Friday, November 09, 2007

Friday links

Pretty good basketball overview in the Herald. The Globe had a hoops article written by Mike Vega (who I miss). Interesting note: Rice and Spears will not play against UNH.

If anyone else wondered why Vega's replacement didn't write the BC articles from VT, the mystery was answered in this article:

Meanwhile, our BC beat writer, Mark Blaudschun, had a bad fall and broke his elbow. He was not able to make the trip. Senior assistant sports editor Gregory Lee, who had volunteered to go to Blacksburg to do a sidebar, suddenly found himself writing a game story and a notebook.

More on former BC assistant and current Maryland assistant Kevin Lempa.

Long rumored and finally confirmed: Corey Eason has left the team. Just another example of how recruiting services are not perfect indicators of future success. You never know how a kid is going to develop and adapt mentally and physically.

Another feature on Jamie Silva.

Matt from ZBC sent this along. I think our Oline has played well...just not as well as CFN seems to think.


Lally said...

If our O line gets that kind of rep- good. Even if the play hasn't been top 5 in the country, I'm more than happy to see it ranked as so in print where recruits can see.

TOB left us with depleted resources on the OLine. If we can rebuild it to its 2005 leve (5 NFLers) there will be plenty of life after Ryan.

Lally said...

And I can't spell. Sorry.

Goberry said...

Anyone know what happened with/to Eason? To not even last a semester at a school is somewhat surprising for a kid.