BC should have a standard, classic base uniform for home and road games. Gold helmet with maroon stripe, gimmick free maroon jersey and simple gold pants. If you want to add a maroon stripe to the gold pants, I would not object. We've had various road styles over the years. My suggestion is to pick a simple one and stick with it.
Once you have your "base uniforms" established, then you get crazy with the rest of the season. Add wings or feathers to the helmet. Go all black. Use funky fonts and italics. Put lines all over it. Create a super fan style uniform. Use different shades of gold or maroon. Become the Oregon of the East. I don't care. Just as long as there is a simple, consistent BC to revert to for most of the season.
This new look to the sleeves and pants is not the worst we've had, but I am not a fan. Like all these uniform changes, this will get changed in a year or two. Hopefully soon BC will realize that the best way to appeal to old fans like me and young recruits is to get a uniform for every occassion instead of one look that leaves everyone so empty.
— BC Football (@BCFootball) August 3, 2016
The Flutie classical uniform is still the best. Who can ever forget that uniform on the cover of S.I. when Flutie threw that miracle on the road in Miami? I am still apprehensive by the way that I will wake up and realize that Phelan dropped the ball. Speaking of "dropping the ball", BC has been mired in mediocrity since with a time out period for Matt Ryan and Jags. You can also give credit to TOB and not much else since 1984.
Agreed. I am a conservative and want traditional, conservative uniforms. Let's mirror Penn State and not Buffon's like Oregon, Louisville, Maryland and many others .
Red socks? Red cleats?
Looking like FSU with some Indian kinda thing on the thigh.
Meh. Football first. Agree with the smash-mouth look GE suggests. No dandy wear
Although I would be interested in any changes in the cheerleaders' uniforms - solely for consideration of compliance with Church teachings :-)
Lol Hey, mod, as a dirty old man, I'm all in favor of our cheerleades looking like a cross between Dallas cowboy cheerleades and Hooter girls. ( And you guys thought I was a girl.)
BravesBill had a fetching eye on you,' not me ! Ha!
Up the schizo meds.
The uniforms are ugly.
Simple is best.
A fetching eye? You guys are starting to scare me.
Don't care about the uniforms. I just want them worn by good players.
I like the tacky(rubbery) looking helmets some teams have. We should try gold ones.
Black uniforms are ghetto. Fucking UCLA ruined one of the best uniforms in college football by going with black. Washington(state), Florida State, Oregon and other schools have taken good classic uniforms and turned them dark. The UCLA one is the absolute fucking worst.
Totally agree
Just more irrelevant marketing fluff to generate interest around a poorly maintained brand. The brand will be on life support until they have assembled and prepared a competitive team that wins more ACC games than it loses. The OOC home schedule will add nothing. Fix the brand by winning, recruiting good players, investing in the program (coaches, facilities, etc.) an by making it easier and more enjoyable for fans to attend games and park/tailgate in reasonable proximity to the campus. We can talk about uniforms later and the only requirement for now is that they not look ridiculous.
There is some mischief afoot with "Georgia Eagle". I like and value comments made by the individual. However about three months ago, "she" made a comment in which "she" said that "she" was a female. Why would "she" now go back on her original manifestation. So, why the confusion?
When the hell did I say that. JBQ? Show me the damn tapes. And what difference does it make anyway? For the first time on here I'm actually pissed. The maturity level on here is seventh grade.
I spent four years on the rowing team. Three of those four years we rowed in Maroon and Gold uniforms with a white trim. That was freshman, sophomore, and senior year. My junior year we primarily used a black based uniform with maroon and gold trim (it ended up looking more red and yellow to be honest). They looked okay and we liked them, but realized after that year that the maroon/gold/white uniform should be our base and we shouldn't deviate from that. We brought out different uniforms for specific races (throw back shirts for the Head of the Charles, and we would wear the black probably once a season), but we realized the maroon/gold/white were our bread and butter. People recognized us as BC in those uniforms. We lost our identity in the black based ones.
The same holds true here. These current uniforms looks a bit similar to FSU, not Boston College. We are recognizable as Boston College with Maroon/Gold at home and White/Gold or White/White away. Its about creating an identity. When you constantly change uniform designs you lose that identity.
I prefer the "Flutie Era" uniforms as well; but accept that some change is necessary. I agree that the colors should be maroon & gold traditional--no black.
I'd ditch the "Stained Glass" look. It adds nothing.
Please put players' names on their jersey. At least the italicized numerals are gone. Good riddance.
See...even I have mellowed about the uniforms.....I'd let them play in anything if they would just win.
Hey at least the uniforms are better than the game themes BC is trotting out this year.
The changes are for 16 yr olds with offers. Kids these days care about this stuff. Thanks Phil Knight.
16 yr olds however are largely dumb. BC was the only school to vote against cost-of-living. Knowing they'd be swamped in defeat, the vote had little substantive meaning. This is the game schools must play, but there is a time when the pendulum will swing back. Would be nice to have been in the same classic unis when it does. Like someone said well, identity. Penn State has it right. USC, etc.
Standing against the changing landscape on one day, bending to it the next.
We should be the play anyone anywhere team with simple, classic unis. Instead we're the play Wagner and butcher a uni that needed no change program.
Nothing Penn St does is right. That "school" is a fucking sick joke.
The uniforms. Jesusmaryandjoseph. Dumb dumb.
U got a schtick tho. Can't hate u for trying too hard.
Oh just the uniforms. Figured you for a full-fledged endorser of everything Penn State.
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