Monday, April 07, 2008

Basketball Season Grades: Biko Paris

Biko Paris did not have a dynamic Freshmen year, but his consistency and ability provided a nice foundation for what should be a solid career at the Heights.

Paris started the opener and then reappeared in the starting lineup during our swoon. At the time Al was juggling the rotation. Using Paris as the point freed up Rice to move to the 2 spot. However, it didn’t provide the spark we needed and Paris went back to the bench as Raji became a starter. Regardless of his minutes, Paris remained consistent -- not the guy who would take over games, but also not the type who would wilt under the pressure.

Skinner and Rice both gave Paris high marks for understanding the offense and his basketball IQ. His assist to turnover ration is nearly identical to Rice’s freshmen year

Rice in 2006 (A: 91, T:77, Ratio: 1.18)
Paris in 2008 (A: 89, T:71, Ratio: 1.25)

There is room for improvement. Paris was not a great shooter. He only made .261 percent of his 3s and shot .662 from the line. He also was quick to take it to the hoop only to lose the ball or see it get swatted away. Defensively he played smart but was not a shutdown guy nor did he generate many turnovers.

Paris growth and future really depends on Tyrese Rice’s draft decisions. Rumblings have Rice returning, meaning Paris will likely be a backup again next year. This is probably the best situation for him in that he can continue to improve yet won’t have the burden of carrying the offense or playing 35 minutes a game.

Season Grade: B-


Anfield10 said...

Where do you hear the rumblings about Rice returning? That would be great. I really think Sanders is a star, and with both of them in the lineup, an extremely solid Raji and hopefully a big impact from one of the freshman, we should be an extremely exciting team next year

Claver2010 said...

Regarding Rice, he has said in papers that he is probably staying.

Regarding Biko: I really liked what he showed us this year. The true calming force on the court when we are used to Rice's run and gun. He takes it to the basket strong for a guy his size. Only problem I see, it takes him about 10 minutes to get his shot off. Really like his potential taking over this team jr. senior year.

bceagle08 said...

I am very encouraged by Biko. He showed a lot of confidence this year and I get the sense his shooting is going to improve.

One area he really needs to improve on is turning over the ball. He gave the ball away too easily so many times this year. Also he might be the worst inbounder of the ball I have ever seen.