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Saturday, November 24, 2018

Slide continues as Syracuse crushes BC

If you want to talk positives, you could at least say the team lost that game together. Special Teams made mistakes, the Offense looked sloppy and the D put up their worst performance of the season. There will be plenty to talk about in the coming days and plenty of fingers to point, but the natural target is Addazio. BC will still go bowling, but it feels like the guy can't get BC to that next level and will be 7-6 for eternity.

Thanks to those who said "hello." It wasn't a great day to be at Alumni, but I appreciate the continued support.


  1. #FireDaz Enough of this crap.

  2. Extend Coach Addazio #extenzeDaz

  3. So many of us in the college football expert community feel sick about how “fans” treat Coach Addazio. To get to seven wins BEFORE playing Clemson, with Dillon hobbling through games on crutches, is a terrific accomplishment and the most brilliant job coaching in Massachusetts football history.

    Coach loses AB six plays into Clemson. There goes the game plan. You just try to run out the clock and keep the margin below thirty. Then FSU in Tallahassee, great great effort in such a hostile place with a hobbled AJ and AB. No shame to fall short in what we all call the Doke. Then today AJ, Ray and Allen all go down when Coach got you to 28-21 in the third quarter.

    BC has returnees at every impact position next season, and a phenomenal coaching staff to wring out a solid 7-6 performance, 8-5 if there are no injuries. I can’t imagine what more you want.

    Most of all, you have someone who LOOKS like a solid football coach. A guy who other coaches can join for a beer, and not feel the awkwardness that say a Lou Holtz or a Joe Paterno felt with the insolent weirdo Tom Coughlin so many years ago. A guy who has the best interests of college football in his heart at all times. A guy who could get right on the field today and play center if the starter went down.

    That’s a manly coach. That’s a man’s man. That’s a guy all of us in my booster group, the National Admirers of Muscle-Bound Leader Addazio, can stand up and support in any way he desires.

    That’s what you people have at Boston College. For the good of the college football community, don’t throw that away.

  4. CLOWN SHOW GOT TO GO. History shows we can get a coach in here to win 8-9 games every year, challenge for ACC championship, be ranked in top #25 and beat ranked teams. Daz is never going to be that guy. As I said earlier, this was an “if not now, then when?” year — and he failed.

    That said, I do not think he will be fired now. He will get another year and Christian will go first. MJ knows what he has to do and that his Greater Heights campaign will not be successful with an #EverToBe7and6 coach. He can be methodical about his choices and Daz is just not as horrible as Christian. In fact, if he plays his cards right, hiring a new, energetic, smart football coach will probably BOOST his efforts to raise funds once the campaign gets going.

    Let’s just hope Daz sees the handwriting on the wall and starts making calls to his network of dudes....he is nothing more than a lame duck at this point so no use getting angry.

    1. I think you are right based on financials. BC won't eat the contract but I JC is a good coach who needs a few years to excel.

    2. that's I think JC

  5. One more thing. You average 6.5 or 6.6 wins per year since 1980. Coach bangs out 6 to 7% more wins than expected year after year after year after year.

    6 to 7% more. The Pittsburgh guys would have KILLED for a sure thing like that, and they had the means to do so. Yet “fans” scoff. Join NAMBLA, the National Admirere of Muscle-Bound Leader Addazio, and stand up for a man who looks like he should be coaching Boston Colkege football and scoring 7 percent above expected value year after year #extenzeDaz

  6. So Daz is a manly NAMBLA member. Ha!!!

  7. It is not really that we go 7-5 or 6-6. Its how we get there. I've said from Day 1, Daz was not the right hire. Ask anyone from Florida or Temple. We can thank him for improvement and he is paid dearly for that by BC, but that is all. Time to go.

  8. @ObserverCollege, @Teddy Errico: Did you go to Disneyland last week? So, you count all those wins over "the Little Sisters of the Poor"? How about a little reality? You quote "NAMBLA" and expect to be taken seriously? Actually, your reference in this day and time in the Church is disgusting.

  9. Your dentist stories are disgusting.

    At least the Church has the good sense to not say the EXACT same thing in every post. You went to the office. We get it.

  10. Anyway, I would be surprised if Daz was fired. I would think the coordinators would be the fall dudes. If the administration wants apathy, to be left alone, they are almost there. They have the right coach.

    1. Problem is, all of the coordinators we have blamed in the past go on to better performances. Look at Ryan Day. Clearly it shows that Daz is calling the shots, or making the gameplans, and lack of adjustments, and they are just following his script.

