BC Fan Resources

Monday, November 12, 2018

BC optimistic about Brown

After speculation regarding his spleen and lung circled over the weekend, BC and Addazio somewhat cleared the air on the status of Anthony Brown. The Coach said "Anthony Brown had an abdominal injury. He is day-to-day, but is doing well.”

BC won't elaborate on the specifics of the injury. We know Brown was hospitalized and multiple Clemson reports said it was related to the spleen. Addazio expects Brown to practice Wednesday and there doesn't seem any reason why he won't play against Florida State. Addazio talked up Perry as well during his press conference and seems confident with either option. I am far less worried than I was 24 hours ago. I am going to assume that Brown will play and will have full mobility.

As for why Clemson reports would be more detailed and accurate...it is pretty typical. If you remember years ago, Clemson news sources had accurate information about Matt Ryan being in a walking boot while the Boston media was silent. I think our media tends to defer to BC on matters like this, especially when related to player health. How would a Clemson radio show host have the info? From their coaches or medical people who were at the game. All things considered, it is a tight network and they all talk.


  1. FSU is awful. We should be able to win with either QB. If we dont, its because we dont have the depth/talent required. The loss to Clemson was just BC getting beat down by a vastly superior team. I hate to be so blunt, but it was clear we were not in the same class. The entirety of Clemson's DLine could be first round picks. There are plenty of others on their defense who are also going to be getting paid to play. There is no one, outside of Bama, who can match that level of talent. Our defense did great under the circumstances. The offense was a different story.

  2. I disagree with the above statement. If you watched the game there were about 4 or 5 key plays that changed the outcome in their favor, most notably Brown getting hurt on our first offensive drive. I’m not saying Brown is a world beater by any means, but he can throw a 10 yard pass, which seemed more than we could ask of Perry. With Brown our Clemson loaded the box with 9 guys almost every play. The outcome could have been much different if Clemson had to respect any semblance of a passing attack, which we have with Brown but we don’t have with Perry. Your post makes it sound like they ran us out of the gym. We lost by 20 with our best player playing on one ankle and our backup QB at the helm for 4 quarters. If anything, I’d take that as a sign that we CAN compete with Clemson when fully healthy, and when our entire week of gameplanning doesn’t go down the drain due to one questionable hit on our quarterback

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  4. By several metrics, this year's Alabama team is on pace to be one of the best of the last 50 years. One of the closest matches to them in terms of utter dominance is this year's Clemson team. (Not my words - https://sports.yahoo.com/alabama-compares-best-college-football-teams-ever-184814514.html)

    In regards to Anthony Brown's throwing ability... Maybe you only watched the Wake Forest and maybe Louisville games???

    We lost by 20 and only 20 because Addazio played to kill the clock instead of air it out which probably would've resulted in more sacks, fumbles, and INTs. We definitely didn't play to win. We played to keep it close and kinda sorta succeeded. Addazio really succeeded if he convinced anyone differently.

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  6. That's not killing the clock - 3 or 4 plays and out. Addazio failed at that too

    What was the TOP differential?

    I wonder how the Clemson big boys will stack up stamina wise to Alabama's sustained drives?

    They haven't been on the field much since Syracuse

  7. Brown can pass? What planet are you on?

  8. Ndefense did a very good job considering they had no rest.

    They held high scoring Clemson to 2 touchdowns and 2 field goals.

    Better than anyone else this year.

  9. NYCEagle's comments are typical of the problem with the BC fan. Everything is always about the what could have been. Real teams and programs talk about their actual accomplishments. They celebrate conference and national championships.

    BC fans are stuck in the could have, would have and should have. Not a good look.

  10. I totally disagree with the by-now negativity from Mod an a couple of others. His numbers are correct but the characterization of the team with the term "stunk" is insulting to the players. They played to their ability and maybe even beyond. Clemson had the horses. Clemson won on their ability not BC's inability. I wish that we won. I'm glad that BC was seen as a damned good team by the polls. I am convinced as are most that with a different head coach (and probably,OC) this team would do better. But "stunk" no way.

  11. I would like to see #42 for Clemson try the shit he dropped on AB against Alabama.

    He wouldn't make it through the game. Someone would have come out of the stands.

    Unfortunately you are going to FSU and Syracuse do the same thing because there was no retaliation later in the game against Clemson.

    I said it at the beginning of the season, dark cloud Mod can look it up, the gentlemanly shit on the field has its limits.

  12. NYCEagle, I love the positive outlook, but we need to be realistic as well. Even if Brown were healthy, there would have been little difference. As for Dillon, agreed he was hobbled and could have made a difference if healthy, but that front four was so dominant against what is considered a OL with 3-4 future NFL guys on it, that it might not have mattered. They were the better team. No shame in admitting that. We actually did much, much better against them as compared to any opponent for the past month. That said, we were never in that game. There were some key plays that might have swung momentum (I think specifically about that Chevers shot at a pick 6 early), but they were simply better. The team finished with 115 yards of total offense after having less than 30 in the first half.
    That is domination. Brown is no where near as good as people are tying to make him out to be. Overall our offense is schitzo. It goes from rolling bad defenses to absolutely disappearing versus good defenses. I have never seen such wild swings.

  13. BC's most impressive wins this year are against the likes of Miami, Virginia Tech and Temple. Yet people are ready to hold a parade for them for getting to 7-3 and most likely on their way to an 8-5 season.

    When will the standards be raised?

  14. As for #42, his name is Christian Wilkins and he is actually from Springfield, MA and says he grew up a BC fan. The fact that he plays for Clemson and not BC is annoying. Where is Marc Colombo and his disdain for local kids who leave to play away when you need him? The play itself wasnt dirty. The taunting was only annoying because Brown got hurt. The fact is, Wilkins is 320 pounds and Brown is maybe 215. He got him as he threw the ball and so was exposed. It happens. Just last week Will Harris delivered a shot on the VT QB that was much, much more vicious as he let the ball go. It was a clean hit as well. This is football.

  15. "BC's most impressive wins this year are against the likes of Miami, Virginia Tech and Temple. Yet people are ready to hold a parade for them for getting to 7-3 and most likely on their way to an 8-5 season.

    When will the standards be raised?"

