BC Fan Resources

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Basketball can't close gap against UNC

BC played hard and made it interesting at times, but they never led during the game and couldn't pull out the upset against UNC. The Tar Heels are a good team with a lot of talent. That is the main story. But as to why BC lost this one: it came down to rebounding and turnovers.

The rebounding was frustrating to watch too. Every time BC cut the lead, UNC would seemingly extend it again off of a rebound. The offensive boards weren't great either. It seemed that BC was so focused on defending the transition, they gave up some second chance points.

Bowman scored 33 and Robinson chipped in 18. Conte was filled, but too many in attendance were wearing blue.

BC is back on the court Wednesday night. Nothing is a must win, but the team could use another confidence booster.  


  1. at least they seem to be playing basketball, and are better than last year.

    The players are young and if they add a real dominant 4 star player, things cold change in a big way.
    The real question is about the coach.

    Is he on the brink of success- particularly with these players or will it be more of the same?
    I think he gets another year.
    If not real success then it becomes sayonara time.

  2. Christian was extended for an extra year last year. I think he has 4 years left. The team has shown some progress this year so I think he'll get another chance next year. And yes, basketball is a sport where one really good recruit can make a big difference.

  3. And the losing beat goes on. As far as sports goes, BC is a losing, bottom of the conference school.

  4. Another loss ......we're young, one recruit or two away, coach should get another year, this was a good team we played........another loss.....and time keeps on slippen, slippen, slippen into the future.....I want to fly like an eagle.

  5. Robinson had a mismatch that wasn't taken advantage of in the second half when UNC had a much smaller guard defending him.

    BC seemed to shoot a lot of threes in the last ten minutes that didn't hit.

    I would like to see them do what Al Skinner did in his early years which was push the team to go to the basket and win/stay close in games by hitting free throws.

    This team is functional now at least which is completely unexpected after last season and the non-conference games this season.

    Losing to Hartford/Fairfield and Jack Nickalus St still bothers me.

  6. There are still growing pains to deal with, but the improvement is clear. Ky Bowman is a treat to watch...very exciting player.

  7. Falcons rule ! Matt Ryan MVP!!!

  8. Good one! Now we need Brady to get there too

  9. Old fashion pro-style pocket QBs are still the best. Dazoshit doesn't understand that.

  10. Boston born, raised and never left. I want Atlanta to win this one, big time.

    Which schools have a Heisman winner and a Super Bowl winning QB? Notre Dame, Michigan, Navy, Oklahoma, UCLA . . .

  11. I am with Knuckle all the way on this one.

  12. Too bad Ryan never achieved this level of success with BC.


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