Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The best part of the ESPN Carwash was a podcast

Tuesday was Day 2 of the ACC's ESPN Carwarsh. Addazio was part of the group of coaches who made all the rounds at ESPN's Headquarters. The coach talked about replacing QBs and Andre Williams with ESPN Radio, various shows and ESPN writers. But of all the interviews, I think Addazio's session with Ivan Maisel was the best.

They cover the usual stuff and Addazio gets in his toughness cliches, but he also spends a good deal of time explaining how BC became a power running team. He explains why he hasn't visited Stanford and how it pays to be different. Addazio still comes off a passionate and a salesman (especially when compared to some of the other coaches on the podcast), but this was another example to show that he is more than the stereotype.

Things like the Carwash are important and the behind the scenes looks are fun. But I think BC fans should be most excited that we have a coach who has innovated at this level, but also can communicate his vision for the school and how it fits with the team he has.


Matt said...

I am excited for this year. This team should actually be pretty good. Credit to Addazio for adding quality fifth years who I think will all be important contributors this season.

Napolean Bonaparte said...

What an articulate level headed representative of our great university. If I had a son talented enough to play football at this level - I'd want this man as his coach. What more can you say?

JBQ said...

As the gopher said when he poked his head out to look at the snow, So far so good. Addazio does not lack for enthusiasm. That is great. Hopefully with Murphy, BC will have a diversified offense and a quarterback waiting to step in for Murphy at the end of the year.

eagleboston said...

If you want a good laugh, search all the message boards at the time Addazio was hired. You won't believe the whining and the negativity. I was excited about this hire from the start and I am even more excited now. I just hope we can keep him for a few years.

eagleboston said...

And I love the power, smashmouth football. Daz was candid that its downfall is you are in deep trouble if you get behind early, but if you can keep it close, the system destroys opponents in the 4th quarter.