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Thursday, September 21, 2017

BC-Clemson preview

I think my best and worst in-person moments as a BC fan happened at Clemson. The best was watching the 2007 team clinch the division in Death Valley. The worst was two years later when Spaz played purely to keep it close during a multi-hour lightning delay. I won't be there in-person this weekend. I am hoping that I regret not going and BC wins. That would be nice. But deep down I think all I am going to miss is seeing another blowout.

What's on my mind (not totally related to this game)
I know all assistant coaching profiles tend to glowing and used to build up a narrative. But even with that understanding, there is a lot to like about Joe Moorhead after reading this feature in SI. I have no idea what Jarmond has in mind if (or when) he needs to replace Addazio, but Moorhead checks many of my boxes. He has game management experience, program management experience, regional familiarity, history at a Jesuit school, and most of all Xs & Os acumen. In coaching changes you tend to emphasize what the new guy has that the old guy was lacking. Addazio is clearly not a good game manager or offensive wiz. Those two areas would be Moorhead's strengths. The concern about a guy like Moorhead would be if he could recruit at a high enough level to compete consistently. I am willing to roll the dice on that issue if the trade off is we have competent coaching and can score consistently. (Now that I've written this, Addazio will probably pull off the biggest upset in BC history this weekend and save his job.)

1. Play like the OLine played last week. The rebound performance of the OL was probably the best thing of the Notre Dame loss. They made Hilliman and Brown look better and BC was able to move the ball. This week this will be tougher. Clemson has arguably the best front seven in the country. Their goal is to get to the QB. If our OL can control the trenches, BC might not win, but it will give me hope for the remaining games on the schedule.
2. Bring pressure again and again and again. The ever increasing shift to read and react is not going well. I know the Brown style aggressiveness has its own risks, but I would rather see us allowing big plays off of getting burned deep rather than missed tackles as guys wait back.
3. Don't allow Bryant to run all over us. Three games and three times the other QB has had a field day running on us. That can't happen this week.

Gambling Notes
-- BC has lost four straight at Clemson
-- Addazio is 0-4 against Clemson
-- Clemson has won six straight in the series
The current line is Clemson+34

Since joining the ACC, Addazio is the only BC coach without a win over Clemson. Remember even Spaz beat them once.

Scoreboard Watching
Seeing how a past opponent does sometimes gives you context on your game. For example, Northern Illinois upsetting Nebraska makes BC's win look a little more respectable. This week I will be paying attention to the Notre Dame-Michigan State game. My hunch is that Notre Dame is not that great. But if they whip up on the Spartans, then maybe part of last week's problem was getting an ascending team at the wrong time.

What I hope to see...
Davon Jones make an impact right away on D. I don't mind his move to LB. We need depth there and he's not getting on the field on Offense. I believe he is valuable, so having him sit on the sidelines is useless. I hope he is a natural on D and makes some plays right away.

BC is in trouble if...
We don't score in the high 20s. Addazio can talk up any stat he wants, but scoring remains the only stat that matters. We don't score enough -- ever -- and certainly don't score enough to upset a National Champion. Even if we slow down Clemson, the only way we are winning is by scoring 27+ points.

I don't think the game will be as close as the first half was against Notre Dame. Instead I just see Clemson building up a gradual lead throughout the game as they answer BC field goals with their own touchdowns. It is not an epic blowout, but still doesn't make anyone feel better.
Final Score: BC 20, Clemson 35


  1. 15 points? Wishful thinking kid.

  2. Good-ole ATL, the eternal optimist.

  3. Lol this is going to be an epic beat down. I doubt BC scores more than 7

  4. 34 to 17 two years ago with a true freshman making his first ever collegiate start.

    Odds of BC matching that score Saturday in Addazio Year 5?

  5. 52-10, and that's optimistic.

  6. BC scoring 20 on Clemson in Death Valley? Clemson only scoring 35 against BC in Death Valley? Come on now. Im going with 56-10.

  7. 51-16. Clemson.

    Pray to baby Jesus that Brown doesn't get hurt.

    Would like to see AJ Dillon get more carries. Would like to see 2 back sets and 3 TE sets with Kobay White 1:1.

  8. 52-3
    Khead, did you really just blame an unpaid Grad. Asst. at ND for having the audacity to get electrocuted and die while working in Brian Kelly's practice tower during a thunder storm at a practice?
    You are one sick puppy.

  9. 70-10 Clemson. Last year, at HOME, we lost 56-10. This year, we are playing at Clemson with an even worse defense.

  10. BC getting 16 is actually impressive. Clemson has a great D. They held ranked Auburn to 6 points and Louisville to 21. Clemson's DL is all future NFLers. So my prediction of 51-16 is not just guess work or the bullshit you all think i write - which i don't.

    Our D is bad news, so we won't win or even keep in close against the national Champs- who fucking cares. Our fatties on OL will tire by 3Q. We do not have the depth of stamina to go punch for punch with these mother fuckers.

    Still this will be a good scrimmage for the improving O. It will help Daz's boyz become battle tested and get the 5 more wins he needs - we need.

    All hope is not lost bitches.

    1. If Clemson is up 56-0 by the start of the fourth, then BC could put up 20 on their 3rd string players. 63-20 Clemson is my prediction.