    You can only play the schedule you have. Before the season started, all the "experts" were saying BC would struggle to win 6 because of how hard the schedule was. In fact, it was rated #2 or #3 in national SOS to start the season. Everyone predicted they would lose to the likes of Miami, VT, Louisville, Clemson, FSU and even Cuse. For people to now take shots at that same schedule is unfair. BC ended up being slightly better than expected while some of those teams ended up being much worse. Thats how it goes.

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  17. Watched Daz's presser today. First, honestly, it is hard to deny that the guy is skilled on the mic. He should really be in broadcasting -- would be a very engaging, entertaining and knowledgeable analyst. It's also clear he is respected in the coaching community -- mentioned Dabo on a number of occasions and if you saw their post-game handshake, it was clear there is mutual admiration. Every time I watch him speak to the media my loathing for him as a coach briefly subsides....but I digress....

    His explanation for what happened on Saturday was illuminating: according to him, in college football it is near impossible to get a young backup QB the reps necessary within the game plan to be prepared to play in a game. A more seasoned backup like Wade last year is a different story. You couple that with the elite level team we were playing on Saturday, and he said that basically we had very little chance once AB went down. No team outside of Alabama would stand a chance against their talent. He didn't want to wreck Perry's confidence putting him in situations where he wasn't comfortable or couldn't succeed. And with AJ not 100% he had few options in the running game.

    Logical explanation if you are an analyst talking from studios in Bristol. But to me, this seems weak and unacceptable if you are getting paid $2.5mil per year to be a D1 Power Conference head coach. You want sympathy from the press and fans because your starting QB went down? Every kid on that defense prepared their asses off last week and it showed -- are you telling us that because AB got hurt 6 plays in it was all for nothing? Sorry dudes.... You put the next man up in the game and were down a TD at half. At halftime you throw out the original gameplan and adapt an aggressive plan within his skillset. If RPO is his strength, then fine, go heavy on RPO. Put in some basic play action on early downs because you know they are keying on AJ. That is not what happened. It was Dillon right, jet sweep right, 3rd and long pass 2 yards in front of the sticks and punt. Hope to keep it close until 4th quarter and THEN "make our move" if we could or throw up a white flag....

    Look, we all know we were long shots to win that game on Saturday even before AB went down. But I don't think we are talking about him as the second coming of Matt Ryan here. You had Gameday, a packed stadium at kickoff, a national audience and a bunch of players who played their hearts out for you. They all did their part. Didn't look like you held up your part of the bargain in the 2nd half, Daz. Get it together because FSU and Cuse are winnable games.

  18. That is the problem though. Playing the schedule you have. BC's out of conference schedule is a joke pretty much every year.

    Look at the teams they played this year. Holy Cross and UMass in the same year. Along with Purdue and Temple?

    Is there a reason they can't schedule at least one heavyweight opponent every couple of years or so?

    They aren't going to win any respect beating the likes of UConn, UMass, Holy Cross and Wagner.

  19. Tony A. -- while I agree with most of what you said above, I have to differ on your last point at 5:15. Obviously we do get respect -- we were just ranked #17 with 3 of 7 wins against those caliber teams plus a close one at perennial powerhouse Wake. The remaining against Louisville, Va Tech and Miami were all solid wins against "name" opponents, but their combined records this year are 11-19.

    With the typical balance of power in the ACC our schedule can be constructed to get us bowl eligible every year so our head coach can keep his job. That's just enough to keep fans mildly satisfied without requiring us to raise expectations. That's the reality.

  20. If brown injured his spleen or has a “ tear” or anything disrupting the integrity of it
    Sub capsular, etc it means he is out for a long time.
    Broken ribs- same deal.

    He is not in the hospital for monitoring.
    That is maybe 24 hours.

    Wish him well , but any significant visceral injury and he is out for the season

  21. This year was the "Perfect Storm" for Coach Addazio. He has a very talented team ,the best in 6 years and the ACC is absolutely at its lowest ebb in talent in a long time. In fact , I believe that Clemson is totally overrated !! Syracuse should have beaten them @ Death Valley !! No matter who plays QB against Florida State , put that game in the win column. Barring injuries in their game against Notre Dame in the Bronx, Syracuse will be a test at Alumni. Back to the Clemson game, Addazio once again demonstrated his ineptitude as a coach starting AJ Dillon who was far from 100%. Travis Levy , Glines ,Daniels et al should have been in the starting backfield. In addition , when Perry was put into the lineup, they should have given him many more plays at his disposal. Granted , he is young , but you were not going to win by going "Vanilla". The freshman play caller T. Lawrence was totally frustrated and lost against the fine BC "D". BC should have made this game a lot closer if Addazio had used some intelligence.

  22. "That is the problem though. Playing the schedule you have. BC's out of conference schedule is a joke pretty much every year.

    Look at the teams they played this year. Holy Cross and UMass in the same year. Along with Purdue and Temple?

    Is there a reason they can't schedule at least one heavyweight opponent every couple of years or so?

    They aren't going to win any respect beating the likes of UConn, UMass, Holy Cross and Wagner."

    While I dont disagree with the overall point, I do disagree regarding Purdue. They might have been the best 0-3 team in a decade or more and they proved it with three wins over ranked teams at home after that, including the beat down of Ohio State.

  23. As I said earlier, I hope Anthony Brown is okay - that's all that matters.

    If you were to tell me that Clemson would possess the ball for 11 minutes more than the Eagles - just about the equivalent of a full quarter and our defense held them to two TDs and 2 FGs - I think that is fabulous, really. Who would have believed we could do that?

    It was a little bend but don't break, perhaps - so what?

    The more you look at it, the more impressed you get.

    Go BC - win out!!!!!!!

  24. The negativity on here is astounding. Our D -- which, at the beginning of the season, was not good at all -- was on the field all night against a loaded Clemson team. And the D played exceptionally well. In fact, the D played well enough to win . . .

    Except our starting QB was pile driven into the ground on BC's first possession of the night and knocked out for the game. I have concerns about whether that play was clean. I have even more concerns that the play before was a huge gainer that was stopped by a TO that Clemson called after the ball was snapped. But for that NONSENSE call that would never have been made in our favor, AB never gets hurt. Anyway, those two plays changed the game.

    There is no team in the country, perhaps other than Alabama, that would be competitive against Clemson with its backup QB who had seen very limited playing time. Compounding that, our QB had offers from . . . the Ivies. Fault Daz for that if you want. But we had a chance taken from us by a fluke two plays. With AB, the game is close. He's not a great QB, but he does enough -- and he takes care of the ball.