      The house needs to be cleared today.

      The only assistants that should stay are Brown and Campanile.

  11. Temple has had many very good coaches beginning with Al Golden .
    We managed to select the one DOLT . FLOPPO , BATES , LEAHY have certainly led
    football's descent from "THE HEIGHS"
    Women's bb on the move because Marvin found a coach. Now he must DO THE SAME

  12. Guys, guys, guys, just the thought of seeing Dazoshit here for another season made me vomit my breakfast. Let the chant start: fire Daz. Fire Daz. fire Daz!!!!

  13. All eyes are on Mouse.

    My guess is that Mouse does nothing.

    But if mouse acts, does Mouse have the experience and jjudgement to land the right next coach.

  14. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Losing Wyatt Ray was the key. Punk MF Dungey had too much time. Syracuse caught every about every shitty throw he made and all the decent ones.

    Defense was asleep.

    The crew of Mike Walker, Strachan, Richardson and Jeff Smith all played like shit again.

    Ray Smith ought to win the Senior Award. He is tough as nails and gets no support either from the LB's or by having a backup to relieve him. He gave out a lot but took even more being double teamed all day. The coaches did nothing to fix it.

    Ray Smith BC defensive player of the year. I am sure Zach Allen would be happy to hand it to him.

    Team got beat on both lines again. Coach better find some beef on the DL for next season and juice up the o-line.

    In the two big games against smiliar level opponents: NC State and Syracuse be got beat physically up and down the field all day.

    Another embarrassment.

    1. I agree. Dude has been a monster all year with no recognition. Good call.

  15. OC mocks Addazio the most through his satire of admiration.

    Knuckle summed it up pretty good and the O Line regressed each week. One of the reasons Brown throws short passes is that defenders are in his face pretty quickly.

    Petrula should be put back at center starting right now - not another 230 pound Lindstrom bulked up and peanut buttered up to 295.

    Did Elijah Johnson ever recover enough to contribute? Addazio baffles me with his favoritism.

    Anyway, we'll stay tuned. UGA has 2 great coordinators who would make great head coaches. They won't be around Athens too much longer.

  16. I somehow didn't realize that Wyatt Ray was out too.

  17. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Dazzler and AB are in the Boston Globe talking about the team having made the next step and having freaking Game Day. The school had Game Day twice before Dazzler. You didn't bring BC to the next level because Game Day was in Newton. Game Day was in Newton because you had won game leading up to it. They are already talking about the stupid Bowl game and getting 8 wins because of the stupid Bowl.

    The doofus goes 17/37 for 250. Take one of the two long TD's out and that line becomes even more pathetic.

    The HC and QB are both morons. Flat out. No other way to describe them.

    I don't want 8 wins after beating Ohio U in the Detroit Bowl on Christmas morning at 10 am est when I am in church.

    I want an 8th win against FSU and a 9th against Syracuse.

    They are both morons. I don't care what the reporter asked or what the context of the question was. The answer proves that they have no self awareness and content with their current record.

    Fucking Game Day . . . Dazzler is a loser.

  18. This season was nothing short of an abject failure. Did not meet expectations at all, but one enough games for Daz not to get canned. When’s the last time we fired a seven win coach. Ugh

  19. Touche to knucklehead and Esquire.

  20. ESPN Insider is reporting that BC and Texas Tech Head Coaches could be fired...from their lips to FR.Leahy's ears.


  21. Observer-For many years now, I have laughed at your satire. It truly is very well done. The problem now is that is's impossible to distinguish your parodies from the reality of BC football. Many BC fans actually believe your parodies as truth. GDF's greatest legacy at BC was to instill the culture of mediocrity -"we're not (insert name of university here) and we can never be as good in athletics as they are so don't expect the glass ceiling to be broken." With a whole new group of students marinated in the Spaz/Daz era of pre -1970 football, the narrative has morphed into "BC has never been good at football or basketball anyway, except for Matt Ryan." I am really just tired of it. I got my hopes up again this year, only to see another season squandered. My bucket list features someday watching Boston College play again for a Tom Coughlin type coach with a 21st century playbook - so even if we fall short, we play to win and are exciting to watch.

