1. What is TuneIn and how do you recommend people access and listen to it?
Meter: TuneIn is a free app available for download and owned by over 40 million people worldwide. It's also available in every new Ford and BMW car. Its the new frontier in broadcasting and enables the listener to find a wide variety of stations around the country and world.
2. Does the format enable you to cover and discuss college sports in a way that you wouldn't be able to on a traditional Boston Sports Radio station?
Meter: The format is all mine and I'm the executive producer. I can talk about anything I want and will definitely be focusing heavily on BC and college sports around the nation. Mark Packer from XM's College sports nation, will be a frequent guest. Pete Cronan and Malcolm Huckaby, will also be frequent contributors.
3. What sort of BC-specific content, topics and features will you have?
Meter: BC content will be specific to coaches and occasional interviews with athletes. I already had Jerry York on to discuss the success of Chris Kreider and Brian Boyle and am working on an interview with Coach Addazio for the very near future. I also expect Brad Bates to be a monthly guest with an AD's corner segment.
4. I, as a blogger, respect your position with BC, but I think most will agree that Spaz wasn't a great media personality (for a variety of reasons). Addazio has yet to coach a game -- so things could change -- but he seems more comfortable and willing to engage the media. How do you think that will impact your broadcasts and how do you think it will impact the general coverage of BC from your colleagues locally and nationally?
Meter: I think Addazio will be a terrific presence in the media and provide some great material for all media. The program needs some positive PR and he will help provide it. The media has to be willing to embrace it and as long as the wins start to come again, BC will be in a good position.
can you download the show in Podcast format? when i use Tune In normally its for streaming radio.
if Meter's show is only streaming, what day/time is it on?
You put really very helpful information. Keep it up. Keep blogging.-colocation atlanta
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