BC Fan Resources

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Banks decommits

At a time when Addazio could use some good news, he got bad instead. New Jersey OLine prospect Khris Banks reopened his recruiting and decommitted from BC. He claims that BC is still in the mix, but that he just feels like he committed too early. Most of the online gurus think he is headed to Rutgers. What is ironic about Banks, is that although he might be the first decommitment of this class, his motivation doesn't seem to be driven by BC's rough start. Rutgers also sits at 1-2 with no real sign of turning a corner.

Some BC friendly folks have floated that BC cooled on Banks and has less need for offensive linemen in this class now that Baker is redshirting. I don't buy that logic at all. If BC likes a guy, they will find a spot for him and squeeze out an underperformer currently on the roster. Who knows? Maybe the staff will stay on him and get him to sign in February.

While Banks' change of heart may be personal, there will be others. Decommits happen in good years. They are more common when things go bad. As much as Addazio is trying to turn things around on the field, I hope he stays vigilant with the recruits. This class was shaping up to be his best. It would be a shame to see it fall apart. 


  1. Daz must go! Clean house and start from scratch. If we lose some recruits, so be it.

  2. More reason to fire Daz now and name Chip Kelly coach even sooner.

  3. You can only keep losing for so long. At some point you even start losing recruits to places like Temple, Buffalo and Kent State. Like a failing business whose Board never removed poor management, we are heading towards football bankruptcy.

  4. The three previous comments say it all.

  5. AMEN !!! AMEN !!!! AMEN !!!!


    ITE ! ! ITE ITE !!! (GO-GO -GO)

  6. Chip Kelly would certainly bring the dying football program back to life. Even non-BC fans living in New England would be going to the games. BC has a chance to make college football a big deal in New England. With Brady and Belichick nearing their retirement, the timing couldn't be more perfect.

  7. can someone show me the overwhelming evidence that shows that chip kelly wants to coach at boston college? this is starting to remind me of all of the "TC FOR AD" rhetoric

  8. He has a house in NH and is a New England guy. That said, you would have to pay him a lot and give him total control (i.e. minimal interference from administration). Neither of which is guaranteed at BC. Plus he will have other opportunities (likely college, not NFL) that he will be considering.

    1. Chip could coach a southern school where college football is religion but would he really want that headache? Especially if he doesn't meet expectations? If he goes to a place like BC, his expectations won't he high right off the bat; he'll have time to settle in and rebuild the program. Whereas if he goes to say Texas; they'll tear him apart if they don't go to a major bowl his first year. He was burned twice by NFL teams who set lofty expectations for him and fired him after only a few seasons. Maybe it's just me, but I believe BC would be a perfect fit for Chip. If BC wins, the fan base increases and college football expands in the Northeast, if they lose; you get some groans from die hard BC fans but not the death threats and pressure you receive from coaching at a school like Alabama.

  9. As I've said before, don't blame Daz for everything. He is making some progress. His Offense vs ND was one of his best days yet. 400 yards offense. More first downs than ND; time of possession and passing yards better than ND.

    D was the problem. Fire Reid. Don't think firing Daz is the answer. The quickest way for BC to be a winning ACC team is with Daz at the helm not Mr New Guy (who won't be Chip or Brian or anyone you stiffs are ga-ga over)

    Surrounded by F'ing morons.

    1. You're right, how stupid of me. We need to give Addazio a 10 year extension through the 2027 season after Clemson wins 66-10. But at least BC will put 10 points up on the board, after all; Ohio State didn't score against Clemson in the college football playoff. YOU AND ADDAZIO SHOULD WORK FOR CNN. YOU'RE BOTH GREAT AT SPINNING THE TRUTH.

  10. Chris, I of course would love to have a guy like that on the sidelines too! just curious how its picking up steam here

    p.s. this knucklehead fiasco is too good

    1. Wait until after BC loses by 50 plus against Clemson, I'm sure Jarmond will give Chip a call. Lets put this conversation on hold until after the CLEMSON MASSACRE.

  11. The supposedly "fake" Khead spouts the same pro-Daz illogical arguments as the real turd.

  12. wannabeKnucklehead,

    It is entirely stupid to think that anyone who reads these comments(if they do) cannot tell the difference between the real knucklehead and the one who mocks him under the same handle name.

    You literally are a moron.

    So keep it up squid. I mean it too. No reverse psychology.

    You don't even know what ND means.

  13. (S)T(D)GS is back. Like I said. I am surrounded by fucking morons.

  14. Chip has problems with the NCAA. He isn't getting hired by Boston College.

    It is Greg Schiano, Brian Kelly or Don Brown(I don't know that he wants to deal with public relations part of the job but $3 million a year might fix that).

  15. We have a mediocre to bad head coach who is a hot head. Why would we want to choose from two more coaches who were mediocre coaches who are hot heads?

    Chip has served his time to the NCAA. There is no show cause. Rumors in the now distant past were that he was interested in BC before finding success at Oregon. Maybe after a distraction in the NFL he wants to get back to his roots and wants to break records at a New England school.

  16. Schiano and Brian Kelly are better than mediocre. Dazzler is far below mediocre.

  17. Schiano was a .500 coach (1 game over, to be fair) at rutgers. He benefited from years of a very down Big East, and still didn't do much. Mediocre.

    Brian Kelly oversaw that death of a GA and has managed to underachieve at ND (which is quite the feat). While I'd kill for the records now, Kelly's ceiling at BC is a more red-faced TOB.

  18. With everything that has transpired - I'm really not sure how attractive BC would be to a
    coach with a lot of options. Especially if Leahy is still at the helm. Any new hire would be vetted by Leahy and his judgment is one of the main reasons we are in the current position.
    And that assumes Leahy is willing to pay off Addazio's contract this early. With Leahy - we either have Addazio for one or two more seasons or he gets paid off and Jarmond gets to hire a
    an underwhelming name with potential at a good price. I don't see how a hot commodity like Moorehead chooses us over a historically stronger program. If Leahy is out of the picture and they haven't replaced him with some anti sports nerd - a lot more is possible.

  19. Overall numbers are overall numbers. Turn them into whatever you want.

    Schiano was 65-47 after his first two seasons at Rutgers . . . after he turned around the worst big conference program in college football(maybe Kansas is worse).

    Kelly was 19-16 at Central Michian(1 st season was tough). He was 34-6 at Cinci.

    The student assistant died in a wind storm accident if I recall. If the kid didn't want to do the job he shouldn't have done it. No bearing on his ability to coach. His programs are clean.

    When Schiano and Kelly aren't good enough I question whether or not you are rational.

    It is Chip Kelly or bust.

    Again, I am surrounded by morons.

  20. DAZ as head a very bad joke . Sayonara to a mega loser !

  21. I'm vying for Bo Pelini. The guy amassed 7 consecutive years of 9+ wins at Nebraska and that wasn't good enough for them. So now he's at FCS Youngstown State. His brother Carl is the D-Coordinator so bring him as well. You gotta pay him $3m-$4m though. The man can flat out coach and recruit. Bring in Pelini.

  22. Hard pass on Bo. The guy is an idiot. How many times did he get in trouble for doing something stupid at Nebraska? Dude is an even bigger hothead than Daz.

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