  25. I didn't say it was dirty. He made sure he put AB through the ground. He wouldn't do that against Alabama or the ilk. He needed to be targeted by BC early like I said last week. The Globe article last week was all about him being a man and choosing Clemson because he was a man and he liked BC when he was a boy. Knew he was going to be a motherfucker.

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  27. Mod,
    Does LSU stink because they lost to Alabama 29-0? Only 1/3 of their team was effective against a Clemson-like opponent.

    The National Championship or you stink perspective about Boston College football or basketball is completely irrational. You are holding them to a standard of excellence that they are not built to achieve and have never achieved because the mission of the school doesn't revolve around mens major sports success. You just don't understand the major sports at Boston College. Frankly it is pathetic. Pure ignorance.

    The BC QB was knocked out of the game. Were you watching the game or were you copying and pasting stupid stats from the internet? So the defense was 2/3 of the team. They played defense and kept the offense from having to embarrass itself more than it did. If you want to bitch about the BC special teams you are granted only 1/2 of a point because they ran back a TD and gave one up.

  28. We didn't have a chance with our OL against their D and we are lucky Perry didn't get hurt either. Perhaps a chance if we had a deadly accurate QB with a very quick release - but we don't have that kid. Imagine our defense in that game if they were not on the field nearly as long. BC needs an exceptional talent at QB and an exceptional OL to ever have a special season. I like Daz in many respects but as others have noted - you question the value he brings for his rolled up cost well in excess of $2.5 million. You just can't separate the performance from the pay.

  29. Speaking of Daz - Jarmond has to be thinking about his contract pretty soon as I think it's up in 2020. Putting aside the equities - the reality is that we'd have to pay at least as much or more to attract another candidate. Then Jarmond has to ask whether we'd just be rolling the dice or if it's clear we could attract a superior coaching talent to this program from someplace else. If the former - you stick with Daz all things considered.

  30. Lets just be honest. Our offense was anemic against one of the best and most talented defenses in the nation. If Brown didnt get hurt and Dillon was 100% would we have been more effective? Maybe, but they still would have been dominated. The OL was dominated by the best DL in the country and according to some, the best DL to ever suit up for a college team. The receivers got no separation. That is a recipe for stacking the box and taking away Dillon.

    The defense played bend but dont break and did a great job.

    The special teams was fine with the return by Walker being nullified by the return allowed.

    Overall, BC was the inferior team. That is nothing to be ashamed about. Literally 20+ guys on that Clemson team will play professionally including 5+ first round picks. They had more talent and much of that talent is very experienced. Talent and experience usually wins out. As such, BC should win the next two games. If they dont, its because the coaches let this loss carry over.

  31. Tony did you forget that we play Norte Dame every other year? Or that Purdue has beaten 3 top 25 teams at home and that they will likely be ranked in the top 25 going into next year? BC played the best possible game they could have considering the circumstances and they DID NOT get blown out by what everyone on the national stage would tell you was a “far superior” team. What a joke. If anything that game exposed Clemson as being overrated. Check Brown’s stats while you’re at it. 16 touchdowns to 5 interceptions. Yeah he’s terrible. He’s a game manager. So what. You can win games like this with a game manager and your defense flying around the field like we were. Everyone on this blog complaining about this game is literally delusional

  32. By the way our oline didn’t get dominated. They were trying to block 9 guys when they only had 6 or 7 to do so. Clemson didn’t respect the pass not because our receivers couldn’t get separation but because they knew Perry couldn’t make the throws so they played us man to man on the outside. Our entire game plan went out the window the second Brown went down. Especially when you consider the one “weakness” on this Clemson team is their mediocre secondary, there would have been plays to be made had Brown not gotten hurt on a play that never should have even transpired

  33. Speaking seriously, I think bceagle93 captures the deal with Addazio. He would be a Main Event performer in WWE because he looks the part, he’s fantastic on the mic, and he cleverly and skillfully works his peers (thus he would play the McMahons and Triple H line a fiddle).

    Addazio even coached Saturday’s game as if the outcome were scripted. Lose QB six plays in = steel chair to your tag team partner. Coach Addazio puts up a “valiant” fight, maintains his status on the Cara’s while putting Clemson over. Coach’s performance was the optimal result for business. Vince would be thrilled.

    TOB against Miami in 2001 suspended William Green for violation of team rules (whatever that was). That was terrific for TOB because he created an excuse for the loss while having the integrity to stand up to his star, a winning story given TOB tapping into the latent sympathy media and fans have for the white authority figure putting the young beastly black man in his place. TOB himself recognized that he was no Coughlin on Gameday, and that it would be much less stressful to coach against #1 Miami at home if he had a built-in excuse. Healthy self-awareness.

    I think Addazio’s goal was to keep it close. When Brown went down, he didn’t want to embrace the higher variance in point margin that “going for it” would have brought. That keeps his brand high, and it maintains relationships. With his embrace of young Tessitore as backup kicker, as well as continually excusing Baker’s work at center, relationships matter to the coach.

  34. Status on the “card”, not the “Cara’s”. Auto-correct.

  35. I don’t disagree that Addazio was playing to keep it close. But anyone who watched the game could tell our shots at winning died with Brown’s injury. In that situation it is SMART of Addazio to do what he did. Again, non-delusional people at that point would play to keep it close. That matters for rankings and that matters for Post Season play and bowl placement. If he had let Perry throw the ball around the field he either would have gotten injured like Brown or been picked off multiple times. BC has been getting a lot of publicity lately which is a GOOD THING. That all could have been undone if this game ended in a true blowout. No one who reads the box score will care or know we played without our starting QB. They just look at the final score

  36. Omg, the Dazoshit apologists are coming out of the woodwork today. You play to WIN every time, all the time time, not keep it close. Unbelievable comments.

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  38. Mod, You are a gag poster. A know nothing one to boot.

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  40. Hilarious the same people saying Brown sucks and wouldn’t have been a difference in the game are the same people who all along said Perry was best QB on the roster. Mod you’re one of the consistently dumbest posters on this forum. And Georgia Eagle obviously BC was playing to win before Brown got hurt. The plan changed once he was hurt because lose 55-7 would look a lot worse than losing 27-7. Your lack of common sense is unfortunate

  41. It’s abundantly clear that posters like Mod and GE are week in and week out rooting for BC to lose for the sole purpose of getting Addazio fired. They are not real fans. There is no higher draft pick as a result of tanking. Just more national embarrassment and lost recruits. When BC makes a bowl game I really do hope you two sit on your couch holding hands and crying. No BC fans want you at the games.

