2013 vs Syracuse. Cuse drives 75 yards with less than 2:08 to win the game.
2014 vs Colorado State. Rams drive 90 yards with 4:00 left to win the game
2014 vs Florida State. Noles drive 66 yards with 4:34 left to win the game with a FG
2014 vs Penn State. PSU drives 76 yards with 1:55 left to force OT (which they would win)
2015 vs Syracuse. Orange drive 69 yards with 2:42 left to kick winning FG.
2016 vs Georgia Tech. Jackets drive 59 yards with 3:33 left to win the game.
Basically, once he gives up the ball, the D will either stop them or they won't. The difference in the extra 20 yards is negligible. Look at the Pro Football Reference stat.
Basically, once he gives up the ball, the D will either stop them or they won't. The difference in the extra 20 yards is negligible. Look at the Pro Football Reference stat.
(1/2) According to Pro Football Reference, on the FSU 40 with 2:52 to go, fourth-and-one, @BCFootball had a 87.21% chance to win the game.— Ben Thomas (@ben_heights) November 18, 2018
How win probability changes based on the fourth down result:
CONVERT: 96.61%
FAIL: 73.56%
PUNT: 80.94%
The difference between punting and getting stuffed on 4th down is minor. Convert at all costs and the game is yours. Look at the win probability graph. It was creeping towards BC and once they gave the ball back it dipped. The lesson Addazio should take from this is not give it back.

But he hasn't learned and there doesn't seem to be anyone around to enlighten him so I assume we will see this same mistake again.
ATL, I commend you for the work that it took to put this together. But Steve Addazio's failures are even more simple than what you've described.
His entire approach to football is to bring close games into the fourth quarter. But he is woefully unable to make sound decisions in close games.
His approach -- drag it into the fourth quarter, where maybe our run-first offense will have a worn down defense! -- is silly and outdated. He's very proud of it, though, and talks about it all of the time. Well, if that's your approach it would seem essential that you . . . LEARN HOW TO COACH IN CLOSE GAMES.
Daz's failings would be a problem at BC regardless. We are never going to bring in the talent to routinely beat top tier ACC teams by more than 1 possession. So, managing possessions matters here more than most places, and Daz is uniquely bad at it. On a good year, he'll cost us one game with his nonsense. On a bad year, it'll be 3-4.
(In addition...it's worth noting that your list would be at least twice as long if you noted how we routinely mismanage situations in similar circumstances at the end of the first half).
Pinstripe Bowl vs Iowa - they drove for the winning score with 3 minutes left.
How come we could not use all of that time to tie it up?
We know why. Yes we do.
You can talk your B.S. all you want, Steve Addazio - but we all want you to know that we know your game plan and coaching and phrases are all bull sh!t. Yes they are.
You either change or GTFOMAM.
There, I said it. Screw! You have brought more anguish to this fan base than could be imagined through your sheer hard-headedness. What you do can be called insanity.
Sell your hogwash to ESPN. We are on to you and we have had it.
How does that feel, knowing g you are despised by the BC Football fanbase? Would you feel bad enough to resign? And take Loeffler with you.
Bye bye
Good posts. The answer is simple. Jarmond needs to show some leadership and fire Dazoshit - now, today, this very moment!
Strange, the Dazoshit apologists have been very quiet. What's the matter, kids? Embarrassed?
Maybe there are people around to enlighten Daz, but he just won't listen. He doesn't seem to be the most flexible sort. It's one thing to be that way if you're Nick Saban, but the gulf in abilities between Saban and Daz is matched only by the differences in their heads of hair.
ATL could have stopped at Addazio hasn't learned and we'd still nod our heads, but that analysis was well done.
