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Thursday, November 01, 2018

BC-Virginia Tech preview

I wasn't trying to jinx BC with my "what if" talk. I actually believe that things are lining up well for the BC home stretch. But the key is to execute on these winnable games. If BC really wants a special season, it would start by taking care of business Saturday.

What's on my mind (not totally related to this game) 
I haven't written much about Maryland's inept and tone deaf decision path, but I am glad they decided to fire Durkin. A program can rationalize all sorts of behaviour and culture from a college football coach who wins. But there is no reason to take on public criticism, fan revolt and recruiting challenges for loser like Durkin.

Three Simple Keys
1. Establish the run early. Last week Addazio had trick plays ready to go against Miami and it set the tone. This week BC needs to keep it simple and run straight at them until the Hokies can prove they can stop a power run game.
2. Don't give up huge Special Teams plays. Beamer is gone, but the "Beamer Ball" legacy remains. BC has been wildly inconsistent on Special Teams. It needs to be clean this weekend.
3. No dropped passes. Brown's passes can be a problem, but his teammates are not always bailing him out. This week we need great effort and hands from the TEs and WRs.

Gambling Notes
-- BC is 4-7 all time at Lane Stadium
-- Virginia Tech leads the series 18-8
-- Addazio is 2-3 vs the Hokies
The current line is BC-2

Spaz is the only BC coach who played Virginia Tech, yet did not have a win at Lane Stadium.

Scoreboard Watching
It is all about Clemson now. We need them to be No. 2 going into our game and to do that, they need to beat Louisville this week.

I hope to see...
Dillon at 100%. I think we can win with the sort of effort he gave last week, but if he is healthy, this game won't even be close.

BC is in trouble if...
If it comes down to field goals. Addazio needs to keep that in mind and stay aggressive in four-down territory. We need touchdowns, not long field goal attempts.

We are winning this thing. Addazio has been using all sorts of different types of running plays this year to varying degrees of success. This is the game where it pays off. BC emulates Georgia Tech's strategy and runs over the Hokies.
Final Score: BC 35, Virginia Tech 20


  1. More than optimistic.
    VT is a real team.
    Victory would demonstrate real strength, but you can’t screw anything up
    Even last
    Week against Miami , BC sputtered after the first three possessions.


  2. BC needs to win the rest of its games to make the ACC Champ. It is all about Clemson next week - if they win this week.

  3. VT defense is decimated by injuries. 2 starting defensive lineman weigh 240lbs. They are starting a true freshman lb and in many cases playing 3rd & 4th stringers extensively.

    Usually I call for aggressive play calling but not in this game. Run Dillon off right tackle behind Lindstrom & Petrula until they stop it. I don’t think they can even if they stack the box.

    No turnovers. Keep VT offense off field, still can be explosive. This is a perfect game for Daz. Just find a way to win and get out of there. 14-10 score would be fine

  4. Forget talking about bowl games, Clemson, Syracuse or Daz's job security. From here on out, the mantra should just be "Win one quarter at a time."

    It's important we get a fast start, play up tempo on O and get points on the board on our first possession. Be aggressive and execute, especially on D and special teams. Adapt the game plan as we see things evolve. Just win the first quarter on Saturday. And then move on to winning the second quarter by doing all of those things again and then so on.

    Poise, execution and discipline -- need to see it from the players, but more importantly, from Daz and the coaching staff if they are going to have any chance at making a run at this and for Daz to be extended. It all starts with the first quarter tomorrow.

  5. Huge game for us. Need to get out of our pattern of major highs promptly followed by major lows. We are not destined for anything - that is within our control if the players and Addazio get after it. Just play smart aggressive football and avoid making gifts through turnovers. Clemson is irrelevant - right now this is all about defeating Virginia Tech on their home field.

  6. Exactly. Focus on one game at a time. VT remains a formidable opponent. Beating them is all that matters now.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Playing in Lane Stadium makes me very nervous. I can only hope that Addazio has the team prepared, that AB doesn't get rattled, and that Dillon is 100%. This is a real must win. No stupid penalties or turnovers, please.

  9. VT is "up and down". It is hard to tell which team will show up.

  10. Dazzler will play it close to vest and make this game alot more difficult than it needs to be.

    If the special teams are clean meaning no TDs given up and make all reasonable FGs and Xpts then we will win.

    The missed FGs pissed me off against Miami and we didn't capitalize on everything the defense gave us.