  42. When Alabama and ND changed QBs, did they play to keep it close? No, they kept playing to win. AB is, at best, an average QB. The kid can't pass and is afraid to run. A change should have been made by the VT game. Dazoshit doesn't have the guts to make necessary changes to the line up. Infuriating.

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  44. Who do you advise he play over him? Brown has the best arm on the roster and it’s by a wide margin. Perry proved that on Saturday by air mailing passes whenever he had a clean pocket and checking down whenever he didn’t.

  45. He made 2 nice throws. One to Idrizi down the sideline and one over the middle when he got clobbered after the throw. I like his legs. If we were an option offense I think he would be competent. But we’re not. Brown gives us the best shot at winning. He looked bad against VT in the first half but he looked pretty damn good in the second half. He’s not consistent. No one is saying he is. He’s still the most talented and deserves the chance to play through growing pains because his ceiling is the highest

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  47. Check Perry’s offer sheet coming out of high school. There’s a reason there’s a stark difference between his and Browns

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  49. I’d rather be an ass than a self-hating loser. Seriously guys, no one wants people like you as members of this fanbase. You’re a bigger issue than Daz’s sometimes irritating in game gaffes. People like you point out that BC doesn’t have any “good wins” and don’t deserve Gameday. Just enjoy it you goons

  50. @NYCEagle: Look at some of the pictures of Baker Mayfield chucking the ball. He ran the Falcons and Mattie boi right out of the gym. Compare that to the "noodle" motion of AB. He may have a strong arm but his motion of "slinging hash" is terrible. Just how many passes of over 15 yards has he thrown all year? The long passes of a nervous Lawrence were long and true.---Perry obviously has the stronger arm. He threw to patterns called from the bench. His five yard passes were dictated and telegraphed.---Mod and GE are absolutely right about mediocre play calling all year. Daz has a history of playing to keep the game close. Read reviews for when he was at Temple. He has to open the play book. ----Loeffler has the expertise. It is only if the Dazzler will unlock the door. He did in the first half of the Maryland bowl game. BC went wild. Then, he shut the door for the second half and BC barely hung on.---This is a "pattern of behavior" for the Dazzler. In order to progress from mediocre, you have to throw the dice once in a while. He only has two trick plays. There have been no fake field goals, no fake punts, no onside kicks. ----Way back when, when Paul Peterson broke his leg, the first step was a fake field goal for a touchdown as he was carted past the bench on his way to the dressing room. Come on Daz. Open it up or have the courtesy to move on.

  51. To insinuate we root for BC to lose is beyond outrageous. I have lived my entire adult life rooting my heart out for BC and it depresses me when they lose. I'm sure Mod and everyone on this site feel the same way.
    The issue, dumbass, is wanting that horrendous coach ( who you keep making excuses for) fired!

  52. I don’t disagree but does anyone actually have proof that it isn’t Loeffler calling the plays every week? He’s the OC. Everyone on here seems to think it’s Daz’s doing when the game plan is poor and Loeffler’s doing when the game plan is good. I don’t know any teams so dysfunctional they chance who calls the plays every week. I seriously doubt BC is doing this

  53. USE THE TOOLS WE HAVE TO WORK WITH QBS OFF SEASON. We've had many fine ones.

    JARED DUDLEY FOR head bb coach.

  54. I love how people try to talk shit about Matty Ryan. The guy is having the best statistical year of his career and his numbers are off the charts:
    3,015 yards
    71.1% completion rate
    21 TDs
    3 INTs

    Those are better than his MVP season. Stupid mules.

  55. The University motto is "Ever to Excel." To me, this means that we relentlessly strive for maximum achievement no matter what the situation. It does not mean we must always win. It does not mean that we must always dominate. But it does mean that we always do whatever we can under all circumstances to achieve success in whatever we do -- learn, prepare, execute, and adapt. I take this seriously in both my personal and professional life, and it is part of the reason why I love BC, I donate to BC, and I am involved with BC. I do not think I am alone.

    I honestly do not care if we win football games or national championships. I don't care about guys being dudes. But I do care about what BC stands for. Daz is one of the University's most high profile representatives of an ideal that is followed by a community that includes thousands of accomplished students and alumni. If he or any other administrator is not living up to it or puts their own personal interests ahead of it, I will always have a problem.

    If "the fanbase" is okay with compromising "Ever to Excel" on the athletic fields or sees demands to uphold it as negative, then I suspect you will continue seeing a lot less season ticket holders in Alumni and as well as few donations to the Greater Heights athletic campaign. And when it goes quiet, it will be hard for the echoes to ring again.

  56. I would argue that is has already gone quiet ... especially if you compare it to the latter days of the TOB and the Jags days as well as the Big Al days. The product has been mediocre at best and bad at worst for the past decade plus. I actually think for the most part the football team and the coaches have carried themselves well this season. I dont understand why people cannnot simply accept that they played a better team on Saturday night. If we had played and lost to Alabama, would people still be complaining? I dont think having Brown on the field would have altered the outcome all that much. That has as much to do with my belief that Brown is incredibly inconsistent and has not shown a ton against quality opponents. Now if Brown played and Dillon was 100%, then maybe the outcome would have been slightly better, but we still would have lost by two plus scores. That is just how much better Clemson is at this time. That said, for the first time in a decade, I can see the talent gap starting to close a bit. I was at Alumni the last time Clemson came to town in 2016, it was a massacre. The disparity in talent was unbelievable. I am not fan of Adazzio as a game manager, but he is building the talent. There are lots of things to question, including the use of a different backup RB every week, but never together for whatever reason, but not throwing Perry out there to the wolves was actually probably a good decision especially if he is needed this week and next.

  57. NYC Eagle, I seriously hope you are not trying to defend BC's out of conference schedule. With ND, you do realize they have to play at least 5 ACC teams every year. So going forward, the majority of the ACC will be playing them every three years, just like BC.

    Also, with Purdue they have been one of the worst P5 programs in football over the past 10 years. When BC scheduled this game they were terrible. They have not had a regular season winning record since 2008. BC scheduled them hoping they would be just as bad at the time of the game as they were when they made the deal.

