Saturday, December 19, 2015

Film School on Patrick Towles

These are a collection of highlights on Towles from 2014 and 2015. This doesn't show the lowlights or give a complete picture, but it does show some essentials. The guy is big, can run and has a better arm than any QB who has seen the field since Rettig. Can BC find the right plays and right scheme for him? I hope so, but the potential and experience is clearly there.


Hoib said...

Certainly will be an entirely different style for Daz w/ this kids skill set. My first impression is do we have the pieces in place for this kid to do what he does best ?

JBQ said...

I am willing to see if Daz can "pull a rabbit out of a hat". I wish him well. After all, it's Christmas. Notre Dame once fired Terry Brennan on Christmas Eve. BC is being very open ended with Addazio. Obviously, he is "on the clock" but let's see what he can do. If he can change the offense, then everyone will cheer. If not, then even George Wendt will swing on the yardarm at Martha's Vineyard.

mod34b said...

I like his nickname : pattyice