Record excluding scrimmages:
2018 - Excluding UMass, Holy Cross - 5-4
2017 - No exclusions - 7-6 - lost bowl game to Iowa
2016 - Excluding UMass, Wagner, Buffalo - 4-6 - won bowl game over Maryland
2015 - Excluding Maine, Howard - 1-9
2014 - Excluding UMass, Maine - 5-6 - lost bowl game to Penn State
2013 - Excluding Villanova - 6-6 - lost bowl game to Arizona
Only one winning season so far out of six - two if we beat Syracuse or win a bowl game this season. Combine that with the number of "chowderhead" losses due to bad field decisions attributable to him - and you might be a tad generous to call it average. There are probably a number of coaches we could have hired who would have done a worse job. And if our standard is simply not to hire the worst coach out there - Daz should be retained. Otherwise, it's time to move on and thank Daz for his hard work, giving it his best shot and leaving us with a program considerably better than the one he inherited. He's been treated more than fairly and because of BC (assuming he's been prudent) - he'll go into retirement as a multimillionaire. Our Athletic Director needs to commence assembling a target list of candidates and put together a plan for hiring a new head coach.
Great post, and great points by TheFive. What's particularly maddening about watching Addazio coach is that he coaches as if there's no downside risk to any individual decision. He calls his last timeout to try to draw FSU offside because, to him, the worst-case scenario is we'll punt and then the defense will win the game. He doesn't consider that we might need to score again.
It didn't end up impacting the game, but the timeout he called against Virginia Tech at the beginning of the fourth on 2nd and 1 from midfield was totally insane. He seems to develop tunnel vision during games, which is obviously not a great trait for a head coach.
So, he's bad at major aspects of the "coaching the games" part of football coaching. It's also undeniable that he can recruit and develop talent. The reality is that this is not a destination job, and as easy as it is to say fire the bum...I'd like a clearer idea of what a successor looks like. Even if we were to get Bill's beloved Ryan Day, the best-case on that is that he's here for five years before moving on.
I wouldn't argue that we need to settle for mediocrity, but it also seems reasonable to see what he can do next year with so much of the offense coming back. It's probably silly to expect that he can improve at the basics...we've seen enough to know who he is on that front. But when we say "Addazio's ceiling is 7-8 wins," let's not forget how recently we saw what BC's basement is. It's pretty ugly. Like, "losing at West Point" ugly. What's likelier? Addazio's in-game management gets 25% better, or we find a unicorn replacement? That's Jarmond's question.
It is funny that a couple of weeks ago people were talking about this team being in the playoff conversation. Great stuff.
Tony, I think the discussion was over being ranked in the playoff itself. I don't think anyone felt BC could actually crack the top 4. That would have been insane.
Leaving it to your defense is fine if the defense is playing well. On the previous drive FSU went down field easily and had a TD pass dropped and kick instead. It isn't the call to leave it up to the defense that is bad. It his belief in the defense that is bad. Add Strahan to the list of suckers with Lichtrnstein and Jeff Smith.
Have to beat Syracuse.
BC's time of possession average for this season is the worst its been under Addazio - 28:25 minutes - and just a tad over 30 minutes (roughly 30:36) for his whole tenure at BC. It's pretty safe to assume possession is padded by the softies we schedule early, so net is his unimaginative offense leaves the D on the field too long and they're gassed by the time he demands they hold off the other team the last 3, 4 minutes of every game.
@Craig Yeaster: As someone who is a "math bug", your point is well made.
If Jarmond keeps him, it's time for the "Come to Jesus" meeting.
If you don't change your outdated philosophy and play modern college football - especially offensively, you are gone. Do it, and I'll consider an extension after next season.
And if you cop an attitude or don't perform up to standards, I'll fire you on the spot - even during the season.
And if you're lucky, I won't find a for cause reason. But you will be finished as a college football coach, with a reputation in tatters.
Go BC - do the right thing.
Horrible coaching throughout the entire game, not just that bone-headed 4th down punt.
To all those who think Anthony Brown would have made the difference vs. Clemson, have you delusions been eviscerated yet? They guy is horribly inaccurate (his fault) and inconsistent (his and the coaches fault). Our OL is completely overrated and was dominated for the second straight week. The only consolation there is that next year, we might be fine even though we graduate 4 starters.
ATL was definitely talking about BC being in the playoffs.