    Here are BC's future out of conference opponents the next few years besides ND:

    Kansas, Richmond, Rutgers, Ohio, Kansas, Purdue, Holy Cross, UMass, Temple, Missouri, Rutgers, Umass, UConn, Missouri, UConn.

    That is disgusting. When you schedule Kansas and Rutgers you know exactly what you are doing.

  58. Mod, No reason to hide. Facts are facts and TGS has a thing for me.

  59. Anyone equating the BC backup with Tua blah blah and Book are delusional. The NYC poster is correct.

  60. There are no fake KH accounts, Mod. Stop trying to convince yourself that you are a martyr of some sort. You are know nothing wanna be who espouses all things Rutgers. You are a loser in a literal sense with everything you write here. Total loser. You personally are a loser. I don't mean that I am a loser or St. Stephen is a loser or Boston College is a loser school.

    You are a loser.

  61. Spread for FSU is BC -2. I am smelling a FSU home job along the lines of the NC State game earlier this year.

  62. Nobody wants to play BC. You schedule who you can schedule. Stop crying TONYYYYY.

  63. I guess it says a lot about your program then if you can only schedule Kansas and Rutgers. Ever to Excel!

  64. Hey Tony you forgot Michigan State, Ohio State, and Stanford. Awfully convenient those were the names you left out. To KH’s point, there isn’t much upside to other good P5 opponents wanting to play BC. BC does not have the national brand it once did, which is no fault of Addazio’s. Say a school like Texas schedules us. The reaction if they win is “who cares” and the reaction if they lose is “wow what a terrible loss.” That has more to do with our OOC schedule then us avoiding good teams. Clemson’s OOC schedule this year by the way is Furman, Georgia Southern, a not that good Texas A&M team, and South Carolina, who is perennially mediocre. This debate requires a broader mindset than just saying BC doesn’t schedule anyone good. It’s not that simple

  65. Also keep in mind that going into this year Miami and VT were favored by quite a good margin to finish first and second in the Coastal. If those teams lived up to their brand names BC would have been crazy to also schedule a Notre Dame or USC, despite most fans enjoying such matchups

  66. The games against Michigan State, Ohio State and Stanford are all at least 6 years out or more. Again, I think the fact that you have to point to games in the year 2024 and beyond as the next out of conference opponent to get excited about kind of makes my point.

  67. hats off to NYC Eagle for battling the trolls. well done, sir.

    BC lost arguably our 2nd most important player and we still covered the spread - pretty impressive all things considered. would have been a tall task beating Clemson straight up w/ AB at full strength and the offense humming. 3 of Mel Kiper's top 20 are on their DL alone! and yet some of you jokers are scratching your head wondering why the sophomore backup QB can't move the ball against them with a banged up RB. LOL!

    i'm still miffed more wasn't made of the Dabo timeout - we got a first down on that play and replay clearly showed he didn't call it in time. the next play we lose our QB - unfair!

    @BCEagle93 - notwithstanding how much Daz gets paid the team only get so many hours of practice time and reps each week. whether he gets 2.5M (which is actually quite low by ACC and top 25 Power 5 standards) or 10M, getting Brown to a place preparation wise where he is able to lead the offense against Clemson AND getting Perry enough reps so he's ready in the off chance Brown gets rag dolled to the ground after our first down is unacceptably overruled on the 2nd drive of the game is impossible. you have to give Brown 100% of the prep time/reps and assume he'll come out of the game in one piece

    much was made about Lawrence playing in the cold throughout the week, but Perry came in off the sideline having probably gotten no reps during the week AND having to go against an NFL defense AND probably not having even warmed up on a cold night and folks want him to just march down the field. the bigger issue was we got the Purdue game version of AJ Dillon. if you want to blame anyone, point the finger at AJ although really we were a longshot (+21.5 at home) to begin with at full strength and blaming 20 year old student athletes is silly. if AJ isn't the 30 carries/200 yards version of himself we aren't beating Clemson.

    the next 2 games are real big for Daz to change the "7 win ceiling" narrative. FSU is a must win, with or without AB. we are clearly the better team and those guys quit a while ago. win to get to 8 RS wins and we'll have another chance to upset a top 10 team the last week of the year against Cuse. 8-9 wins and we bring back almost all of the key contributors for next year should have the fan base excited for the future! (although will certainly miss Allen, who played an awesome game and likely will also be a round 1 pick). instead it is mostly doom and gloom in these parts.

    it is almost as if some of the commenters don't watch college football and just come on here to troll. #5 Georgia, w/ natl championship aspirations and a football budget probably 5x what BC's is lost by 20 points to LSU - the same team that got shut out at home 29-0 to Alabama! these are big time programs getting smacked around - it happens. Ohio State lost by 29 points to Purdue - the same Purdue team that beat us by 20! Are we better than OSU? probably not, but i wonder if Mod34b is on Ohio State blogs calling for Meyer's dismissal. the point is - college football is pretty whacky, and even very good teams ranked in the top 10 have weeks on their schedule where they lose by 3+ TDs to random teams.

    it shouldn't be a hot take but it will qualify for one on this message board - the football program is in the best place it has been in the 21st century. better than Matt Ryan's senior year (we bring back Dillon next year), better than the TOB years, better than Jags' back to back ACC championship games (recruiting had tailed down, while we bring in one of our best classes in recent memory next year, at least according to the almighty rankings). go BC, cheer the hell up!

  68. They didn't cover the spread. At one point it was -20 but was -18.5 at kickoff.

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  70. For fans to think BC had no chance against this team is ludicrous !! I repeat - Syracuse should have beaten them. That said , why didn't Perry get the majority of the snaps during the "Cupcake" games like Holy Cross and UMass to get him up to speed under game conditions ??? Most teams have a second QB that can step in and do a credible job in the event the starter goes down with injury . Notre Dame and Syracuse come to mind , but I am sure that there are many other teams in that category. If Perry was not at all set to go, why not be creative and place Jeff Smith at the helm ??? He is a senior , knows the passing routes , the speed and routes of receivers AND he has BLAZING speed if the option were run . After reading the comments on this Board , I would think that most everyone is downplaying the talent on this team. AND YOU NEVER PLAY TO KEEP THE GAME CLOSE !!!!!!!!!!! YOU PLAY TO WIN - "EVER TO EXCEL" !!!!!!!

