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Sunday, January 22, 2017

BC loses recruit and other links

BC lost one of its verbals as Ohio prospect DeAri Todd switched to Michigan State. It seems like a higher percentage of BC recruits have to flipped away this year. Hopefully Addazio will steal a few from other schools in the next week or two before Signing Day.

The Women's Basketball team lost again. They are now 1-6 in ACC play.

The Women's Hockey team swept Vermont this weekend.

And finally, some BC guy is in the Super Bowl. I might have a thing or two to say about him in the next two weeks.


  1. Congratulations to the classy Matt and Jags who was able to take a "diamond in the rough" to the Heights.

  2. This Cycle's recruiting is very worrisome.

  3. So Daz continues to land mostly two star Mac level recruits. Great. Just great. And BC is going to be competitive in the ACC? Yea, when Hollywood becomes conservative.

  4. GE. Daz has produced the second worst recruiting class in ACC (little Wake is worse) and in bottom ten classes in all of P5

    But this actually is a slight improvement over last year.

    Daz is building a machine that can beat the bad teams, lose to all good teams, go 6-6 and win bad bowls

  5. Great job by Matt Ryan. How dumb and clueless do the TOB critics look today? Ryan is the third QB TOB recruited and coached to make a Super Bowl. Wilson and Hasselbeck being the other two. Has any college coach in history equaled that fete? Has any college coach ever produced two super bowl QBs? Couple that amazing achievement with the fourth best bowl record in history and you may have the most accomplished coach of all time. Herbstreit and Fowler must be ashamed of the lies they told a decade ago about Ryan. Another media fabrication.This year Ryan had the fifth highest QB rating in NFL history.2. Mike Leech weighed in on the SEC. Said they were nothing special. They all run a simplistic offense. Run right. Run left. Play action. Those SEC offenses sound like the one being run at BC which has produced ten points a game in conference play the last two years. Passing attacks can produce points and victories. A concept completely alien to DAZ.

  6. Matt Ryan, BC and TOB, a legacy of mediocrity!

  7. oh boy -- yeaster is back.. EVERYONE IGNORE THIS ASSHOLE

  8. Go back to NC and pick some tobacco.

  9. Ned - you might be right. Ara Parseghian coached 2 SB QBs (Montana and Theisman). But in 1970 era ND had a the creram of the crop... TOB had to really find 'diamonds sin the rough'

    While TOB gets credit for coaching Wilson, he had a horrible relationship with him and in fact did not recognize his talent as a QB. So i am dubious about giving TOB too much credit for RW's success. RW had to transfer to get PT.

    Here is a list of school with starting SB QBS SB QB by school

  10. How did BC do against UNC this weekend?

  11. When is the NCAA going to finally hammer outlaw UNC and it's fantom academic programs for athletes?

    Give me a break, Craig. Start requiring your teams to attend real classes in areas of study worthy of the great state of North Carolina.

    What a disgrace.

  12. But I am the bad guy for pointing out CY is a waste of food oxygen.
    UNC - the bastion of southern integrity. How many players at UNC can actually spell UNC?

  13. Poor little BC, can't compete with the big boys. How sad.

  14. Lads, Craig is just a provocateur. This is how he gets his jollies. Mod is right. Let's just ignore him.

  15. Meh, Matt Ryan had his Heisman-caliber year...under the direction of Jags. TOB probably harmed Wilson more than he helped him. Another oops on his part. So TOB has 1 year of Matt Hasselbeck to hang his hat on (and honestly, Hasselbeck wasn't very good in college).

  16. Mod, he told Russell Wilson to pick football or baseball. That is it. Guy was injury prone in college too.

    One year Matt or Tim because Matt made the Superbowl with Seattle as well. Seattle got screwed on a PI call that should have called against Pitt. Otherwise Seattle would have won. Back judge who missed the call was from Pitt.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. If the new AD has any sense, he or she will fire Addazio and hire Chip Kelly after another mediocre/down year. I'm holding out hope that Chip Kelly stays unemployed for at least a year so BC can hire him.

