Saturday, April 12, 2008

National Champs!!

It wasn't dramatic. It wasn't as pretty as Thursday. It was just another really good performance from a championship team. The Beanpot and Hockey East winners added the most important title in college hockey. We always think BC is the best (at everything). Tonight it's official!

As for the game itself: the whistles were against us, but the most important call of the night went our way. When the off-ice officials overturned Notre Dame's second goal and we answered with our own, the game was over. The formula of the past month -- Gerbe dominating, Muse playing well and the young guys holding their own -- was in effect. If Gerbe comes back, there's no reason we can't do this again.

Congrats to the team and Jerry York. What they've done over the past 10 years has been amazing. We are all a little guilty of taking their success for granted. We should never forget how lucky we are.


bceagle08 said...

SO happy to see a national championship while I was at BC!

Unknown said...

Wasn't this supposed to be a rebuilding year?

Eagle in Brighton said...

Never will take York, or the hockey program's success for granted ever again. Brilliant effort and a title for the ages.

Congrats boys.

Go BC!

BCDoubleEagle said...

Way to go, Eagles!

Joe Grav said...

Amazing!!!! GO BC!!!!!!!!!!

eagleinexile said...

As a fan that has never taken the 'pucksters for granted (or Jerry York), I cannot say enough about this year's squad. Although not as talented as some of the recent teams (2000 squad had 3 Hobey Baker finalists), this team displayed, more than others I think, what you can accomplish when everyone buys into the team concept.
We should all hold our heads high and be proud as this team has demonstrated BC's all around excellence.


totheights said...
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totheights said...

This was the best sporting event I have ever seen live in person(even though the city of Denver was very boring). I am definitely going to Washington D.C. next year even if BC doesn't make it. The Frozen Four is the better then the Final Four, without a doubt.

Sr.Atlanta said...

BC Men's Hockey 2008....
Beanpot champs....Hockey East Tourney champs...AND....NATIONAL CHAMPIONS!!!

It doesn't get any better than this!! Way to go Eagles!!!!

Proud to be a BC Eagle.

Andrew S. said...

Monday, 4.14.08 at 5:30 outside Conte there is a celebration scheduled. Thought I'd put that out there for anyone who is local and didn't have an email sent to them!