  71. NYC is a realist. Mod thinks LSU stinks, BC stinks and Rutgers isn't a ghetto school.

  72. And El Miz is thoughtful and knows what is real. He gets it and doesn't fantasize about being omniscient. Addazio is not going to take BC to the heights, but he is not evil and not deserving of the crap thrown his way by the haters on this and other sites.

  73. Anonymous8:54 PM

    People can choose to react negatively to this loss or season all they want. I witnessed some pretty putrid seasons at BC, including a 2 win season my sophomore year and a 3 win season the year after I graduated. After enduring that, it’s pretty damn cool to see BC ranked in the top 20 in recent weeks. We should all know by now how rare seasons like this are for BC, so let’s just enjoy this ride while it lasts!

  74. Crush It Eagles!!! 🦅

  75. This is the best BC football has been in a long time. I am enjoying the season. Certain aspects and losses make me mad, but I'm not about to start sling language like "Daz-shit," or start insulting other BC fans as dumbasses or assholes. I'm astounded by the amount of supposedly grown men and women who find this level of discourse acceptable. We get it. You don't like Addazio, can coach circles around, and all the stats point to this team being the worst thing ever. Your "support" of BC is ironic and the negativity is a bummer. When is it good enough for Mod, GE, and the rest? What would it take for you to enjoy this game in the slightest?

  76. When you wake up and realize DAZOSHIT is one of the worse on field coaches in FBS football. Winning college programs never put-up with his brand of incompetence and game and roster mismanagement. Take off the blinders, Benji.

  77. Georgia Eagle, what would it take for you to enjoy BC football?

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  79. Mod, I appreciate the answer. I agree with you that if we finish 7-5, Addazio will most likely need to go. If we lose next week against FSU, but win against Syracuse or vice versa, I think the call is closer. Losing to FSU this year would be as close to unacceptable as it comes.

    On the flip side of your yes-man point, being positive about the program or supporting Addazio doesn't mean that that I'm a Daz apologist. I tend to be a more optimistic guy. I don't think losing to Clemson warrants calls for Addazio's job. Like I said, lose out, and that clearly becomes a conversation.

  80. Crush it, baby! Go Eagles!!! 🦅

  81. Spot on Benjamin - BC is in Top 20 of college football playoff with two weeks to go, this past weekend BC had all of the national spotlight on our school and everything minus winning the game was a positive. Clemson is a good team with a future #1 NFL QB draft pick who is the real deal. We had chances and yes with a coach who took more chances maybe we would have ran a trick play or two that worked and who knows. However the players competed to win and should be commended.

    The team has two winnable games in front it and lets see what happens. If they go 9-3 will people be disappointed? Crazy if so. I think regardless of outcome Daz is coming back and getting an extension. He is a poor mans TOB, probably good enough to never be good enough. That said they do recruit good kids who represent the school well, seem to enjoy their experience and playing football together. You can say what you want about his recruiting but they have developed the kids and have more NFL potential picks on roster then any team minus Clemson in ACC.

    With regrds to winning more, sure we would all like to but BC has never been nor ever will be a perennial football power. If you think that is a defeatist attitude you know nothing about college athletics and challenges the school faces. Daz makes 2.3M and that is close to dead last in ACC. Guarantee our football staff budget is bottom 3 in league and we rank last or close to last with our athletic development fundraising. Go visit facilities and budgets for Clemson FSU Miami VT Pitt Ville NC State NC and it’s laughable and always will be. BC is BC and we should be proud the kids compete at the level they do with disadvantages we have in college landscape.

    Also anyone complaining about the Nc schedule is also nuts. Check out Alabama non Conf schedule, makes BC look like world beaters playing Purdue and Temple. Smarten up, BC has to play Clemson, VT, FSU, Ville, NC State and Cuse every year plus a power 5 non conference game. You want them schedule a SEC/BigTen power also, crazy.

    Daz and his play calling drives me as nuts as anyone else and with him as coach we probably have a ceiling we will never break which sucks, however if we can play at this level every year or close two I’ll take it.

    How many games did Flutie lose his Heisman year? How many did Foley lose his Sr year? How about Ryan? We aren’t getting better QB’s or a coach like Coughlin again and we lost games with those guys so not sure what people expect.

  82. Benjamin wrote "Your "support" of BC is ironic and the negativity is a bummer. When is it good enough for Mod, GE, and the rest? What would it take for you to enjoy this game in the slightest?" I'll admit - I laughed out loud. perfectly put, Benjamin!

    it is clear as day Mod and "Georgia eagle" are troll(s) in some windowless Russian troll farm with an axe to grind (maybe b/c Sec/St John Kerry went to BC and sanctioned Comrade Vlad they pick on BC and ATL?). seriously though I think Mod34B and GE are the same person - at 12:24 Georgia eagle posted and literally the same MINUTE Mod posts a reply to him! comical if true, and also sad (and strange).

    seriously though - Mod, you have 10 of the 82 posts just in this thread! Benjamin raises a good point - when is it good enough? what do you even get out of this? intimately watching every BC game so you can rag on freaking Addazio and like the three dozen BC fans out there. in the words of 45 you are a "bad (or sick) guy."

    go for a walk man, get some sunshine. more to this world then negativity, especially about an optional activity like rooting for BC.

    that said - let's beat FSU this week. these guys are ripe for the taking and it would be fun if the Syracuse matchup had a little juice!

    last point - nobody has brought up that our boy DAZ has actually made some strides as a coach. we play with tempo now. we go for it on 4th down pretty regularly. we run trick plays. he doesn't completely lose his $hi+ on the sidelines at his own players (although he still does at refs, which is always fun to watch. me and fellow ATL commenter MUD had a good laugh watching the U Miami win together). i get it - we are a power run team and that's the identity he tries to establish, but all in all its a pretty enjoyable viewing experience compared to earlier on when he was so painfully predictable and embarrassing to watch on the sidelines. hats off to DAZ.

  83. TOB was far superior to DAZZO_SHIT. HE did extremely well in Holy Wars and got good-great
    QBS. FLOPPO is the one who with Leahy's assistance led the descent from the
    Third-Sixth in bb.

  84. So we're trolls for daring to be critical of a coach with horrible game management and play calling skills. WereW trolls for daring to state the obvious - Brown is a mediocre qb who can't pass and is afraid to run. We're trolls for daring to demand performance at a ACC championship level and expecting BC to be the equal to ND.
    You Daz apologists should scroll back to your game day comments when you're screaming for dazoshit's head and demanding a QB change. HYPOCRITES!