  22. Thanks Lenny - you made my day! But making a new hire is no panacea if we make another bad hire. Yes - we could wind up hiring someone actually worse or no better than Addazio if we aren't thorough and rely too heavily on interviewing prowess and who impresses Leahy the most. We haven't had the greatest hiring track record. There are no guarantees - but hiring someone with actual head coaching experience and a proven track record is less risky. The problem is that everyone wants those guys and the price tag would be much higher. So it's likely to be an assistant from the NFL or college ranks looking to make a career move and more risk and review involved. Would love to have Jarmond bring in a couple of retired successful head Power 5 coaches to help screen candidates who are not connected to a search firm.

  23. The BIG problem with Daz is he really cannic win the big ones. Take out the three Sisters of the Poor colles and his record is 4 and 5. Do that each year and you see he really is consistent.

    There is a solution. Add more Sisters of the Poor to better his record and get out of the ACC. We can go independent like ND and win 9 or 10 every year by scheduling cream puffs.

    It has been obvious from year one that Daz was not a good coach. He stumbled thru years two, three and four ckIming he was stuck with Spaz's crew. Now he's been predicting brighter days as he has done for last two years. It should be obvious he:s a mediocre coach and will never be other than that. So the SIMPLE question is whether that OK with BC.

    This isn't a difficult matter to figure out. The problem is obvious unless you don't see a problem.

  24. From day one I thought this guy was a poser, I am even more convinced of it now. How do you have the balls to say we are "headed to a good bowl game" when you blew your chance to finish second in the division and assure your team of a "great" bowl game. His departure can not come soon enough for me. Jarmond has shown he can make good hires with W volleyball, and basketball and others, now it is time for him to show us what he can do with one of the major revenue produciing sports. I have to think that Jarmond will not be here forever, and he is likely looking to eventually make a move to a major major program. What better way to show his stones than getting rid of an incompetent coach and make a great hire.
    Repeat after me, FIRST AND TEN, STRAIGHT UP THE MIDDLE. FIRST AND TEN, STRAIGHT UP THE MIDDLE, now make it happen about 10 or more times every game.

  25. Seriously—thank you Jane, you’ve always been so kind.
    It’s hard to pin down what to do. I find myself going a touch more for shock value to distinguish the posts as satirical. As you note, since GDF we’ve moved so far away from the inherent ambition of “Ever to Excel”.
    I can’t just blast Daz; I’d rather mock the sycophantic love of which he dreams. But yeah, it gets more difficult, especially with players like AB joining in on the delusional portrayal of the program.
    BTW, AB has to be the biggest loser if Addazio goes, as Louie and now Baker have exhausted their eligibility.
    Who wins if BC cans Addazio? Well, all of us of course. But amongst players? I’d tend to look past obvious candidates such as Perry and McDonald, and focus upon Davon Jones. Addazio has yo-yo’ed him around throughout his career, to Jones’s detriment.
    It must be tempting for Jones to do a grad transfer as a fifth year player. However, I’d love to see him stick around under a new coach such as HCRD (Ryan Day for the young’uns). Wouldn’t Day love to stick it to Addazio by showing how Addazio messed up the team? Best way to do that is to take a holdover off the scrap heap and see him perform under you—making the previous coach look foolish and petty.
    I loved it when Willie Parker emerged as a Pro Bowler for Pittsburgh after John Bunting and his staff (Andre Powell) at UNC buried Parker. What was hilarious to me was the year after Parker came out, the Steelers AGAIN signed a Tar Heel backup RB after said backup slashed through Top-5 Miami for 200+ yards rushing. The guy didn’t make the team, but you know the Steelers figured that if UNC was stupid enough to bench Parker, maybe they missed on this kid as well.

  26. OC, your satire has always been enjoyable. You really do have to go for shock value now simply because reality has resembled satire. If you were to write about an offense running an injured back up the middle on first and second downs, facing 3rd and 7 and throwing a pass on a 4 yard route, you'd think it would be satire and we'd laugh at the absurdity of it. But I just described most of BC's playbook - at least the part of it the team uses. It's a challenge for you to top that reality.

    If Daz truly believe the stuff he spews, I'd love a case of what he's drinking. Objectively, his plan is to be bowl-eligible. Period. Schedule at least 3 cupcakes out of conference. Let's hypothetically call them UMass, Temple and Holy Cross. Then, with 8 conference games, you figure a couple of opponents will be far better and we'll lose. This year, that was just Clemson. Syracuse is very good and the better team won. There are always a couple of teams that really struggle. That's a couple of more wins. We're at 5. A few games will be against mediocre teams (WF, VT, Miami). Win 1 or 2 of those and you're bowl-eligible. With over half of the BCS teams making it to a bowl game, that's not a huge accomplishment.

