Saturday, July 09, 2016

390 athletes make ACC Academic Honor Roll

BC spends a lot of time on managing and publicizing APRs and graduation rates. However, just graduating athletes really undersells how much is done in the classroom by BC athletes. Nearly 400 students just made the ACC's Academic Honor Roll. That list recognizes students who maintain a 3.0 or better during one full school year. 

While some curriculums are easier than others, BC doesn't have fake majors or fake courses to pad these GPAs. These students work hard, especially when you consider their commitments outside the classroom. BC was third overall in ACC honorees. Congrats to all. 


Knucklehead said...

3RD overall is interesting. Guessing Wake and UVA had more. Wake an academic institution mostly. UVA has the state school course options at a semi-academic institution - much more difficult to get into than to graduate from

Napolean Bonaparte said...

BC also doesn't offer a physical education major.

mod34b said...

Duke #1 with 480; ND #2 with 414; BC #3

So The 2 best lacademic schools did the best. Schools offering basket weaving did not excel.

Last Georgia Tech 165 and Miami next-to-last at 189. Wake not so hot at 201. (Fewer sports?)

Surprised GT is so low. Low standards for its athletes??

BC men's hoops had 1 guy Matt Milon who transferred - has nobody who is on current roster. Hoops and academics don't seem to go together

Men's hockey. Only 4 guys. Really Coach York - is that the best you can do?

Knucklehead said...

Your last three sentences exemplify why you are total unencumbered raging douchebag.

Knucklehead said...

Can't wait for the response . . . Why Knuckle because blah, blah, blah

CT said...

Does Mod not already know? BC must not offer a major in self-awareness.

CT said...

Congrats to all on the accomplishment. Very nice indeed.

mod34b said...

thanks bitch

knuck oh knuck