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Sunday, November 11, 2018

BC to provide update on Anthony Brown on Monday

Anthony Brown's injury was serious enough to be taken to the hospital -- which Addazio confirmed in his postgame -- yet not obvious from the replay. Addazio termed the injury as "internal." This has led to lots of rumor and speculation on message boards and twitter among BC fans and Clemson fans. I reached out to BC for an official status update and was told one would come Monday.

Beyond Brown's personal health, the news is critical for the Florida State game and the remainder of the season. BC will go from a favorite in the last two game to a potential underdog. Let's hope the news is good and Brown is in for a speedy recovery.


  1. Let's be realistic in the assessment. Perry looked like the better quarterback. He should have been given more experience. The injury to Brown is a blessing in disguise. Perry will "eat up" Florida State and with a game under his belt give a good go against Syracuse.---I would also like to ask just where was Bailey for the game. After one hit, AJ couldn't even get up near the sideline without help. Bailey runs like Dillon without the speed. He should have started.---I would also ask just why Glines and Lewis haven't been playing. When they are given a chance, they shine.----If BC loses to FSU, they will also lose to Syracuse and then we are back to where we started at 7-5 pending the bowl game and a possible 7-6.

  2. JBQ, are you seriously suggesting that Anthony Brown's injury is good thing? You writing is far too often asinine, rambling, and incoherent, and verges on disrespectful half the time, but your comment here is utterly disgraceful and shameful. To even suggest that Brown's injury is a blessing is lower than low. What's wrong with you? Truly. What in your life do you think justifies that kind of comment?

  3. I'm sure JBQ means no personal disrespect to Anthony Brown. We all wish him a speedy and full recovery to his injury. The problem is it takes a horrible injury to a player for Dazoshit to make a change. His inability to make changes to his lineup is one of Dazoshit's many flaws.
    Many of us have been critical of Brown's poor passing and Dillon's subpar (injury related) year. Both Anthony, Grines, and Levy have proven ability. USE them! Perry ( and maybe McDonald may be the spark needed.

  4. I feel like I must have watched a different game than some of these posters who believe Perry to be better than Brown. Perry was 11/21 for 98 yards, averaging 4.7 yards a pass. Not to mention the 2 costly fumbled snaps he had that just killed drives for us.

    This is not to say I think Perry is bad. He still is a kid and I have no doubt nerves played a factor as he was unexpectedly pitted against one of the best defenses in the country. Even still however, the offense completed shut down after Brown went out. We all have valid complaints about Brown, but this offense works best with him under center. Praying for a speedy recovery for him.

  5. Most important thing is Brown’s health. Certainly BC would have been better off if Brown did not get hurt considering the entire game plan put this week was based on his strengths and he has been the QB all season

    However 14 you must not be watching all the games because though talented and a serviceable player he has not made strides in his development expected. He is completing 58% of his passes on the season. That is not good. Take Wake game out and he was much better last year. To be fair thou players now come back in a year after ACL injuries, that is a two year process. He will not be truly back 100% until next season

    With a week for the staff to put in a game plan based on Perry’s strengths, i.e. zone reads and allow him to run a bit we will see if there is a improvement or not.

    Again most importantly Brown is okay and this is not time to criticize his performance but he simply has not had a good season. He most likely is still the best option BC has but we will have to see with a full week of prep if Perry can provide better play. Who knows, we will know after the results on the field

  6. Shabby, I never said Brown has been great. I even said we all have valid complaints about Brown. But to say Perry is better than Brown is asinine. I’m sure Perry has the potential to develop into a good or very good QB, but at this point in time Brown gives us the best chance to win. Don’t believe me? Let’s look at how Vegas responds if Brown is announced to be out for at least this week’s game.

  7. BCeagle I agree,

    I’m not sure what Perry did that was better than brown. Perry looked better athletically. I think he’ll make a few more plays with his feet. But always be catious about the back up QB. Most of the time they’re back ups for a reason.

  8. Nowhere I have said Perry is better then Brown. Brown fully healthy is most likely the best option BC has. Agree that backups are backups for a reason.

    That said if in fact Brown is out, imagine game plan will be slightly different with more runs, let see how it goes. Again I don’t think line for FSU will move much if he out but I could be completely wrong. If Dillon out, different story. Not sure oddsmakers view Brown at this stage as difference maker, stats don’t show that.

    One thing that is asinine is that Levy didn’t get any carries Saturday. Even if Dillon was 100%, which he’s not, a couple or so carries from Levy who is good offset to Dillons power running would have been welcomed sight. Especially coming off last weeks performance. Don’t understand him not getting any touches.

    1. Daz is obsessed with big running backs. Myles Willis never got carries either. Levy should be involved more. Levy at 100% is better than Dillon at 75%.

  9. Lets be honest, the only way you will ever know if Perry is better than Brown is when Perry plays this weekend. He was thrust into a very difficult situation on Saturday night, The second best team inthe nation ( for now anyway), a national TV audience, a sold out stadium and an offensive line that was clearly outplayed by the Clemson defense. I am honestly surprised he was able to do as well as he did. This was his debut and it was far from great, however lets see what his encore will bring. I also fear that Dillon will be out for the FS game or at least will be far less than 100%. He does not seem to have recovered from his injury and now with a new QB it is clear that teams will only stack the box even more. As many have said, not enough of Dillon as a decoy, much like the Clemson TD with the Refrigerator package, although I cant understand why BC did not expect play action in that situation. Watch out for the Cuse, they are hot and getting better each week.