Adazzio is one, if not the, worst in-game coach in a power conference. How many times will he prove this. He is a worse version of TOB when it comes to game philosophy, while being light years worse when it comes to actual coaching. He is a good recruiter and marketer and that is it. I was literally texting someone at the beginning of the fourth and said that this is set up and has the feel of a game BC will throw away, and they did. I am beyond tired of this shit.
Florida Stat is horrible. Simply horrible, and they beat us.
Well stated, BCAlumn. You summed it ,,upperfectly. Dazoshit must go!
Its so pathetically sad that when the coaches/team actually make an in-game adjustment (e.g. against VT at the half), that it is cause for shock versus the norm. That is as damning as it gets in regards to the skills and abilities of the coaches.
Another note on Brown, is there any QB who throws more passes short of the first down line (often times, significantly short of the line), on third down than Anthony Brown? I wish there was a simple way (aside from watching endless film) to prove that out. Complete lack of on-field acumen.
mod, I meant good recruiter in general, not specifically regarding the OL. In fact, I think he has been pretty poor in that regard, especially compared to what we are used to at BC. Who was the last dominant BC OL? Castanzo?
He recruits skill position players very well though. The WR's still need work, but the DB's have been off the charts for the past 4-5 years. You cant deny that.
Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different out come
is the very definition of insanity.
DAZ EUNDA EST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Addazio may be a good recruiter in some positions (or not), but what's beyond dispute is that the players do not develop once they're here. That's coaching. And with respect to recruiting, we haven't done well at the QB and PK positions since Addazio got here. I'm not suggesting he should be able to recruit a Heisman candidate at QB but someone, well, adequate, would be good. There's no reason why we shouldn't have at least a marginal kicker. We've had a long drought in that area. At least we make the extra point exciting.
If for some reason you decide not to go for the first down and your intent is to attempt to draw the defense off side, calling a time out to set it up is pure stupidity. How many times do you think the Florida State coaching staff told their defense, DO NOT GO OFF SIDE, DO NOT GO OFF SIDE, during the time out. If "draw them off side" is the decision, how about a play in the book which achieves this goal. Hustle to the line, call the play and see what happens. If they do not jump, you have the time out in your pocket if they do jump (which I think is more likely when they have to hustle to the line and not have the advantage of getting coached up) youve got the first down and the game is over. How hard is that? Addazio needs to go, this team will never succeed with him in charge, do not drink the Kool Aide, get him out of here. By the way, running 30+ plays with an injured Dillon is criminal. I also wonder just how injured Brown was????
Agreed. What he is willing to do to players for his own success is appalling. Forget the fact that Dillon is hurt. Rushing a guy 37 times even if healthy, is unfathomable. If Adazzio had it his way, he would do that each and ever game. If you are a stud RB recruit and want to get paid to play, would you come play for a guy who is literally willing to have you run the ball 400+ times per year for the three year period that you have to pass before going pro (complete bull shit rule btw)? RB's literally only have a finite set of years before they completely drop off. Its not like it takes 2-3 years of gradual decline, its literally immediate for RB's and that is because of the cumulative effect of all those rushes and the inevitable injuries that come with them.
OB68 -- see my comments from in-game thread in real time. Exactly in line with you.
I watched his presser post-game and the deflection and lack of accountability is really maddening. I am not as upset about not going for it on 4th and 1 (that is a debatable call) -- it is was the mismanagement that lead up to that, particularly play clock, play selection and stupid timeouts that we took that backed us into a corner. That is 100% coaching. I'd like to see him take accountability for that. You can debate the merits of the 4th and 1 decision all you want but that is the wrong angle in my opinion. Go after the mountain of evidence highlighting ineptness at preparation and game management. Also his record against ranked teams and ACC opponents.
MJ makes a big deal about "hearing us" on social media -- go to Twitter, Instagram and Facebook and make your thoughts known there. Call him. Email him. Call the Flynn Fund and tell them you would like to stop donating. Be polite and reasonable and avoid name calling. And hammer home that you are concerned that the current head coach does not uphold the ideals of the University. He can say he knows more about football than you, but the evidence shows he is not representing our core ideal of "Ever to Excel."
