Thursday, April 03, 2008

Gerbe a Hobey finalist

Nathan Gerbe is one of three remaining finalist for the top award in college hockey. Let's hope he and BC both come back from Denver with trophies.


Eagle in Brighton said...

Sniped a Q/A with INCH's hockey's Joe Gladziszewski in his ESPN chat...

Eagle in Brighton: To what extent is Gerbe a flight risk for BC after his solid Junior season?

Joe Gladziszewski: (2:08 PM ET ) Great question, as Gerbe is a Buffalo draft pick and they could use some help up front. Without having talked to Gerbe or to Buffalo, it would be unfair to speculate on that. Buffalo also has Michigan State's Tim Kennedy's draft rights.

I know it's unlikely, but it would be sensational if York could hold onto Gerbe for one more season...

Claver2010 said...

Why do you think it's unlikely?

I seem to remember people saying that he'll stay.

Eagle in Brighton said...

No inside knowledge: but as a Hobey finalist, 3 frozen fours, etc. I worry he might have achieved all his goals in the college game (the elephant in the room obviously is a title, but much more goes into that then simply skill-scheduling, matchups, luck, etc.)

We'll see: both Schneider and Boyle stuck around a year longer than I had expected, so it's a crap shoot.

BCDoubleEagle said...

Gerbe should stay, and should put up monster numbers next year because he will be skating with Brock Bradford again.

Claver2010 said...

On the Brock Bradford front, BC will apply for a medical redshirt. He said, however that he will not use it.

Eagle in Brighton said...

Yah, I read that too. But Bradford's a Junior, so he could still conceivably return next season before rejecting that 5th season of red-shirt eligibility.

Bravesbill said...

I don't think Gerbe will leave early simply because of his small stature. He's probably has not physically developed enough to endure the rigors of the NHL and their physical beasts.

Claver2010 said...

Honestly, seeing the kid around campus, don't think he can put much more muscle on. The kid is jacked.

Puerto Rico Eagle said...

Brock Bradford is a junior and he has already said that he will play his senior year. What he won't do is saty a 5th year if the NCAA approves the medical red shirt.