Monday, October 07, 2013

Good hoops gossip

Because everyone was focused on Football and the Hockey preseason, basketball's open practice got overlooked. Early reports were very good:
Hoffses wasn't the only one to come away impressed. Last week Jay Bilas was on campus and supposedly liked how the team is coming together. We know our nucleus can compete. If they improved from last season, we get a spark from the new guys and have a healthy Clifford, we can play with anyone in the ACC.


Joseph said...

What's the word on Clifford?

NEDofSavinHill said...

Hoping for two interesting campaigns by B-ball and hockey teams. Expectations for post season are high. 2. FSU benefitted greatly from playing a big, physical team like BC. It showed in their game against the Terps. Kudos to Fisher for his QB development. Ponder, Manuel and now Winston. If BC can replicate that FSU performance vs Clemson we'll see a most entertaining contest. Daz appears to be returning BC to the tough, physical, power team TOB had in place. Could they be headed for 10 or 11 win seasons? 3.Evaluate the current college QBs in the ACC vs the SEC. Boyd, Winston and Bridgewater have a distinct edge over Manziel, Murray and McCarron. If one looks at what both conferences have produced for the NFL the last seven years the ACC advantage is even more pronounced. The SEC has given us J. Russell and Tebow. Both out of the league. Along with Newton who looks more like Vince Young every game. The ACC gave Ryan, Wilson and Ponder ( three playoff QBs in 2012). It's a talent mismatch.3. ND had a big win Saturday. While their D struggles they could still be a BCS non title team. Stanford looks vulnerable. 4.Poetic justice took place in the Baylor game. The WVU coach two years ago called timeouts in the 4th quarter to insert his first team in a rout of Clemson. He ran up 70 points to embarrass his opponent. Baylor put up 73 on WVU. It reminded one of ND's Holtz using a fake punt vs BC in 1992 when leading by 40.Was that a class move? Some idiot at the Globe said ND has class and BC doesn't. Justice was meted out in 1993. 5. BC's special teams deserve a salute. Willis and Evans have excelled. McCaffrey and Asprilla's coverage were very good. Next weeks Miami- UNC game could help the Eagles. UNC is 1-4. A loss to the U may demoralize them and improve BC's chances. ATL. evaluation of the Army game was 100% correct. Thank you ATL.

mod34b said...

As for Clemson, we find that as we prepare to play a very tough opponent (Clemson), Clemson is also preparing to play a very tough opponent (FSU)

Yes, our very cocky, unhumble opponent, Clemson, is overlooking BC and, instead, looking toward National Glory. Keep looking onward Clemson!

Here's what the CU main blog, Shakin the Southland, says:

"We'll be looking at Boston College here at STS but, as has become the new norm, have FSU in our peripheral vision. The ‘Noles rolled Maryland yesterday and have an open week to prepare for Clemson."

Clemson forgets that a very bad BC 2012 team was able to score 31 on Clemson and roll up 420 yards on offense.

Beating Clemson would be a shocker and is very unlikely, but Clemson is doing all it can to make it (slightly) possible.

Wouldn't that be sweet!

Bando '87 said...

Great news on the hoops team, especially the Jay Bilas feedback...Also, on the Basketball recruiting front, Dominique Uhl, PF 2014, is expected to make his decision this Friday, October 11th and has narrowed his list down to BC, Iowa and Temple.

Big Jack Krack said...

I am very optimistic this year, as our Hoops Team is very deep for the first time in years.

Not to omit anyone, but we are 10 or 11 deep, at least, so we should never run out of gas. I think we can play up-tempo all the time, if that's what Coach D wants.

It also means that when a starter needs to have a break, we will not have a drop off in talent on the floor. This is the type of team that multiple players can score in double figures every night. We will not have to rely on 2 or 3 players to score the majority of the points.

Go BC.

Big Jack Krack said...

