself from Twitter last week: "If they win, they can wear clown suits for all I care."

  7. ATL, how do you feel about white pants?

    On a serious note, I always felt like white pants in sports was dumb. Can see through, can't keep clean, etc.


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