  19. If BC finishes below 6-6 next year, it's time to fire Addazio.

  20. Addazio has 8 days to add to his recruiting class. Just lost DeAri Todd , a 6'4" 235lb. DE (2 star) to Michigan State. I do not know if this is a big loss, but the class was not a stellar group to begin with !! Will be interesting to follow for the next 8 days - will BC raid another school's recruiting list - or lose more of their current recruits - or will they announce more transfers coming to Chestnut Hill ?? Does anyone on this Board hear any rumors of BC pursuing transfers ??? Without at least 1 DT or NT coming on board , they had better be injury free on the interior D-Line next year. Thanks for any info !!

  21. Someone brought up interesting post about drop back pocket passers. To me this isite where BC got off track, but there is still time. The spread is still all the rage, we will never get elite spread QB. We should be zigging why others are zigging. We should be looking for that drop back pocket passers. With everyone looking for spread we would have a better chance.

  22. If they turn things around maybe they can play in a December 28th bowl game in 5 years.

  23. BC should recruit Catholic schools across the country.
    They should pursue the height and smarts and size and grit for O-line and D-Line
    They should pursue the step slower BUT smarter pass route runners. Out position and out time the defense.
    Recruit speed as much as possible for LBs, DBS
    For quarterback above average skills (to be coached up), strong arm AND most important - a brain in their head that can hamdle a pro offense and reads
    A running back that can break a game open or keep a defense honest.
    JFC - why can't Daz find these players in the niche that BC, ND, etc recruit in?
    I am tired of second tier recruits representing a proud tradition of football.
    Bill Flynn is rolling over in his grave.

  24. Craig Yeaster- do you squat to piss?
    Go support UNC and leave intelligent people in peace.
    Your mother (slash second cousin) is calling you to dinner and to slop the hogs

  25. Max - "They should pursue the step slower BUT smarter pass route runners. Out position and out time the defense."

    I agree 100 percent - we need wide receivers who can run routes with precision (not necessarily the same as speed) and help out their QB when he's forced to scramble - and who can catch the pass.

    Guys like I have watched over the years like Art Graham, Jim Whelan, Barry Gallop, Ed Rideout, Brian Brennan, Gerard Phelan, Darren Flutie, Tom Waddle, Mel Briggs, Dave Zumbach, Pete Mitchell, Brandon Robinson, Rich Gunnell. I'm sure there are many more who could get open and reel in the pass. We have consistently dropped passes under Addazio. Which is really bad, because we can't afford that.

    "For quarterback above average skills (to be coached up), strong arm AND most important - a brain in their head that can handle a pro offense and reads"

    Let's find the present day version of (Dorchester)Jack Concannon (R.I.P - died of a heart attack in 2005 at the age of 62) - who got me super excited about BC Football in the first place. The guy scored on the first play from scrimmage several times. There was no such thing called the "zone read", back then, but whatever it was, if he saw the opening, he took off running for big gains - and he could pass as well. He was a drop back passer who could move. Of course we know about our other great QB's, but this guy isn't mentioned too often, because that was back in the early 60's. He was exciting to watch. He had legal problems and all that - but I'm just saying that a guy with that ability should be found by BC through its recruiting efforts.

  26. There are 2 basic philosophies:
    1) focus on your short comings or
    2) focus on your strengths
    I have always been a person to focus on strengths and make others play your game. BC will never compete with elites on shear talent. BUT this is not the only aspect to the game. Precision routes, grit, determination, resilience to adversity, team first, intelligence, tough line play, etc. No one should be in BC class when it come to this. We have lost are way. I hope we find it back soon. Uniqueness is a quality that is hard to describe. Even harder to obtain.

  27. Remember Keith Miller and Ivan Boyd.

    Coughlin ran the first tunnel screen I ever saw to Ivan Boyd. When I saw that I was hooked on BC football.