We love basketball, but here are some things to consider for the Clemson Game:

We didn't stop them much last year, but had a couple of defensive bright spots. We will need a bunch of those this Saturday.

They play fast, and want 85 offensive plays a game to our 50 - 60.

We gave up touchdowns to end the first half, and begin the second half last year - we do not need a repeat of that.

Tajh Boyd threw for 367 yards and three touchdowns and ran in another himself as the Tigers beat us 45-31.

Chase Rettig completed 25 of 43 passes for 341 yards and three touchdowns.

Alex Amdion caught eight passes for 193 yards and two touchdowns for us, but Clemson amassed 576 total yards.

Boyd completed 28 of 38 passes and ran 11 times for 42 yards for Clemson.

DeAndre Hopkins caught 11 passes for 197 yards for the Tigers.

Although Watkins is nursing a sore hip this Saturday, he is an unbelievable long ball threat.

Andre Ellington ran 25 times for 132 yards and a touchdown for Clemson last year. The Tigers are evenly balanced.

Amidon's yardage was the third most in school history - behind two games quarterbacked by Doug Flutie.

We had come back from a 17-7 deficit to lead 21-17 on Rettig's 31-yard pass to Amidon with 4:12 left in the first half.

But Boyd hit Brandon Ford for a 4-yard TD just before the end of the half, then capped Clemson's first drive of the second half with Roderick McDowell's 16-yard touchdown run.

After Rashard Hall's interception set the Tigers up at the BC 33, Boyd hit Jaron Brown for 30 yards and Ellington ran it in from the 1 to make it 38-21.

It was 45-28 when BC inched closer with Nate Freese's field goal, and then stopped Clemson on a fourth-and-1 near midfield.

But on third down, Peters picked off Rettig at the 5. BC got the ball back at Clemson's 33 when Boyd fumbled, but the Eagles weren't able to get a first down.

Clemson had added its last TD when Boyd hit Hopkins from 35 yards out to make it 45-28 with 1 minute gone in the fourth quarter. The Tigers ended the game by taking a knee on the BC 1.

Go BC - you gotta believe.

EL MIZ said...

what did Bilas say about the team?

CT said...

Hey, 11:49post, check out those BCS titles and recent drafts. Nothing to do with conference talent, I'm sure, just luck. Please keep commenting. Very intelligent stuff.

EL MIZ said...

even with Daryl Hicks out, this team still should have depth that Donahue hasn't had.

Rahon, Hanlan, Odio, Anderson, Clifford

Heckmann, Lonnie Jackson, Dragicevich, Garland Owens, Magarity

if Clifford is going to miss serious time, i imagine Heckmann will be in the starting 5 in his place, and they'll slide Anderson to center and Odio to PF. that starting 5 (rahon-hanlan-heckmann-anderson-odio) was the starting 5 for 4 of the last 5 games, when BC went 4-1.

i have to say the player i'm most excited to see is Magarity -- from his youtube clips he seems like a very mobile 7 footer who has basketball skills (can shoot, can pass, can handle the ball). he could be a real under-the-radar get for BC.

EL MIZ said...

Bando - is Uhl the #1 target for 2014? according to my math, we only have 1 scholarship in play for that year. we just added 2 new west coast targets who seem like better prospects.

Claver2010 said...

I don't see Odio starting over Drago

Knucklehead said...

Drageviech is catch and shoot. he doesn't bring anything Odio does: athleticism, rebounding or understated toughness.

No way Odio sits on account of Drag. Possibly if you need a three pter to win a game late but there is as good a chance Odio rebounds a missed three, gets fouled and hits the free throw than there is Drageviech hits a three.

Drag is a specialist. Odio is an all around player.

Knucklehead said...

BC would be a NCAA tournament team in the ACC as it has been constituted. With Syracuse, Pitt and ND? we have ground to gain.

I like the team though.

twballgame9 said...

I never post here, but I wanted to just thank knucklehead for giving me my best laugh of the year. Keep posting man.

Joseph said...

