Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Is Loeffler the next hire?

As soon as Frank Beamer announced his retirement, many started speculating that Virginia Tech Offensive Coordinator Scot Loeffler would join Addazio at the Heights. The two worked together at Florida and Loeffler called the plays during Addazio's first season at Temple. Wednesday, Blauds said a move is likely. Blauds was right on Reid so I assume he is getting his scoop from Addazio himself. (Vega is off the BC beat, so Addazio has to find new friendly outlets.)

Loeffler would be a perfectly fine hire and would fill the promise of moving to a more "pro style" offense. He would also fill another staff opening. He seems like he is the next domino to fall.


EL MIZ said...

i'd be shocked if we won more than 7 games next year. Reid is fine. Loeffler is uninspiring. VA Tech offense was unimpressive this year and the past few years with Loeffler at the helm. mod 34B, please post some of his mediocre stats.

CT said...

To be fair, Brewer (starting qb) got injured I believe in the opener vs OSU and missed a bit of time.

Numbers meet context.

I think maybe the backup ran a lot more-maybe an adjustment by the staff?

mod34b said...
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blist said...

These guys seem decent, I like Reid more than Loeffler, but Loeffler a lot more than the OC who ran the world's worst offense (and, I assume, worst in BC's history). I'm glad they're from big time football programs rather than MAC or whereever. The Dazzler has to know he's gotta show much better next year

Hario said...

I think I agree with Mod34 that this will really be Daz's offense as oppose to Loeffler for better or worse so maybe him being the OC is not that relevant.

The positive spin is that hes had success with the qb position (i.e. brady, henne, tebow).
Towles was highly touted qb out of hs so he might be able to do something good with whatever raw talent he has. That alone may improve the offense.

JBQ said...

Loeffler is acceptable. Addazio is not.

Hoib said...

Daz runs the show, the ship sinks or swims w/ him. Somebody w/ a good QB record would be welcome. The young guys sorely missed Day last year. 6 or 7 wins is allot better than 3. I'll be happy to get there and then listen to all you tell me how meaningless it is.

mod34b said...
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Hoib said...

i love this blog

Guido said...

Any O/C with prior connections to Addazio frightens me !!! Why not go after a hot commodity and pay him ??? I bet that Scott Loeffler is not a hot commodity !! I'm just guessing that people are not beating down doors to hire him !!! Just my humble opinion. And to Hoib - I will say that 6-7 wins should be fairly easy with UMass - UConn - Buffalo and maybe the perennial powerhouse Wagner on the schedule. So ,you should be a happy man. The OOC schedule will have new fans beating down the ticket office for season tickets.

Hoib said...


We are BC nothing is easy.

Napolean Bonaparte said...

No - nothing with BC is easy. I see our basketball team just got ass wiped by Notre Dame. Now we just try to lose with distinction. Did Bates really schedule Wagner in football? I'd say this is a joke - but I guess it really isn't a joke - its now just pitiful and disturbing.

Joe said...

You all realize that Loeffler coming in will be an almost identical situation to the one we had with Day, right ?

Day ran Addazios offense and Loeffler will do the same (Loeffler did so with greater success at Temple than Day).

Look, Loeffler isn't a home run hire, but anyone who has paid 1 second of attention the last few years should realize that this is about as good as it will get. Addazio isn't abandoning his macro plan (to go hire someone from a more en vogue offense). He's not hiring someone outside his "tree".

Loeffler will be a good hire here. As for the poster earlier, Brewer got hurt before halftime of OSU game and missed like 6 weeks. They had to go to a run-first guy with almost no experience and we're still able to score points and be competitive

Hoib said...


Fair assesment

Guido said...

Joe - I appreciate your honest comments - stating that Loeffler is not a "Home Run" hire. But also you said that he will be a good hire here. Your latter statement says it all about BC Football. I guess that the mantra "Ever to Excel" should be abandoned. Why is BC settling for mediocrity so often ??? If that is so , then why are we fans to be encouraged to keep on buying the product. I am very curious to finally find out if Wagner is on the schedule !!! When will the schedule be published ??? Does anyone know ????

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