That said, be prepared, it is not likely Daz is going to be fired this year regardless of how the team finishes. After trotting him and our school out for a nationally televised Gameday, it would be an uncharacteristically aggressive move for MJ (and admin) to axe him weeks later. Assuming they don't transfer, we have a bunch of starters (including a nationally recognized RB) returning next year. Our hoops program is a much bigger mess right now and MJ has a deeper background in basketball (note how close he as gotten to Dudley on social media, btw). That means Christian is more likely to go first. Loeffler will be the sacrificial lamb as well as special teams coach and Daz will have one more year to get some guys to be dudes.
Maybe if we are lucky, when he doesn't get an extension this year, he sees the handwriting on the wall and takes the clown show to another conference. Colorado would be a great place for him -- perhaps his dream job. And if not, he knows he can always go back to CT and spend his Saturdays sprinkling paper clips on his desk in Bristol....either way, when it finally comes together it will be beautiful....
Disagree. Dazoshit should be canned immediately for malpractice. If Jarmond doesn't pull the trigger this year it will only confirm my already low opinion of him.
The problem is Daz always does just enough at the last possible second to make firing him difficult. I am all for continuity. I think it is key in college athletics as it allows for stability in recruiting. However, when the coach involved is just a bad technical coach, stability can't help you. It just results in what we have today; a talented team with a worse record than their talent.
I like Daz as a person. I think he has improved in terms of taking accountability (though still lacking) and is a passionate guy who isnt BS'ing with that passion. That said, he just is not a good in-game coach. He would be a great coordinator or assistant head coach, but is not a head coach at the power conference/ACC level. We dont need any more evidence. We have six years of evidence now.
Agree totally with so many very well reasoned arguments that I hope Jarmond reads and heeds. I also hope that some would learn that insults and demeaning names do nothing to advance what otherwise are accurate assessments of Addazio's abilities and liabilities.
Ever to excel applies not only to the BC athletic department but also to the ability to effectively communicate on the level expected of a BC education.
To mention Daz and TOB in the same sentence is absurd. TOB had the team at a 10 win level. ( his last 2 years were 9&10 wins, Jags with all of TOB's recruits were 11&9). 39 wins over four years. Six straight over ND. Eight straight bowl wins. Daz is 1-3 in bowl games. 0-2 vs. ND. His record against non Power 5 teams is 18-1. Power 5 plus ND is 20-36. He wins about one third of his games against those teams. Daz has never developed a QB. TOB had the Hasselbecks, Ryan, Wilson and Glennon. All NFL QBs. With Daz the future is bleak.
Comrade Joey, get off your high horse, you pretentious twit.
Hire Don Brown. Maybe the best D coach in the land. Then hire the Cuse OC giving him a pay boost or the Wash.St. OC. Open up the offense. Daz has no comprehension of a passing attack. His top two QBs can't read the defense and routinely throw to the covered receiver when another TE or WR is open. 2. Who said Syracuse was overated? ND exposed them. They are pretty ordinary. Not top 25.
Atl, great analysis. Love the use of the maths. Unfortunately we know our coach has a problem counting to 3 as evidenced by his major mismanagement of timeouts.
Does anyone know if Jarmond reads these boards? Or does he stay away? He watches all of these games and his career is very linked to winning and making sure his customers (us) are happy.
Right now I can’t imagine anyone who watches and pays attention to BC sports is happy. Alums who have a passing interest in sports probably just see 7-4 and think that we are having a nice little season. I don’t think those alums are gonna get Jarmond to the $150mm line.
I hope our athletic director is not spending his time reading the anonymous rantings and ravings of a handful of BC fans on this or any other message board. But I bet he checks his email:
Drop him a line!
The 10:01 am comment is the height moronic thought turned into moronic words. Makes zero sense.
. . . If you are paying attention to football and not trying to find fault.
Moronic statement at 10:01 am.
Break the Spaz numbers up into the 2 years after Jags vs the rest of the Spaz years. Then show me the numbers. Another clown trying to be smart.