    Here we are, 7-5 in the regular season, 4-4 in the ACC. Headed for a bowl game we'll probably lose. If Fr. Leahy is willing to settle for that, Daz will get an extension. It makes no sense to have a guy coach in a lame duck year. We'll know in a few days which way it goes, I think.

  27. Well Kingsbury is the first to fall Lenny. Let’s hope there’s one more.

  28. Syracuse is a vivid reminder that with an excellent coach you can rebuild a team from the ashes.
    Chose wisely, Jarmond, but get rid of this loser ASAP!

  29. If the head coach is not getting fired BC would be wise to put out a statement that he will be back. Other schools will tell recruits don’t go there because the coach probably won’t be around. I would prefer they make a change but if they are keeping this guy they have to come out and say it in whatever supportive way they want

  30. The shame of this whole Daz fiasco is some of us (TGS, Observer, Mod, CT, etc.) knew the guy was a fraud from the beginning, but our warnings went unheeded.
    Others like GE and Big Jack have such undying loyalty to BC that they got caught up in the fraudulent Daz’s Promises of better days ahead every year. They can be forgiven for being so naive.
    However, the idiot contingent led by KHead, who for years defended the moron at every turn and always blamed the players, they can never be forgiven. These are the assholes who helped convince the administration that fans were still behind the Daz.
    So take the comments of these recently converted anti-dazzlers with a huge grain of salt, they are part of the problem and don’t know jack about football. Many like Khead didn’t go to BC and should frankly be banned from this board.

  31. Just wait one effin minute.

    I need KH here.

  32. TGS, my boy. You have me confused with someone else. I've been virulently anti-Dazoshit from the beginning. The only player I come down hard on is Brown. The kid just isn't FBS QB material.

  33. GE, my apologies if mistaken, but I believe you fell (on occasion at least) for the Daz’s annual prediction of “this is the year”.

  34. TgS. Georgia is right. He is the inventor of Dazoshit!

    Big Jack is the “diplomat “ (Fence sitter and now anti Daz)

    KH was a Daz lover until very recently. Usually blamed players for losses and praised Daz. I think KH also prolly a NAMBLA type.

  35. Joseph, the only reason anyone could want Khead here is he makes people feel better about their own life. No matter how tough a day you might be having, after reading the latest moronic comment from Khead you realize that at least you are not a degenerate gambler, a pathetic loser masquerading as a BC grad while living in your mom’s basement with no prospects for a career or a meaningful relationship with a member from the opposite sex.
    Still, that is not reason enough to keep the loser around. He must be banned.

  36. There is a small chance that Daz gets canned but more likely he sits in purgatory with next year as a make or break since he has just two years left on his contract and it is highly unlikely that he gets extended.

    If Jarmond has a candidate waiting in the wings such as a Ryan Day it is more likely that Daz gets fired. Any other leading candidates that could make the move more likely this year?

  37. BC should look into the Army coach. 77-44 alltime record after turning around two moribund programs. Runs a clean, disciplined program at one of the toughest places to win in country. Has recruiting ties to critical southeast after stint at Georgia Southern.
    Signed contract extension last year, but that shouldn’t be an option.
    Only drawback might be that he runs triple option offense, but I’m sure he could change.

  38. Interesting choice. Go Army. Beat Navy!

  39. IF OB 68 is correct about Jarmond having possibilities we must be ready to pay to keep him.
    Just think of the HORRORS of FLOPPO and BATES .
    TGS has a good idea about the Army coach hehas made them very respectable.
    My pushing Peter Carmichael Jr is he is a BC guy who if payed well would stay on
    THE same for Jared and Danya.
    USE must be made of two GREAT ALL AMERICAN QBS Doug and Matt in development of
    young qbs. This concept is beyond moronic ADDAZIO.
    GO BC

  40. If BC keeps him any longer, it should be ready for repercussions. The program will hit rock bottom, just like it did in 2012 and the fans will stay away in droves. Not a smart move. Stop the bleeding now.

  41. I'm hearing all sorts of rumors - and that's all they are - including from a BC alum in the Boston media that things are very tense and he may well be on the way out. But, I'm a Doubting Thomas, and will only believe it when I see it. It would be too good to be true, and I've gotten my hopes up way too often.