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  86. GE, I appreciate your passion. We need more fans like you who actually give a damn unlike our typical apathetic fan base. That being said, I think you need to be somewhat more realistic with your expectations. We are not ND nor will we ever be. ND’s football team is worth almost $1B. I have no idea what BC’s finances are, but I can assure you we are nowhere near that. Sports are the lifeblood of ND. Without successful sports, why the hell would anyone want to go to freaking South Bend, Indiana? There are plenty of equally good schools in warmer climates. They need sports to make ND relevant which is why they invest so much into it. BC on the other hand, has a ton going for it outside of sports being located in a major city. As a sports diehard, of course I wish this wasn’t the case but BC simply doesn’t need sports as much to stay relevant hence the low investment.

    My gripe with complaining fans as I stated above (weirdly under the moniker ‘Unknown’) is that by now we should know how rare seasons like this are for BC football. For the first time in school history, we have been ranked in the College Football Playoff Top 25 and consistently so to boot! Yes there have been frustrating moments this season, but overall I’m having a ton of fun. Let’s jusy enjoy this while it lasts because who knows when we’ll ever be ranked again.

  87. Valid points, 2014, but why not aspire for greatness? At least let us be on the same level as the Stanford and Northwestern programs. Although both are having off years, they consistently rank in the top 25. That's all I ask for bc.

  88. People like Mod and GE try to pretend that BC was ever some national powerhouse. Hey guys, wake up. That was never the case, and probably never will be. We’re competing with schools that have 40K+ alumni per year. Perhaps, just perhaps, that makes it easier to fundraise, which makes it more possible to have an elite football program. You’re yearning for the days of Coughlin and TOB is not only sad, it’s delusional. We were never a program who was perennially making Nee Years 6 bowls. And the college football landscape has changed a lot in even the last decade, and most changes are not positive for programs like BC. The fact we can compete with the big dogs with 10X fewer resources and 10X fewer 4 and 5 star recruits is a testament to what has been built here. I don’t think this is the peak. I think our trajectory is still going up.

  89. The first in BC history. Record setter according to the internet.

  90. BC be equal to ND??? That the dumbest post in history of blog and that’s saying something

    Daz is Daz and we are all on same page with him, it is what it is. If MJ fired Daz last year and hired Willie Taggart or Chip Kelley everyone would say great hire and they are both a joke. Grass isn’t always greener. If he can turn out 8-4 and win home games and play some exciting games not sure what more anyone wants.

  91. Ever to be mediocre - the schools new motto.

  92. When has BC ever excelled? BC has played football for 120 years and been ranked in 30 of those years.

    ND is the most iconic name in college sports and sports in general. You want a school that is on par with ND become a Bama, Clemson, Ohio St or Michigan fan.

    1984 is the pinnacle of BC football, BC will never have another Flutie, ever and they were 10-2. About every 10 years BC is relevant on national stage, 1994, 2008 and maybe 2018 if they win out.

    Do we all wish BC could be Clemson, sure. If you haven’t just take the road trip to Clemson next year and after that experience you will never say BC should compete year in year out with them, never again.

    1. Shabby - I do not think striving for 8-10 wins a year, top #25 ranking and consistently challenging for ACC Championship are unreasonable expectations. I also think we need to maintain a top ranking on player grad rates as well. Read the athletic goals set out in Greater Heights campaign — in line with them. We have had extended periods of time over past 30 years where we were in this range and it is possible again with the right type of coaching staff.

  93. GE thinks that our football program defines institutional value. BC EDUCATES leaders. Thatis the job and they are damned good at it. I love the idea of watching good competitive sports wearing the maroon and gold, but don't live and die with wins and losses. For anyone to be disappointed with our"effort" against Clemson is well beyond my understanding. It is insulting to the extreme to state that the team did not make an effort. Every player did their absolute best. Against A great team like Clemson it fell short, but not because of a lack of caring and trying. I can't wait for the ad hominems now.

  94. I am not settling for 8-4 long term. Too many extended periods of top 20 play in the 80s 90s and 2000s for that to be acceptable.

    To say the backup QB at BC right now is equivalent to the guy who took over for Hurts at Alabama or Book at ND is clinical.

    We need to win on Saturday. 8 wins with RB injury and now the QB out again is very good.

    Dazzler needs to go all in on Saturday. It is the biggest game of his career at BC. Another 7 win season( forget a bowl win) is not acceptable. If he doesn't realize the importance of the game he needs someone to slap him in the face.

    If he plays it vanilla on offense Saturday that is the indicator that he doesn't get it,the importance of 8 wins.

    Huge game Saturday.

  95. At the end of the day, there’s a reason only 4 private institutions are ranked in the top 25. And when you consider 3 of those 4 are BC, Syracuse, and Northwestern, 4 is actually an abnormally high number. Even Mod and GE should be able to do the math on why that is

  96. Even with Perry at QB, we should beat FSU. They've rolled over. We've got depth at RB. Maybe the OC can have Perry throw the ball past the sticks. 3rd and 5 and we have a 2 yard pattern? That all but guarantees a punt. Give the kid a chance - we really don't have much of a choice. Cuse will be really tough if we don't have AB and Dillon (and tough even if we do have both). The path to 8 wins is through Tallahassee. Cuse is at best a tossup. We don't win bowl games under Daz. Saturday is huge - Khead is correct. If only Daz realizes it.

  97. Joseph -- no knock on players whatsoever. Those guys have been playing their hearts out all year. They have not quit once. That is why it is so fun to watch them play and why you can tell there was a lot of preseason hype. Most talent we have had in a while AND heart. The coaching staff has not lived up to its end on a number of occasions and they get paid to lead a team like this to success.

    It's simple: they beat FSU and a ranked Cuse (as we should) and get a nice bowl and this will all dissipate. They don't and Daz has some 'splaining to do.

  98. I don't think anyone challenged the players' efforts??? Where the hell is that comment coming from Joseph? They clearly played their hearts out and were hamstrung by the coaches' decision to play to keep it close instead of play to win.

    Question: If you go into a locker room of 100 18-22 year old men and ask them if they want to play to keep it close or play to win, what answer do you expect? What answer do you want to hear?