Best part is they haven't been blown out all year, except Purdue. Mod at his silliest.
Thanks GE I was afraid that you would disappoint us by passing up a chance to confirm what we all know about your intellectual prowess and language skills. Must really hurt for all to see.
Uh oh. Jarmond is taking the place of Ryan Day, for Mod. Full Mousekateer more for Mod.
Joseph and the amazing multi colored dream coat spinning his narrative of self righteous business owner, military veteran, English major and all around bullshit artist.
Joey, Now you've gone and done it. You've brought the wrath of Knucklehead the Terrible upon thee. May God show mercy upon your doomed socialist soul. Poor little fellow.
Not English major, sorry. But that has never stopped me from using words to express decent ideas rather than insulting and demeaning. Also, not self righteous. Simply don't tolerate bullies and jerks who can't be civil and constantly demonstrate ignorance.
GE I am terrified for sure, but also curious about the "socialist" moniker. Is that a standard insult or are you simply emulating you-know-who? Can you take issue with anything without the stupid stuff? Can you even define socialist? So someone says that the silly words and insulting profanity are out of place and that makes them a socialist? Were your profs socialists or did they teach you to limit your vocabulary to avoid being terrified by the likes of KH and Mod and GE? Try posting as an educated mature adult.
Look, Dufus. This is a sports blog where a bunch of alpha dudes express their chippy, off-color and spirited views on football while chugging brews. It is not the Oxford debating society careful to conform to Roberts Rules of Order.
Now go back to your chess game.
The dream coat is buttoned up and Joseph is in complete bullshit mode after the last comment.
Joseph, you are making my point. Only a multicolored dream coat wearer tells other people how to communicate. Idiot.
Are you uncomfortable or are you holding back out of self righteous indignation. I was on hear before Trump was a gleam in America's political eye. Go chew on that shit while get your multicolored hood on for full protection.
Only a few dopes here. Not even close to being "alpha" . That implies leadership ability and not just puerile nonsense. Off color does not make you chippy. Insulting people does not constitute being spirited and why are you chugging brews during the day. get a job. Mod, You said the Globe is a rag that no one reads. I pointed out that you are wrong with facts. Rude? Negative? Hypocrite? Elder statesman? Must you continue to prove what I said way back then.
The best most informed and informing posters here are BJK and ElMiz and BCA2000 along with a few others. read and learn(if you can)
There it is at the end the true Joseph(and the amazing multicolored dream coat).
You have no idea what I lead and dont lead. Horses ass.
The more you write the more you prove the point.
Multicolored, You really are a dumbass too. You thought he meant people are chugging beers while typing on here at 4pm.
Joey the intellectual doesn't understand figure of speech.
Comparing TOB's last years with Daz's first years is unfair. My only point comparing TOB with Addazio was that both played not to lose. This mentality inevitably costs you at least 1 or 2 games a season. Your point about Jags taking TOB's teams and turning them into 10 win division winners, proves this point. Are you confident TOB would have been able to do that or would his conservative nature have cost 1-2 wins in each of those seasons? Jags was a fraud, but he was not conservative nor was Steve Logan. Just for the record, I dont think Addazzio is as good of a coach as TOB. That said, I always said that TOB had a 9 win ceiling and more likely would win 8 every single season. Just like that was not good enough, nor should anyone affiliated with BC accept what Addazzio has done ... 8 win ceiling and more like 7 wins every single season.
It wasn't Jags. It was Logan. Jags was a fraud. That is why he is at Ave Maria high school in Clearwater or some shit.
Just to put in perspective how stuck this program is.......We’re in the exact same position now that we were in at this point in Daz’ first season... win against the Cuse to get eight wins.
Yeah, silly me. I thought that he actually meant what he said about the beer although many of his posts seem as if there might have been a few cold ones being the source of the drivel. So what is the real excuse?
Dazzler has the same kicker who cannot kick for 4 years, a receiver who cannot receive for 4 years and a center who cannot block a noseguard for 4 years.