  10. Hope Brown is okay. Just watched a replay of that slam - not optimistic. He might as well have had a cement mixer dropped on him from the top of a building. Flutie's longevity was due in large part to his knack for avoiding the big hit - otherwise he would have gotten killed. Defensive linemen now much bigger and faster. At the Clemson level you have to have an outstanding OL not only to compete but simply to keep your QB and other skilled positions from getting hurt.

    Premature to judge Perry until he has more PT under his belt and a game plan built around his strengths. We'll learn soon enough. Hope they are also getting Matt McDonald ready on a nearly equivalent basis. Some kids, like Lamot, who don't necessarily shine the best in practice often rise to the occasion in the games.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Baker is in the ground half the time. Last year the line got better once Baker was out

  12. I hope Mr. Brown is okay after hospitalization.

    Jrb is right - and many others agree. We knew this was a problem, but Addazio wouldn't make the correct decision. This isn't a personal attack on the individual, but Baker can't stop most of the defensive linemen who challenge him.

    But Saturday night was ridiculous. When Baker was not on the ground, he was quickly pushed right straight back into Perry - and the rest of the O linemen had problems too. But it started right in the middle.

    The 350 pounder was licking his chops lining up over Baker.

    Go BC - don't let Addazio ruin your season with these last two game plans.

  13. Great atmosphere for the game. D was great but offense sputtered. For those who think Dixie has a monopoly on football talent , the two best players on the field Saturday were Allen and Wilkins both of New England. Allen really had a huge game. Very disruptive. 2. Will be interesting to see what Perry can accomplish at FSU. BC's D should pose a problem for that mediocre offense of the Noles. Hope they can score enough for a victory. 3. The Cuse are overrated. 7-0 at home 1-2 away from the Dome. They should have lost to a poor UNC team. Only a dropped pass at the end let them escape. They gave up 600 yards to Western Michigan. ND appears to be too strong for the Orange. But should be a very telling game. 4. The Titans beat the Pats yesterday. The unis the Titans wore were the same as Boston English, Blue and Blue. 50 years ago or so English had a great team with Hickman, Dempsey, Tucker, Marks and the Wilson brothers. English High could have taken the Pats yesterday.

  14. I only have one thing to add....Addazio's record for QB recruitment and development is abysmal. There were opportunities this year in the two previous losses where he couldn't have replaced Brown in what was a losing effort and play someone else in the 4th quarter. At least, we wouldn't be relying on this quarterback roulette game AGAIN under Addazio.

    Beyond that, Dillon has never recovered from the high ankle sprain, as was pretty obvious in how he shied away from contact the past couple of games. Simply not the same running back. It appeared that he was reinjured Saturday night. I think the combo of Levy and Glines are more than seviceable, BUT BC will have to mix up the playcalling to win out.

  15. Ned, couldn't you also just as easily say that BC is overrated?

    Look at their victories this year? Who have they won against that is any good? What is their best win this season, Temple?

    At least Syracuse beat NC State. Even some of BC's losses look worse now. NC State is not a very good team. Purdue did beat Ohio State, but also lost by over 30 against a bad Minnesota team.

    What is it this year that BC has done that is really so impressive? It is possible they don't end up beating a team all year that ends up better than 6-6.

  16. It certainly isn't the offensive game plans and performances in the 3 losses.

    This didn't work against Purdue - let's use it against NC State.

    This did not work against Purdue and NC State, let's use it against Clemson with an injured running back. Duh!

    You can't make it up.

    Who has Clemson beaten? Texas A&M.

    Sagarin had BC rated #33 last time I looked. That's about right considering that we tie our own hands behind our backs with Addazio influenced play calling.

    A fresher approach and we could have been 9 and 1 right now, or 8 and 2.

  17. What elite QB prospect would want to commit to BC with the way we structure our offense and call plays?

  18. SO SEND DAZZO SHIT PACKING . Call Peter Gillespie Jr Home or some similar individual
    Get Doug and Matt and some of the other good BC Qbs of past to work with the Qbs.
    IS Christian just to stupid to make Danya # 1 assistant for recruiting and work with
    big men. Doesn't seem Popovich is much improved. At least have Danya squeeze in a week or two
    with big men.
    We should make better use of our BC alumni athletes assets.
    ASK THEM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Jared Dudley is just about through in the NBA. Would he make a controversial choice for b-ball coach or what? Obviously, he would be a winner.---The problem with basketball recruiting is that BC gets the "third choice" among the elite African-American prospects. BC has to get beyond this and look to how Gonzaga has handled the issue. They recruit all around the world. For instance, Donatas Sabonis is the son of the greatest big man in the world who played in the NBA past his prime.---BC has to get more creative in their basketball recruiting. There are plenty of African players on national teams that would love to play in the ACC at BC. I don't think that Christian has a clue about recruiting. I think that he is a good coach but he doesn't have the horses and that "falls on his shoulders" and no one else.


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