Who let #9 out of the institution?

twballgame9 said...

My bad, I forgot my surroundings.

BC should be unstoppable with Eddie Odio getting significant minutes.


Bando '87 said...

El Miz, You are correct that we only have 1 scholarship to offer for 2014 (assuming no attrition.) Uhl visited BC first (of all the schools he is considering.) He has an offer. He had a bunch of other schools that he was indicating he would visit but after a few visits he is making his decision Friday. It feels to me like BC is going to get him and I think Donahue will be very pleased if he does.

Bando '87 said...

One thing about Uhl is his ratings on some of the websites might be a little low as there has been talk that he has improved over the summer (this is why Maryland offered him in August and other schools started showing interest.)

This is an excerpt from an article dated 8/15/13...

For now, the three-star prospect says he does not have any leaders, but he does have three official visits set up: Boston College, Iowa and Temple. The Eagles will be first, on Sept. 6.

"They like that I can handle the ball and make shots from outside," he said about Boston College. "They like that I can create shots for myself and my teammates."

Uhl says that after those three visits, he will then look at the rest of his options to decide who gets the final two trip. He'll be looking for a nice blend of academics and basketball.

"I want to combine both worlds," he said. "I'm looking for a good basketball program, but it should be a good academic school, too."

Knucklehead said...

Odio played 19minutes a game and after January 1 his minutes spiked dramatically. Interestingly the team gelled and starting winning after January 1. Look it up.

The post that speaks of Drag suplanting Odio doesn't make sense for the cause-and -effect sited above and because the two have different skill sets.

JERZeagle said...

in no way shape or form is eddie odio an ACC starter. He is great off the bench for 15 minutes of energy a game (that includes one offensive rebound dunk) but other than that, he is not a threat of any kind.

you say he brings toughness and is an all around player. sean marshall was a guy who had starter quality toughness and abilities.

Knucklehead said...

That speaks to nothing that I mentioned. Irrelavent comment as far as I am concerned.

twballgame9 said...

Coincidence and causation are not the same thing. Regardless, your facts are a little, neigh, a lot off. BC "gelled" in January to the tune of a 1-6 record, with one victory over VT, when Odio got 3 minutes of run. They went 3-5 in February. They went 4-1 in March. Perhaps the month being March was the cause of all of their wins.

Of course, the 4-1 stretch coincided with playing 4 lousy teams, Olivier Hanlan shooting over 50% from the field in 5 straight games, but I am sure it was all about Odio.

Tim said...

I do not follow BC basketball very closely. Can someone tell me in a nutshell why this year's team will be such a drastic improvement over last year's losing team?

Anonymous said...

twballgame9, aka Teddy, please take your snark back to EO.

Knucklehead said...

Gelled doesn't mean won games there guy. I watchd and went to their games and the team came together and played well midway through the year at the same time Odio's minutes when up. He facilties, hustles and works around the basket.

The Miami game was we lost on OT was the point where things started to come together.

Ironically, maybe , Odio is from Miami.

Either way the point continues to be two fold: 1) Drag is not taking minutes from Odio- they have different purposes on the court and 2)the team gelled when Odio's minutes increased.

Remember I watched the games. We lost to Wake and Miami in close games at home that we were winning late and after digesting that the team went 7-6 in february and march. At the same time starting with the wake game Odio's minutes per game went up from 10 to 24.

GP11 said...

Minus the snark, agreed with TW to a point. We don't know what drag is actually going to bring to the table yet. But this team is not going to be in the top half of the ACC if Odio is averaging 25 minutes. He should be their back-up 4/5 playing a high-energy 15 minutes a game. Can he play more? Yes, like Knucklehead said we saw it last year, but can and should are very different. It would be a great sign if he doesn't because it means other guys are stepping up and we're playing the style Donahue wants. Odio is not a consistent shooter from the outside. Odio played half his minutes as a small-ball big where his energy, weakside rim-protecting, and solid rebounding were difference makers and the other half as the 3 where he is clearly an offensive minus. If Drag is solid and Heckmann finds his game again, Odio's minutes at the 3 will disappear which will be a good thing for the team as a whole.