Name the three Joseph?
You misunderstood Joseph. Stop getting defensive.
Admit you were wrong. Don't lash out at others for your obvious mis understanding.
Knuck, good point. Dazoshit is absolutely incapable of changing-out poor performing players. I wouldn't be surprised if he never changes his own underwear.
Looks like bceagle93 has it about right. Unless Syracuse breaks the bank, he will still be grinnin' ear to ear. He has played his political cards well and "the mouse" will just go after Christian.
BC -7 against Syracuse.
Current line -7.
How on earth are we 7 point favorites against Syracuse? Dungey hasn't been ruled out. Syracuse is ranked. It's a big game. Addazio is our coach. I'm scratching my head.
Get the QB from Gonzaga HS in DC.
Best Flutie imitation since the game.
Did Dungey get dinged by ND?
"Knuck, good point. Dazoshit " Thanks! Point made!!!!! need I say more about the three dopes who equate insults with intelligence.
Dungey left the game early. Status unknown. Here's an article from syracuse.com
Comrade Joey gets his football knowledge from Karl Marx's little red book. Give it up, dope. You can't win.
gE, you can't even get your insults right. Marx's little red book? More blissful insulting ignorance. Like you your dear leader is all about winning. He even won the mid terms(in his feeble mind only.)
I won't call you a loser but if you keep up the ignorance you might find others use the term. Between chuggs you might want to research who had the little red book. But, make sure that you don't admit error. Our winner in chief says that is a sign of weakness (not Stupidity or ignorance)
My bad that was Mao. Marx ( your mentor ) wrote the Communist Manifesto, the current playbook of your party.
Don't go toe-to-toe with me on history. You're out of your league.
"Comrade Joey gets his football knowledge from Karl Marx's little red book. Give it up, dope. You can't win."
of time to malign each other after this is achieved "FOR BOSTON and we rise to 4-6 in
the ACC with an occasional third
I believe that Coach Addazio was an appropriate choice to revive the BC football program from a less than satisfactory position. For that I think he deserves credit. He seems to have good rapport with the players and I think he runs a respectable program. That said, I do not think he is the coach to take the program to the next level and fully achieve its potential. He has had many chances to prove himself out and has fallen short the vast majority of times.
Sustained year over year success will always be a challenge for BC given competition in the ACC but it is not too much to expect BC to have a break out year every so often. This was one of those years and I think Daz held the team back this year as he has done consistently. Some might call this year progress but I would call it a missed opportunity.
It is time to move on and hire a new coach while we are in a position of strength with some decent talent on the roster and a new indoor practice field. Waiting for the inevitable collapse under Daz will do more harm than good. My fear is that the administration will choose to wait for a 5-7 season or worse before they take action.
BC basketball is currently up 3 on Wyoming with 5:30 to go. This after losing to IUPUI (that would be Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis). The athletics department at BC has literally been a joke for a decade. Good job forcing out consistent winners like TOB and Al Skinner. Glad we reached new heights after they left.
91, You and everyone who is interested in football and not word choice here should read this from the Boston Globe. Dazzler discussing his 4th and 1. It is a pathetic abomination.
You can’t put all the blame on Brown for throwing short of the sticks. Have to blame the play calling for the ridiculous routes and you also have to blame the receivers for not getting past the sticks. I’d put the most blame on the receivers for having zero field or situational awareness.
Seven win Steve is the winner. He may get lucky vs Cuse with Dungy out. Also Vegas knows, BC -1 vs FSU and everyone thinks crazy line. Spot on. BC -7 vs Cuse everyone thinks crazy line, we will see
As I have posted earlier and STL just reiterated, Daz was right guy at time to get program on solid footing. He has improved the recruiting despite what ay rankings say, kids have developed as evidence by number of NFL prospects and they have great kids in program
As Bill P correctly states you are what your record says you are. Seven win Steve is a average mediocre coach. Simple as that and can’t be debated. Record in ACC over six year span is less then mediocre. BC has been good to Daz and Daz has been good to BC. Simply time to move on. That being said a win Sat and no chance a change is made
It does make me wonder why do AD wait til bottom falls out to make change. BC right now is perfect example, we know Daz is incapable of anything more then seven wins, if it didn’t happen this year with pathetic ACC it’s never happening. Roster has talent and a legit Heisman candidate in Dillon who will have something to prove next year after a mediocre year by his standards. Make a change now and build excitement and momentum to take next step. MJ could seize the day but instead will get a two year extension
Finally Joey please go back to Eagles Nest which has been ruined by your kind where you tell each other how much smarter you are then everyone & make yourself feel good. We just want to complain about bad football play. Thanks
4:44 comment from Knucklehead.