  11. Lets hope the guys thinking big win out and we go back to competing for a spot 20-30
    yearly. Third or fourth ACC.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. 70-10 Clemson

    Also, on another note, BC needs to do a much better job marketing the program(should save this for a different thread).

    Let's start with the logo, our colors (they're never correct) and our uniforms. Let's go old school, which is trendy to young recruits, and use the Flutie-era uniforms with the correct colors.

  14. "Now that I've written this, Addazio will probably pull off the biggest upset in BC history this weekend and save his job." - literally laughed out loud.

    better chances this game is such a bludgeoning that Daz's future as an announcer becomes all but guaranteed. this is probably the best D we've faced in Daz's tenure; I doubt we score more than 13 points, and as stated by others the D is far worse this year than last. 61-9 clemson

  15. At this point, if one is to watch this game at all, look for anything positive - anything that the team can build on going forward.

    1992 54 to 7
    1993 39 to 41.

    Just saying that a team can turn around from one year to the next, although the circumstances were much different.

    But supporting the players themselves is a good thing to do IMHO. The coaches are another story altogether.

    A complete Wipeout is the beginning of the end for Addazio.

  16. Zero chance BC makes this competitive. Daz will get scared and play to just try and cover the spread. Players will mail it in once he starts that in 2nd quarter and it's a laugher for Clemson. We get to relive last years blow out.

  17. Yes. Free will allows the kid to use his judgment about whether or not to stand on a 40 foot metal crane in a fucking tornado. He must have loved Notre Dame football.

  18. If Daz is canned after this year I'm campaigning for Bo Pelini. 7 straight years of 9+ wins at Nebraska. Can recruit and coach!

  19. Not unless we are ready to pay him $4 million a year fo 5 years plus eat Addazios 2.5 for the next three years. We will have to significantly overpay to get a "name coach" to come here.

    1. And that's what we need to do to compete in the ACC. We can't hire an "up-and-comer" that could potentially fall flat on his face.

  20. @NYCeagle: Have always liked the Flutie uniforms. The gold helmets sans a red stripe rivalled those at ND. The way things are going, you just have to wonder what kind of uniforms the Patriot League will allow.

  21. You mean maroon, right? This is what I'm talking about: the colors are so bad that it misleads everyone to think that we're red instead of maroon.

    Also, our gold helmets used to look gold in the 80's. Today, they look khaki and don't even look metallic. It's terrible.

  22. First trip to Death Valley and cannot wait. Honestly traveling with my father, BC alum, to experience the current awesomeness of Clemson & Dabo. Unfortunately have zero expectations of BC and not really even interested in the game at this point because of how far we have fallen. We are just not a legitimate program anymore. 35pt underdog for a conference game is hard to comprehend for the proud program we know that BC is.

    On drive down today we listened to college sports on xm and Dabo was on. He believes in trying to play as many members of his team as possible if he can (I.e. We will win by 50 and I'll play my walk-one). Dabo is the man so he will help BC keep it as close as can be.

    50-7 Tigers

  23. Dabo will cover the spread and then let up with heavy play from the walk-ons who will stay out-play BC but the scoring will slow down. Final score:

    BC 10 Clemson 55

  24. Clemson 63 Boston College 20.

  25. the Penn State guy will be the next BC coach

    Turned Fordham around

  26. Look. Stop with the predictions. The only given is we are going to get crushed. Period. Even ATL admits that.

  27. Georgia Eagle- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_OB7Z8WV4s

  28. If you're in the ACC, you're either at the table or on the menu.

  29. have fun shabby should be epic nonetheless

    remember in '05 when matt ryan led the comeback down in death valley?

  30. Moorehead does look good. Kelley, Brown or Moorehead? Any would be a substantial upgrade.

  31. Connor is out and Davon Jones is being moved to linebacker. The defense is in sorry shape. The offense is showing some good signs. However, up the middle for the defense just like in baseball is the "bread and butter". As BJK warned, the depth is gone and "Kitty bar the door".

  32. So Nebraska loses to NIU and they fire their AD within a week. Out...gone...Huskers will eat the rest of his contract and an interim will take over....Reason given for firing by Chancellor Green:

    “Winning can and often does happen in concert with well-run, quality college programs that work to ensure the success of the student,” he said. “That’s our expectation. We take pride here in doing things right and doing the right thing, and that won’t change. This is not an either-or equation. We can and should win in that kind of environment.”

    Fr. Leahy and Mr. Jarmond, take heed!!! There is no need to wait until the end of the season to fire DAZ.

  33. Well said, Lenny.

  34. I don't think we give up more than 50.

    Against that front four that I fell in love with last year? I would say 17.

  35. Addazio wears a blue shirt during ND game. Shows contempt for his employer - no surprise.
    Henry Quinlan

  36. @henry: I did notice that and thought that it was a bit outlandish.

  37. I wonder why Pitt went for the points at the end of the first half with only seconds left?

    Addazio would have run one up the middle and let the clock run out.

    Who needs 3 points?

    We're in good hands, because there could have been a Pick 6.

  38. Looking at how future opponents are playing we might be in store for a lot of heartache

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Spread is down from -34.5 to -33.5 since Thursday.

    Over is up from 52 to 53 today.

    I am pounding the over like it is (S)T(D)GS's wife.


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