Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The U wants who?

He's gonna need some sunblock

South Florida papers are mentioning TOB as a possible successor to Larry Coker at Miami. I just don’t see it happening. While Miami will probably look for someone who has a sterling reputation and a track record for successful cleanups, I think TOB would have real problems fitting in down there.

The next coach of Miami has to walk a fine line. He needs to embrace the good things about the U culture (elite athletes, us against the world mentality) yet keep them inline and most importantly, win all the time. Part of winning is recruiting. The program sells itself to a certain type of kid. However, Coker and staff haven’t done a great job in evaluating and closing on those kids. While TOB is a pretty good recruiter, I don’t think his sales pitch would fly with the type of guys who want to play for the U. I also don’t see the Michael Irvins and Luther Campbells of the scene embracing our stoic Marine.

The other way to win is to out coach the other side week in and week out. This is where TOB becomes a real question mark for Miami. It is a given he could get a different type of athlete to play for him at the U. Those elite players mean you win most of your games going away. But as BC fans know, TOB’s style lends itself to close games where he squanders BC’s talent advantage (CMU is just one recent example). The first time TOB lost to Maryland or NC State because TOB played it too close to the vest, you would hear the ‘Cane faithful start pining for the days of Coker.

I don’t think TOB is set on retiring at BC. He’s floated his name out there too many times to think that he wouldn’t listen to offers. But the U is one place I think he would turn down. The guy is about safe and strategic moves. If he leaves BC it will be for a program where he can succeed and where the expectations will not be sky high.

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