He still doesn't understand the difference between hear and here.
No argument with you Shabby. None at all. I agree withe assessments of the coach and and the team. Most poster have expressed the same thoughts. No problem at all. Only problem is with a few that have no decency or civility. Like him or not. Admire his ability to take BC to the Heights or not. Respect his game management or not. He is still not worthy of the puerile name calling. Many of us have had to make pretty tough assessments of employees and terminate them as a result of poor performance. We do so not out a sense of joy but regret. We don't denigrate and demean them. Unfortunately some don't comport themselves like this,but actually seem to get pleasure from putting others down. And then when they are called on it, scream "fake" or fantasize a personality to demonize. Sound familiar? Smarter than BJK? Never. Smarter than KH? I doubt it, but .....
Somebody get Joey a box of tissues. Typical snowflake.
"Snowflake as a slang term involves the derogatory usage of the word snowflake to refer to a person".
GE just can't express anything without getting into the "derogatory" stuff. too bad he is so limited.
More dose of reality from outside the BC bubble....according to this, Babers, Orgeron and Narduzzi more in hot seat than Daz....
Speaks more to national perception of our program than anything......
Tony, Tone Toni. Still don't care about word choice.
Joseph: I'm new to this blog but I've carefully read back through months of comments and I presume to speak for some or most of us when I say -- STOP using the word "puerile" Just F******g STOP It. This is a FOOTBALL BLOG for (I'm assuming) grown men (the kind with Y chromosomes, not the ones who "identify" as men).
Joseph-- you constantly interject and distract from the ONLY outlet that we have to discuss BC football in a somewhat informed way. Many of us go on this blog at work to distract from our days of exploitative capitalist wage labor (I'm sure you can sympathize). We don't want your intellectual debate. All you do is grandstand and lecture about civility etc. If we wanted to have to bring our thesaurus's, (did I get that punctuation right, I'm not sure honestly?) we would join you over in Harvard square with your one-upsmanship bullshit. Did you ever see Good Will Hunting? Who is the asshole in that scene, the intellectual or the blue collar guy?
We want to talk football, many of us probably played football at one time (unlike you). I would love to see your ossified baby boomer ass on the actual gridiron calling someone "puerile". You would get flattened, you effete little snob. (See I can play the vocabulary game too!).
We want to discuss FOOTBALL not politics, Trump, or (Joey's) *supercilious* civility lectures. Guys, keep it all to football!
That said, there are some great posts on here where we are actually analyzing the state of BC football, which we ALL care about, or else we wouldn't be here on this esoteric (that's for you Joey) blog.
PLEASE everyone complain on social media, email, snail mail, Flynn fund etc to the Mouse about the Daz-aster. Christian must go too, but Football is more important. Football brings in the revenue, gets us on national TV and drives the whole ship.
Football can go one of two ways: 1) Pay big money (like the Daz-aster is being paid), get big results (that means an ACC championship) and take the risk your coach moves on to a better job or 2)pay modest money and continue to bump up against our 7 win ceiling. The only "third way" I see if is someone like Herz or Kuechly (God bless you, I hope your brain is holding up okay) or similar wants to return to his alma mater for the LOVE of the Heights. That strategy can work too (Pat Fitzgerald anyone?) but it's a long shot. Otherwise, the only rational thing for Mouse to do it either cut the pay and accept the ceiling or keep the HIGH pay and get someone who can coach in-game -- someone with character, charisma AND an IQ over 100. It shouldn't be that hard.