    Do you really think that Ryan Day would want to return as HC? Is that just crazy talk?

    We'll likely know soon how this plays out. I won't hold my breath. #FireDaz

  42. How much did the 2012 season affect the fanbase? I didn't start watching BC until 2013.

  43. Ryan Day makes $1.0 million as a coordinator at Ohio State and has no chance of replacing Urban Meyer. Addazio makes 2.6 million a year as the BC head coach. Unless Day is holding out for a top program like USC, Florida State or the NFL I think he would give the opportunity strong consideration. Not sure that Day is the best candidate but my point is that Jarmond should be able to land a high caliber replacement if he chooses to pull the trigger.

  44. Day's 3-0 record as HC was built against Oregon State (2-10), Rutgers (1-11), and TCU (6-6). Nevertheless, he did go 3-0 in spite of Meyer's suspension a couple of weeks before the opener.

    Day has built a pretty diversified record as an assistant, with NFL cred from his time with Philadelphia. From what little I can tell, he has seemed loyal to his bosses, something I think is a good trait. Yet Day has displayed a creative, daring streak when empowered to do so (going back to the fake FG call as a grad assistant here under the personification of stolidity, Tom O'Brien).

    Finally, he knows BC. I think he appreciates the University. This job lets him strike while the iron's hot from his gig at Ohio State, with an AD he knows from his time there.

  45. Whatever they are going to do they should do it tonight or tomorrow. There have been coaches fired this weekend but then you have USC that explicitly said their coach would return despite the losing record. I prefer Day or anyone else for that matter but if you refuse to make a change let everyone know. Don’t screw around and think about it for a few weeks while coaching candidates go elsewhere and your recruiting is in limbo

  46. Good points, all.

  47. Frank Leonard needs to coach in meaningless bowl game

  48. There is only one thing that matters now - FIRE DAZOSHIT!!!

  49. For those bashing the QB. I think the kid has talent and therefore could potentially flourish under a different coach. The biggest example is Jared Goff who a couple of years ago under Jeff Fisher with the Rams was the #1 overall pick. In year one he looked like a major bust. They changed coaches and he is now viewed as one of the top QBs in the NFL. For Brown’s sake I hope he gets a chance to play his last two years under a different coach. And Dillon will benefit too if the other team can’t always play with eight people in the box.

    1. No. No and no. We need a pro style QB so we can recruit speed at the receiver spot.This kid can't throw past 20 yds.

  50. You can’t go with the Army coach at all. As much as it’s great to see Army doing well again and kicking the ever living crap out of Navy, they really haven’t beaten anyone this year and run the triple option. It would be akin to GA Tech hiring Paul Johnson from Navy and really that hasn’t gone that great.

  51. I don't care if they hire a middle school coach with mental ilness, anything, ANYTHING, is better than the bozo we have now.
    And Brown is not and never will be a good qb. Bring in a new coach and give McDonald the opportunity to be the next Matt Ryan.

  52. I don't mind the suggestion of Ryan Day but, for Pluto's sake, for 3 mill can't we find anyone new ?

  53. Anonymous8:10 PM

    TGS, You walk on the wrong side of the street as you came out and declared during the Clemson game, fact. Calling for the Army coach to replace Dazzler shows you know nothing about sports. You don't and you know it. You have zero credibility here after your blazing exclamation that the NW and Purdue message boards have someone named Knucklehead. It doesn't matter who the coach is you are going to blame him for everything wrong in your second rate life.

    The posts blame the coach and players as they always have,

    You need to get a reading comprehension coach. Ask your "son" the Providence College flunky. Even a flunky cold help you.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Idefended Daz two weeks ago after the Clemson loss. There are certain aspects of Daz as a coach, i.e. finding talent and instilling character in players, I highly respect
    Engaging in the debate, I said I backed Daz, and would have to see how the next few weeks played out. I said that losing to Cuse, but especially FSU would justify a coaching change. I stand by that now. For as much as Daz haz resotered the program as the utter disaster that was Spaziani, he is not the coach to take us to the next level. I don't despise the man as many on this board do; in fact I applaud him for what he has done to bring BC into the national conversation. It's clear though his coaching has cost us too many games over his tenure, whether it's FSU, CSU, GA Tech in Ireland, the blowouts, etc. He has restored talent and an identity, but his in game coaching places a ceiling in both. It's time to move on. Daz shouldn't be vilified, but he should no longer be BC's coach.

