It's not BC but you have to like the idea of more football at Alumni. I am trying to find out more regarding the logistics of the Patriots using Alumni, but on the surface I think it helps BC. BC can sell this to recruits -- "we have a great relationship with the NFL..." and I also think this raises awareness among those Patriot fans that ignore BC.
Anthony Castonzo is working out with his unofficial teammates.
Here is the latest on beer sales at college campuses. BC is not mentioned, but I think this would be a great idea for BC for financial and attendance reasons.
Adding beer sales would hopefully encourage people/students to get into Alumni before kick-off, but I don't see BC adding beer anytime soon.
For some reason, I feel like the neighbors would find a way to stop the possible sales...
This certainly opens up a can of worms. We at least can tailgate for football and do some beer drinking then. Having a few hours off from booze is good for people getting home safer and all the other associated issues with bad drunken choices.
If anything, I'd rather see this for Conte Forum - and that is where we need help with attendance. No tailgating, shorter games.
Don't get me wrong, I would partake if it was offered, but I'm okay with no beer sales in Alumni Stadium.
And D-Murph makes a big point about the neighbors and the City's licensing board. It would probably NEVER happen even if the Athletic Dept wanted it. This would probably go over fine in Stillwater, but not in Boston (which is ironic since fewer people actually can drive to the games).
I think the only way the town let's BC get a license for Conte/Alumni is if the school agrees to cut back tailgating hours... tough sell for Athletics...
Regarding beer sales. I never thought I would utter these words, but Beano Cook made a good point.
He said "yeah, it'll make money, but that's like saying 'Let's go to war to get out of a recession'. Sure, everyone will have a job, but it wouldn't be worth it."
You have to think like Lee at Gettysburg. His army took it to the enemy. The Patriots are coming onto sacred ground and "rubbing your noses" in it and you "scream" that it is lemonade. BC has a good product that needs to be maximized something like ND or even UT where the checkerboard crackles. Do you think that here in St. Louis that NE has any clout? They videotaped Kurt Warner and used it to win "the game". You act like NE is the second coming of JC. Build up the echoes on campus and stop sycophanting.
Step away from the bong, son.
mod10 -- funny. wish there was a "like" button here in this ancient blogosphere.
JBQ is crackers!
2nd commitment, finally!
Sam Grant - TE from OHIO
Had offers from Bowling Green, Cincinnati, Ohio, Indiana, Louisville, Michigan, NC State, Syracuse, and Toledo... Interest from Iowa, ND, Ohio State, Oklahoma and Stanford...
Not a bad list considering what we're used to...
The selling point to our 'neighbors' would be that selling beer in the stadium may cut down on litter and cans as people would tailgate less during first quarter. Wouldn't have to pregame so hard.
I actually thought Spaz did a great job on the Solid Verbal podcast. Not sure why ATL was so down on the interview. The hosts really propped up BC and actually knew what they were talking about.
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