Consider this -- Of AP top 25 teams, only Northwestern has a higher endowment PER STUDENT than BC. Pat Fitzgerald makes 2 Mill per year and has his team in a conference championship (albeit in a weaker division). But BC Would still be ranked higher than NW if we had won this pathetic game Saturday. From the perspective of a businessman, Mouse has absolutely no choice but to fire Addazio, prior to next year's lame duck season. He has a fiduciary duty to his employer and his highest paid employee is not fulfilling his job description.
This complaining is very cathartic to everyone, I can see, but please spend some time lobbying the athletic departmetn as well. Don't give your money, don't go to games, don't spend any time supporting BC except on this blog, until Addazio is fired. It's nothing personal, it's business. It has to happen.
Godspeed fellow travelers.
ATL please take notice: EagleNE says that this is a football blog. Did you get it? Please delete any and all references to anything else. No BB, base or basket, ball (mens or womens) no hockey, no soccer no sailing. Make sure that you check with the censorship board before starting a thread. Also it might be a good idea to have posters sign an affidavit that they are very politically conservative and never had had a progressive thought.
It might help if you assisted a few posters to form a committee that will approve all names to attach to posters or people at BC. Mod puicked "mouse" as his favorite pejorative, but maybe others likeKH might be able to come up with something more insulting and puerile. We could ask Junior high school boys to chime in with some of their best shots at others.
EVER to Excel (except when we prefer ignorance and mediocrity.)
Joseph needs to control how others communicate. Typical insecure crybaby.
Joseph probably shares a Thanksgiving ham(not turkey) with the other weirdo midget that pops up on here, TGS.
Comrade Joey, you do realize the old Soviet Union did an excellent job at censorship. You fit right in, comrade.
EagleNE, this is a football blog in football season. When that ends (after we lose a close game due in part to a poor kicking game in late December), the focus shifts to basketball. Those are ATL's favorite sports, so they get most of the coverage. The ACC has a lucrative contract with ESPN for basketball, so that's under the microscope.
Somehow, our previous AD managed to extend both Addazio and Christian for reasons which utterly elude me and almost every other poster here. I'm not sure what Joseph is doing here.
We vent because the stars were lined up for BC to win at least 8 games. It'll take a win over SU, which won't be easy the way we've played lately or winning a bowl game, which we seldom do under Addazio. We've gone from 7-3, ranked and playing a very beatable FSU team on the road to 7-4 and flailing. We're ticked. Addazio has a year left on his contract. Jarmond has two choices: extend him right after the season or fire him right after the season. We can't have a lame duck coaching next year. If he extends him, his precious capital campaign might have a few pledges lapse.
Well stated, BC91
Good catch, Mod - thanks!
" I'm not sure what Joseph is doing here." So let me tell you. He is here for the same reason as I think you and most others are. We appreciate the value of athletics to the institution. We know the value of PR in modern life. We see first hand how competitive sports can get space in front of the public. We have a vested interest in seeing BC play well weather on the baseball diamond or the soccer field. We wear maroon and gold on game day. We attend games when we can.
We also demand Ever to Excel. That extends to employee competence . It allows us the luxury of being very critical of those that lead our athletic teams. Thereby comes the common posting complaining about the performance of the football and basketball teams. We are justly disappointed in results and demand better. Ok. But, I happen to draw the line at complaining about performance and personal attacks. Some take issue with this and feel that insulting and demeaning is ok. They express this disagreement with more personal attacks. To me this mirrors a real problem with the much larger universe. We have seen this spill over to this blog. To some demonizing others is ok. I could not disagree more strongly. It clearly is the tactic of those that are incapable of arguing issues. So that is why I am here. Not very different from you and most others. Better teams better BC.
Joseph, are you dominating?? Looks like you’re crushing it.
I was also baffled by the Addazio and Christian extensions!!! Talk about throwing money out the window!!!
Crushing it.
Go Eagles!!!! 🦅
The height of hypocrisy.
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