Initially Raji's new agents protested the SI story and said he was innocent. BJ, who did not issue any public statement, updated his Facebook status Monday with this "Correction not guilty...Break that news."
He still is not issuing any formal denial or rebuttal, but it is implied from the Facebook post that he is innocent and has been cleared in some capacity. Yet as of Monday night there were no new stories related to the case or any leaks on the blogs or message boards. The only news was another press release from his agents still claiming he is innocent. Regardless of what Raji says in the coming weeks the story probably won't go away nor impact his draft status much.
(Thanks to Brad for the tip.)
good! i believe B.J. if you read that link it sounds like the rumor was just that, a rumor
I read the link, and the attorneys are claiming that the report is false because it claims that Raji recieved a letter in the mail that Raji says he didn't receive yet. This isn't even close to a denial.
I wish the best for Raji and hope that he's not on the report when it comes out, but his lawyers aren't coming out strongly in his defense, and the doc hasn't called me back argument doesn't hold water, especially since they cite doctor phone calls in their stronger denial of their other client's innocence.
This reminds me of the kind of weak press release that Clemens' lawyers keep putting out.
Sports Illustrated doesn't publish stories without sources. This was not just a rumor.
Regardless, Raji will still go in the first round, this will merely cost him some salary money that he would have gotten with a higher pick. And even if he didn't fail the drug test, he was still going to be subject to random drug testing his first season anyway because of his previous NCAA failed test last year.
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