Monday, April 29, 2013

Addazio TV

Steve Addazio will spend most of Tuesday all over the ESPN family of networks. He'll start the day on Mike & Mike, but also be seen on First Take, College Football Live and SportCenter. I don't know how Addazio will do in his various appearances but this has to be viewed as a positive and a major step forward for BC's Marketing efforts.

Given our location and history with ESPN, you would think BC faces would be on ESPN all the time. Unfortunately that hasn't been the case. And it is not all ESPN's fault. Our coaches and players either have not been accessible or have lacked even the littlest bit of charisma or personality. Showing just a little energy and passion goes a long way on TV. TOB and Spaz were obviously not comfortable doing this sort of thing. Jags had his one ESPN halftime show, but didn't do much otherwise. Other schools have sent their coaches across country to ESPN and ESPN gladly put them on air. In the offseason, ESPN is welcoming to any sort of football content. If Addazio is any good, he could be back on before the summer ends.

These sorts of appearances won't win BC any games this fall, but it will work to change the perception of the  program. Recruits will notice as will the ESPN execs in charge of scheduling. I also think our fans will notice. Passion can be contagious. If Addazio truly spreads the message, he will get a lot of leeway out of the gate.

I will recap all the events late Tuesday. Tune in and give your thoughts as Addazio works his way through Bristol.


JBQ said...

Very positive move! BC needs to take a back seat to no one with all that the campus has to offer. The football program is just the "icing on the cake".

chicagofire1871 said...

I missed all of this today, any word on what was discussed or how he did?

Matt said...

You didn't miss anything chicagofire, it hasn't started yet.

BCMike said...


nceaglefan said...

Okay, I was very critical of the Daz hire, but he is starting to win me over. It has been fun seeing BC's name associated with some big time recruits. He seems like a very aggressive recruiter, which is exactly what BC needs right now!

nceaglefan said...
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Unknown said...

Dazzler did a great job representing BC. Talked rebuilding the team, what happened during the bombings, and Tebow. Loved it

ATL_eagle said...

I thought the morning appearances went well. I will have a recap after his chat and College Football Live appearance.

Pearl Washington said...

BC needs to get him a 30 minute show and buy time and put it on Sunday mornings right before Pats game previews.

It will be must see TV

Anfield10 said...

Unfortunately I didn't see this in time, so only got to see him on the shows I already record (for some reason, I record First Take - I don't record College Football Live in the offseason).

If anyone else saw the First Take appearance, did it bother you how all they wanted to talk about was Tebow? I have no problem with Tebow, but 3 of their 4 questions were about Tebow. I thought it was a bit rude to bring in a new coach of a D-1 school and hardly ask him about his school.

However, I thought Addazio did an awesome job constantly bringing BC into the conversation. And he constantly reiterated "BC" or "Boston College." He dropped Matt Ryan and Doug Flutie references. I thought he did a great job publicizing BC when they didn't ask about BC at all.

Anyway, that's my two cents. I was underwhelmed when we hired Dazzler, but I gotta say I love the way he talks about BC. It has definitely made me want to give him the benefit of the doubt and some time to install his system and bring in his recruits. I am excited about him!