Friday, March 08, 2019

Former BC assistant Preston Murphy caught in ties to bribery scheme and why it matters

Creighton put Preston Murphy -- who worked as an assistant under Skinner and Jim Christian -- on administrative leave while they investigate his ties to the College Basketball-FBI saga. There are no known reports of Murphy breaking any laws or NCAA rules while he worked at BC. But this is still important to BC and BC Basketball.

One thing this FBI investigation has proven is that paying players is rampant in college basketball. I don't know if BC is doing it or has done it, but plenty of P5 schools have been caught red-handed. If BC is not cheating, than we are playing with one hand tied behind our back while the big boys buy the best players. If we are cheating, then this is all that more pathetic, because we are not getting good ROI on any pay for play. But this system is clearly corrupt and clearly broken and the Murphy news should be a reminder to BC that our only move is to lead for NCAA change. While I am for paying players, I believe BC's leadership is not. Either way, BC should take a stand and lead to real reform...whether it be legal payments or true amateurism that is strictly enforced and violators are punished. Until then guys like Murphy will keep getting caught in the middle.

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