    Wont be surprised if Refs will keep this close for VT. Holding all day.

  11. KH is probably right about making this game closer than it has to be.

    But I hope he is wrong. 🙂

  12. Anyone have updated game watch info? In Dallas for weekend. BC sight seems dated

  13. JRT, I'd reach out to the chapter lead in Dallas and see what they say or check the Facebook group. It's real hard to keep the BC alumni pages updated with game watch info.

    GE, you can find Raycom's affiliate list here: http://theacc.com/sports/2018/10/29/FB_RSN-BC-VT-1103.aspx. For what it's worth, my market isn't listed on their site, but it looks like ESPN College Extra is also showing it (Channel 788 on DirecTV).

    I've been a fan long enough to get nervous when I think about playing at V Tech. But if the team (both players and coaches) that took on Miami last week shows up in Blacksburg, it'll be a romp. It's on the coaches to let the players play their best game.

  14. Our long snapper and special teams OL better have their heads in the game as VT will be pouring it on our rugby style punter who takes an extra couple seconds.

  15. This may as well be every post from Mod 34: "Waaaaaahhhhhhh.....waaaaaaahhhhhh.....waaaaaahhhhhhhh, I hate BC. BC stinks. BC will lose every game. Miami will smoke BC. I am racist. I wish I were smart enough to get into BC." -

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Wrong again. Numbskull.

    Who is Rutgers losing to this weekend Mod?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. No idea what the hell any of that means. If you are trying to say I am a zero than just say it. You really are a bitch.

  18. Anonymous6:34 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Lol I love this site. Why pay for a comedy dinner theater when I can sit on my couch and get it for free.

  20. Someone on BCI made the point. Ga Tech’s rushing attack is a world apart from a power running game. Against GT, it’s all about assignments and not over-chasing, right? We sacrifice the deception for Dillon.

    Another way to skin the cat or take advantage of a young defense is to incorporate the WRs in the run game. Whether that’s on sweeps with Dillon as the decoy or on bubble screens, which are essentially the same thing.

    I just don’t know about AB yet. Especially on the road.

    And for the record, I grew up a Ga Tech fan. Have no rooting interest in the SEC. Dislike UGA. Most overrated program in history.

    Mod. The best programs follow the most intense interest. It’s okay to be in the second or third tier, as long as everyone is on the same page. The SEC is the best. Because there are more than 10 people on their blogs.

  21. I understand the difference between the GA Tech run game and our own power run game for sure.

    But that VT defensive line looked more exploitable than any I can remember. The Hokies have been ferocious on the DL over the years, but this year not so much.

    If we play our stupid (Dazzy Duh!) up the middle, up the middle, pass short, punt offense, Virginia Tech is capable of beating us - even in a down year for them.

    We should beat them handily this year. Will we? We had better. :-)

    Let's mix it up, keep them honest and off balance. Give AJ a chance to excel, instead of using him as the vehicle to "wear them down". Give him a plan under which he can bust a few - or a bunch!!!

    Use one of the top RBs in the country intelligently, for crying out loud.

    Go BC - beat Virginia Tech.

  22. BC hockey 0-4, must be the first time ever.

  23. Football will have to pick up for MHCY for a change.

    I think recruits know that Jerry will be retiring soon. I love the guy, but maybe he should pull the plug and let a guy like Cavanaugh come back to BC. Did I get his name right?

  24. With Pittsburgh's win over Virginia, today is a much more meaningful game for Virginia Tech.

    Let's go, BC - keep your eye on the prize.

  25. Virginia was the most overrated team in the country. They have the weakest defense I have seen all season and they had the weakest defense I saw all last season.

  26. That game was brutal to watch with endless penalties and misques. Turned it off at halftime.

  27. Weather looks good in Blacksburg today. Hit your kicks, stay healthy and you win by 10

  28. John, you got the name right. I'd love to see him back at the Heights when Jerry retires. The team has been brutal. 0-5 with 3 shutouts against. Last night, the team lost at Merrimack 2-1, so at least we scored. We usually play poorly at North Andover. The rematch is tonight at Conte. To say the least, we need a win.

  29. This game is being called "David vs Goliath." Interesting point to be made. Goliath (Clemson) was a flawed individual. He suffered from "giantism" and with it came poor vision. He could not see David very well at a distance and challenged him to come closer and fight hand-to-hand. David (BC) stood off and nailed him with a stone from his slingshot. Clemson has a big head. Go AB, nail them.


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