Thursday, October 02, 2008

Prepping for NC State and other links

Who is Julian Benbow? The Globe writer posted a very good article that included quotes from a variety of players and also talked scheme! He (she?) didn't edit out football jargon from the players regarding NC State's D or BC's plans for Saturday. Why can't the regular writers do this more often?

Is this the weekend where we finally pass the ball.

The team is healthy and ready for TOB.

Big Bhang Theory restates many of the recurring complaints about TOB.

The North Carolina media is playing up the "fun" angle.

TOB recounts how he moved Toal to offense.

Here is Jags' ACC teleconference from earlier in the week.

Dr. Saturday is skeptical of Maryland.


AguilaFan said...

Thought the same thing when I read the article. A factual reporting of what was told him, not an editorial with bias and prejudice.

Nice job.

jazzeagle05 said...

That's the best college football article I've read in the globe. There was more useful information in that one article than in the last 8 years of Bladschaun reporting.

eagleboston said...

Can someone explain to me why BC is giving away their gameplan to the opposition? I realize it is one thing to know an opponent's gameplan and another to stop it, but why would you show all of your cards now?