Friday, June 07, 2013

Tweets of the Week


Knucklehead said...

That last picture has something for everyone.

bc1900 said...

Too bad BC reunions are the cheapest and poorest run events I have ever been to. On top of that they have a gestapo like police presence like a football game and push pregnant women in their 30's out the door. Our reunions are a joke compared to other schools similar to BC.

eagle1331 said...

Sorry about your BC Reunion experience BC1900, but I was up there last weekend and it was arguable the best weekend of everyone's life. I know people that have been up the last few years and they'd say the same. I couldn't complain about a second of it, and haven't heard anyone. We were told after last year's multi-floor game of flip cup the cops were going to be on lockdown this year, but they didn't bother anyone all weekend and there was a 3 floor waterfall in the edmonds lobby by Sunday morning.

Knucklehead said...

eagle1331 = cool guy