  28. You have to think a player like Harold Landry or even Ky Bowman on the basketball team could help recruit a 4 year QB to BC. Or a player like Sweeney or Stachan.

    I don't know why we cannot procure a decent QB with the history the school has at the position. Very frustrating.

  29. A good AD should realize that BC needs to treat recruiting like a science (as well as an art) and needs to bring assets to bear under the central direction of an athletics recruiting coordinator and focused staff to assist coaches and their assistants in all programs and in the entire recruiting process. Recruiting excellence must become a major priority of the entire Athletics Department. One of their many roles could be to identify Catholic high school kids and their coaches early that BC should be targeting and building relationships. I get the sense that the coaches and assistants do everything now. BC needs an edge to compete. It has to work smarter.

  30. On WBB - when Brad Bates extended Johnson's contract in 2015 he said:

    "Erik Johnson is an outstanding leader who embodies the Boston College motto of ‘Ever to Excel’. Erik has built a sound foundation for our women’s basketball program and has it headed in the right direction. Our program is in good hands."

    Johnson's Record vs. ACC: 12-48


  31. Any update on Bates' status at all?
    He should never have given Johnson an extension.

    Add Ivan Boyd and the speedy Alex Amidon to the above list of receivers.

    Is it my imagination or could Amidon get open more than Jeff Smith can? I don't know which player was faster, but some guys can get open more than others, everything else being equal. I predict that Smith will make big strides, and I hope he becomes our next Amidon. And I hope he catches those passes when the team needs him to the most.

  32. I nominate NB as the BC Sports Recruiting Czar, especially for Football.

  33. For the life of me, I will never understand why BC doesn't recruit the Catholic high schools around the country bigly. Really, there's only BC and ND for kids who value that type of education and want to play football. CA is fertile recruiting ground for Catholic high school athletes (I think BC finally got 2 or 3 guys this year from CA Catholic high schools).

  34. Amadon could catch the ball. Smith has poor hands.


  35. Re Bates - From a blogger on another site - could be total nonsense:

    "And I have on good authority from the same source that Coughlin will never take the AD job. In fact, they are going in an entirely different direction - YOUNG:

    Here is who is supposedly on the short list:

    Jill Bodensteiner (ND AsstAD)

    Pete Garcia (FIU AD)

    Michael Alford (OSU AsstAD)

    They like Alford best but no one thinks he will be available come next summer, and Garcia has a gig and might not bite given all the University's problems. Put your money on Bodensteiner - a Catholic and highly qualified."

    A more recent update from the same person:

    "BB and The Dazzler each will remain until his respective contract expires on its terms. That is the only condition that the admin will allow personnel changes from now on, I am told, as they are tired of paying people not to work, failures or not. I have this info on the highest authority.

    By the way, two of the new AD candidates I mentioned in the other thread are moving into advanced vetting and negotiation stages, but I am hearing there is one new candidate that I can't get a name on - apparently there is a very tight circle of people who even know that he/she is under consideration for AD for fear of a leak because he/she is currently locked up under another deal. The only thing I could get out of my source is that, if they land this candidate, everyone will be completely floored. Word is that the due diligence is done for all and its just waiting on the unknown candidate's decision and agreement on time and numbers, but they won't announce anything until June 1, at the earliest regardless, when they confirm that BB is not being re-upped."

    Assuming this has an ounce of validity - being floored doesn't necessarily mean being happy.

    This is the only thing I have heard re Bates. Again - could be total BS.

  36. I laugh every time I see Lou Holtz - in print or on TV. Absolutely the biggest a@@@@@@ ever. Liar, cheater and all- around d@@@. I love how after all these year Coughlin sticking it so far up his butt he has never recovered. He is like everyone's old, useless and drunk uncle.

  37. When Lou Holtz speaks on tv - you can almost feel the spit shooting out of his mouth. He sounds like somebody from a Looney Tunes cartoon - not sure which one. If they'd get him to say "sufferin sucatash" three times - then I might recall.


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