  56. BCI had a blurb on Brian Flores who is a BC grad. He is the new defensive coordinator for the Patriots. Pretty much, he is out of our league. However, he would make a nice Christmas present. ---- Kind of reminds me when Notre Dame fired Terry Brennan on Christmas Eve. Even if the Dazzler goes, two years at 2.5 or 2.6 mill buy quite a number of high quality Christmas presents. I believe that he will end up a commentator and probably a very good one.------Spaziani had his good qualities as a d.c. Addazio also has good qualities. He just has a ceiling and BC needs to bring in someone with a higher ceiling. I just don't think that fits the description of Ryan Day.

  57. Brown May prove to not be the answer but you should remember he was running a team with the same lousy game plans and play calling that has all of you rightfully calling for a coaching change. I would like to see him get a shot with a much better coach. Hell, if Doug Flutie was on this team he either wouldn’t be playing or he would be viewed as ordinary because he would not have been allowed to be who he was. I am not comparing Brown to Flutie who was a transcendent talent. I was 30 years old his senior year and it’s probably hard for those who weren’t born then or too young to remember but during his junior and senior years BC football was close to the #1 sports team in Boston, maybe with the exception of the Celtics. That BC team did the impossible and captured the attention of the Boston pro sports fan. Each game was an event. They were exciting and unpredictable and beating teams that no one ever thought they could beat. People made it a point to watch all of their games that were on TV. The national press and TV networks loved them. The coach, Jack Bicknell, was in demand and was offered the Ohio State job after Flutie’s senior year but turned it down to stay at BC. Things went south pretty quick after Flutie left and BC football went back into the shadows. There have been good teams since then including the Tom Coughlin years and some of the teams in the 2000s. But nothing has really come close to where BC football was in the early 1980s. Jack Bicknell came to BC from Coaching at Maine. So The right guy for the 2019 team might not be Ryan Day. He might be in Division 1-AA or whatever it’s called these days. The key is to bring in an imaginative offensive mind who will rekindle interest and get good players to come here. I just hope they don’t waste another year keeping the status quo.

  58. The only thing that concerns me about Day is zero head coaching experience. When coming into a Power 5 program, especially at a school like BC that has little margin for error, I want a proven head coach. This is exactly what Notre Dame did when they hired Brian Kelly. Luke Fickell has done a solid job at Cincy. He filled in nicely at OSU when Tressel was fired.

  59. BC Fan- I well remember those Flutie days. We've lived in Alabama since 1975, and even people down here were fascinated by Flutie (who beat 'Bama in both '83 and '84.) Those were good times, as were the best of the Ryan years.

    We've done it before; we can do it again with the right coach. That coach is not Addazio.


    You tube BC -Penn State 1983 the Great Keith Jackson on the call

    1992 BC v. Penn State Glenn Foley and Co.

  61. If you don’t like Day as a potential replacement, here’s a young, energetic, qualified, offensive minded NFL coordinator with college coaching experience that is going to be on a lot of HC short lists this year AND is familiar with BC: John DeFilippo.

    Talk amongst yourselves.....

  62. Lance Leipold at University at Buffalo. Turned them around in 4 years to their best record ever, 10-2. Won 6 D-III Nat Champ in 8 yrs at Wisconsin-Whitewater, beating Mt. Union each time (Mt. Union being the Alabama of D-III).
    Was also at Wisconsin and Nebraska as an assistant.
    Not as sexy a name as others mentioned here, but a proven winner as a HC. If he can win at Buffalo, he can win at BC. High-powered offense.

  63. Anonymous8:29 AM

    I would not be happy if we pay someone 3-3.5 while our academic ranking is circling the drain.

    How is Al Washington handling Cincinnati?

  64. Al Washington is at Michigan now.

  65. The Army and Buffalo coaches seem quite interesting. We should go at it with the
    intention if successful we must make every effort to keep him on "The Heights" .
    Go coach Mac and company beat Providence !!!!!!!!!!!

  66. Accurate assessment Knucklehead yet the hype machine continues on Lindstrom who has sucked all year and now he makes 1st team all-ACC! Mind blowing! If I had a dollar for every missed block and penalty he was responsible for I’d be a millionaire...never a word said about RS who has held down the middle and held his ground and dealt with double team after double for others to make plays all year..solid

  67. While Patton was a brilliant strategist, Daz is comparable to a WW I general who stubbornly sent his troops across no-man's land into fire again and again and again and again, only to be shot down, while gaining no territory.


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