    I think being down 13-7 at the half was remarkable given the circumstances, and playing to keep it close in the first half so you have a fighting chance in the second half was probably wise. But then you have this enormous opportunity to shock the world and pull one of the biggest upsets in BC history, and you continue to play to keep it close, and make no effort to actually win the game. What kind of message does that send? Why do the Daz apologists not understand why that has so many people on this blog riled up? Daz owed it to the fans and more importantly, his players, to try to WIN the game. No such effort was made.

    On another note, I was extremely impressed with the defensive effort and game calling. Whoever was calling the exotic zone blitzes really kept Lawrence uncomfortable. If it was Daz, kudos to him. But that would beg the question, why was the defensive game plan called so aggressively and the offensive game so conservatively? There was a reason Clemson threw so many deep balls... we were daring them to beat us outside with all of the blitzing. A shame such a brilliant effort was wasted.

  99. From Mod " I expected a much better offensive efforts."

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  101. 100% In total agreement that BC should be Top 25 or close to year in year out and every couple years be a legit player on national landscape.

    Somebody said we should be equal to ND. That’s laughable

  102. Says Mod the philosopher "GE, you can really get the loser vibe from these young students.

    They are young versions of Comrade Joe... trying is enough, winning is for Trump, capitalists and republicans. Winning is not really a goal. And, like Comrade Joe, do not rock the boat or criticize the players of coaches or urge them to compete at a higher level. Oh No!, just smile and say everything is 'ok.' Be bland. Do not aspire for greatness."

    What is this drivel? What young students? There are plenty of constructive criticisms posted by many. Just not as silly and demeaning and insulting. Since you brought up our DEAR LEADER, I'll only say that he is not a winner at anything. look at the news about the whitehouse. Read his tweets. My guess is that I am more of a capitalist then Mod. I own my own business with several hundred people employed. We compete with China and SouthAmerica all the time and we are growing and profitable. We are far from bland and don't expect anything in life less then full effort according to god -given abilities. We don't denigrate people who have less ability than others.

    BC players worked their butts off in the Clemson game. Neither mod nor anyone else posting here played a single down, so for him to imply that they didn't make the effort to win on offense is offensive. I'd love to see what would happen if he went to a team meeting and told them that lack of effort was the reason for the loss.

    Mod is, too use words from his hero,"disgraceful and disgusting" and his attitude towards others is anathema to the standards taught at BC . AS a famous American patriot once said, "have you no decency"?

  103. This comment has been removed by the author.

  104. Sorry Mod just commenting on your characterizing me about capitalism and the stupid "comrade" crap. I know nothing about your business and would rather continue that ignorance. I only know the foolish drivel that you post and your regular use of insulting demeaning slurs. Puerile at best.

    Your reading comprehension is rapidly worsening. I did not say that you could not comment if you didn't play. This is what I did say.

    "Neither mod nor anyone else posting here played a single down, so for him to imply that they didn't make the effort to win on offense is offensive. I'd love to see what would happen if he went to a team meeting and told them that lack of effort was the reason for the loss." It says nothing about me addressing the team but it does imply that you would be in a world of hurt if you told the team to their faces that effort was the problem vs Clemson.

  105. Mod you fail to recognize how much the college football landscape has changed in the last 10 years. Clemson has a slide, mini golf, barber shop, etc INSIDE their practice facility. At the end of the day, talent wins out. BC will never get the 5 star kids they do. We are a program that gets 2 and 3 star players and with coaching and development are lucky to have half of them playing at near 4 star production by their junior and senior years. To expect BC to be a national powerhouse when the monetary support from alumni pales in comparison to ACC rivals is just not realistic. If all you want is a consistently top 25 program, maybe this is the beginning of that. That would make us relevant on a national scale, even if we’re not competing for the CFP year in and year out. BC has been ranked in the top 25 for 4 weeks already this year. That is without doubt a step in the right direction. If we win the next 2 games and play competitive in a bowl against a quality opponent we should be ranked going into next season as well. I don’t understand all the pessimism when what you are looking for is right in front of your face

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  107. Foul language from a birdbrain. Typical hypocracy from Mod.

  108. His "biz." That is funniest thing I have read here in weeks.

  109. The best is when Mod says he expects an eve r to excel mentality in football but not the team being a perennial power. Headcase.

  110. I think that you all should ignore both me and Mod( not that I'm saying that there is equivalence. Just to keep the tone down a bit)

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  112. An interesting controversy in the football playoff. Harbaugh is crying because they are ranked fourth. He is lobbying to pass Notre Dame even though beaten by Notre Dame. The third place team gets Clemson. Fourth place gets the "gangsters from Birmingham".---In 1993, BC beat Notre Dame just after the Irish beat FSU. Both teams had only one loss. Nevertheless, FSU was given the national title.

  113. Mod writes "I did not say BC should be a perennial. national power. (Ranked often and relevant is fine for now. )"

    Yet here we are, having been ranked in the top 20 this season and three weeks (at current count) in the top 25 - in addition to that and all MOD posts are comments about firing DAZ and returning to a better time when...we were ranked in the top 25. strange.

    we are ranked and relevant. we should finish the season and ranked and relevant. we should be ranked and relevant next year. when we aren't ranked or relevant Daz should go, but the team is actually playing well these days.

    go Eagles - gotta crush the Noles.

  114. you are such a dishonest person Miz, and have been for years ... scummy

  115. FSU was given a shot at the title. There were almost yearly controversies back in the two poll era (I could go on for awhile about the the travesty that was 1990). FSU played the toughest schedule by far that year, largely on the road. They beat four Top 7 teams that year.

    Miz is right. Mod always demonstrates his confusion. It's just droning on and on about the same subject. Been doing it for years. Get a new act. Even when he types out something positive, it comes across as hugely disingenuous. Dolt. He even makes KHead look somewhat medicated. Unreal. I would offer there is little crushing going on...like I said, this blog is spiraling...yet it's the car crash you can't look away from.

    I remain optimistic about this season. We should still get 9 wins, as I predicted before the year. I am less sanguine about the Syracuse game, but maybe we'll be healthy for the bowl game. That FSU Oline is poo poo. Must dominate there.

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  117. Anonymous7:44 PM

    CT scan vs Mod.

    The battle of the sillies who cannot get me out of their heads.

  118. It’s not baseless.

  119. This comment has been removed by the author.


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