CT said...

I like it when someone says they went to the games. They must see something outside the purview of the camera. What is this, football?

Don't you dare disagree with all of the cyber basketball coaches on here.

By the way, Wake was horrible last year. Wasn't this team 0-6 vs. ranked teams? The ACC is down. They were 7-11 after Jan 1.

Looking forward to seeing how these concrete predictions play out.

Claver2010 said...

Odio isn't starting because he isn't a 3 in Don's system.

He's good for 15 minutes off the bench for energy, D, & putbacks.

Knucklehead said...

Exactly. Energy.

That is what Odio brings and that is what the team lacked.

Drag is not coming into the game to bring energy. He is there to shoot. He is not taking minutes from an energy guy- Odio.


Joseph said...

Still no comment on Clifford's health?

twballgame9 said...

Warren, aka Warren ... no.

twballgame9 said...

Odio is not starting and playing a lot because he brings "energy." The guy that starts at the 3 will bring an ability to score.

Odio plays Anderson's position in Donahue's offense, and his game is utterly unsuited to that style of play.

Odio played a lot last year because Heckmann was the only 3 and he played poorly and Clifford the only 5 and he was hurt. Donahue went out and got 2 more 3s and a 5, and all reports are that those players look very good in practice.

I'm looking for BC to make a jump this year. If Odio is playing 35-30 minutes a game (regardless of whether he starts) then it isn't happening.

Knucklehead said...

Nonsensical response. Again.

I did not say anything about Odio playing the 3. I did say that Odio's time will not be affected by Drag. It is a simple statement that you in fact have verified by bringing up the 3 position.

Odio's time will not be affected by Drag unless they go 4 point shooters and Anderson late when down by three.

Also who is to say that Odio didn't work on his shot over the summer. That was the weakness in his game. He could be jump shooting 4 or 5 now under the right circumstances. Or a pick and pop.

Drag limped out of Notre Dame. What makes him so special anyway?

Knucklehead said...

three point

twballgame9 said...

If he isn't going to play the 3, where are you playing him? Last I checked there is an all-ACC player at the 4, Odio's position. If he doesn't play the 3 or the 5, he doesn't play. Drago is a 2/3, and you are saying that Drago won't take his minutes because Drago, so I assumed you were talking about Odio at Drago's position. If you are talking about Odio playing 25 minutes a night because he spells Anderson for 4-6 and then plays 20 mins at the 5, BC is in trouble. Plus that only happens if Clifford is completely done.

Knucklehead said...

He plays 24 minutes a game. So he plays the 4 position and 5 pst. minutes for Anderson and Clifford when they are on the bench.


Knucklehead said...

He is completely done and that is what they did when they were most successful last season.

Drag is an attention getter for the folks because he came from ND. Not much more than a jump shooter scrapping for minutes with Oliveier, Rahon, Owens, Hicks, Lonnie Jackson and Heckman.

Drag was sold a bill of goods if he was told he was going to play significant minutes . . . he ain't.

twballgame9 said...

Anderson is going to play close to 35 minutes a game, and between Clifford and Magarity, they are getting almost all the minutes at 5. Odio will get at most 7-9 minutes at those two positions unless Clifford is done, and then BC is screwed anyway, so we can watch Odio hustle through another 17-16 season.

His minutes beyond 10 will be at the 3. He isn't going to play over Heckmann and Drago at the 3 because he can't play offense on the perimeter.

Nice player in short doses. But he is not a threat on the perimeter, and Donahue always wants threats on the perimeter. Plus, the more he plays, the less effective he becomes. 10-12 minutes a game is just fine.

Bando '87 said...

Evidently, the predictions are Uhl will choose Temple on Friday. Guess we'll see soon enough...