Thursday, January 19, 2017

Steve Logan talks BC

Former BC Offensive Coordinator is once again a radio personality in North Carolina. With Matt Ryan in the NFC Title game, his fellow radio guys asked him to reminisce about his time at BC. Here are some of his quotes:

I hear many disgruntled BC fans and casual college sports fans say that BC is a "bad job." It is not. It is different from most and if you appreciate the differences, you will love it here. Logan is sincere. He wanted the Head Coach job after Jags was fired. It is one of the great "what ifs" of the past ten years.


Napolean Bonaparte said...

Interview here -

mod34b said...

this is a myth

"Logan, on Boston College: The academics are so high there, you get a certain type of athlete"

Yes, BC has many smart football players, but BC also has many dumb ones too. Really not smart guys. in my day, I recall a player from Quebec who was a native French speaker. He got an F in intro French. No one ever accused him of being smart.

I'd guess that BC's high Standards require maybe a "C" average in high school, an SAT score about the bottom 25% and an apparent ability to go to class, complete school work and get a passing grade (in courses pre-selected as football-friendly by BCAD)

So the standard at BC is probably not high at all, but maybe higher than places like UNC (home of academic fraud) Clemson, FSU, VT, Lville etc. I doubt it is any higher than ND, Duke, UVA, etc.

mod34b said...

*above the bottom 25%

Geezer eagle said...

I was there in the 70s and there were plenty of dumb jocks then. Imagine how bad it is at the football factories - functional illiterates.

Unknown said...

You can say it's not a bad job. But you can't say it's a good job.

Max said...

How many of you have played D1 football?
How many of you have relied on Mommy and Daddy to go to school? I know - it is so hard to take classes and study for tests. So f@@@@@ unfair at 50-60 grand a year. You phonies; you frauds.

Knucklehead said...

I worked 10 hours a week for brewski money and on the breaks to pay for books.
Mommy and Daddy covered the rest. Is that alright Maxwell?

40% of the students are subsidised by the other 60%.

90% of students(parents) are either giving or taking something.

Like I said a couple weeks ago. There are a lot of Mommy and Daddy issues with the folks here.

Geezer eagle said...

I used my GI Bill, Max. Fair enough?

Bravesbill said...

LOL at Max. How is that even relevant?

mod34b said...

max is angry.

JBQ said...

Max slept on the bottom bunk and hit his head too many times.

Geezer eagle said...

Who cares? Hey, Mod. All is not doom and gloom. The inauguration is tomorrow. Yeaaa ! Bye, bye, Obama. Don't let the White House door hit you in the ass. Shoo! Shoo!

mod34b said...

GE, yes Bravo. tonight the suns sets on BO admin for the last time!

of course as a good dem, he snuck in pardon of a terrorist and also a man/notman who committed treason. Yeah!! what surprised will occur in next 22 hours?

Lenny Sienko said...

I thought the post was about Steve Logan?

Can anybody give the definitive version of why he wasn't hired for BC Head Coach.

I'd like to think about what might have been if he had been kept on. I enjoyed watching his offense.

Geezer eagle said...

College football is over. This is the slow period on college sports blogs. Chill-out and enjoy the inauguration of our 45th president.

Lenny Sienko said...

Georgia Eagle:

I prefer the common ground of BC sports and I really would have liked to see Logan here for a long time. He had some football imagination.

As for treatment of football players, I recall in the 60's when senior footballers would clear out of the dorms after the last game with no pretense of obtaining a degree. I am proud that has changed for the better.

As I am "older than dirt", from an era when BC was much different, I have nothing to enjoy tomorrow as I chant my mantra, trying to keep my blood pressure from ER levels..."Omani Padme Om...Omani Padme Ommmmmmm...

Geezer eagle said...

Sour grapes, Lenny? Like I said, sports blogs are dead this time of year. We should all be celebrating the peaceful transition of presidential power. And everyone is, except the far left of the Democrat party.

Knucklehead said...

What are you trying to say dirtman? Father, son and holy spirit?

In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.

Geezer eagle said...

Can always count on the Knuckle for a colorful if irrational response.

Knucklehead said...

I thought the guy who is older than dirt was writing Latin. No?

Geezer eagle said...

With age comes wisdom, junior. Mod, this kid is actually trying to go toe to toe with me. It's no contest. Bring it on.

mod34b said...

Knuckle will go after anyone. But GE will put him down

Knuckle. Look it up. It is a Buddhist chant

Knucklehead said...

Last place I would expect to see a reference to Buddhism.

Save the kid bullshit.

Lenny Sienko said...

I hope Prof. Peter Kreeft is still well and occasionally teaching at BC. His course on Zen was always over subscribed and I couldn't get in.

Many of us in the philosophy and theology depts also followed BC sports.

Napolean Bonaparte said...

BC's academic standards for athletes are a manageable impediment to being competitive. They are probably comparable to many other programs who have had success such as ND, Duke, NW, Stanford, etc. Yes they are probably much tougher than those at Clemson, Louisville, VT, FSU, NC, Miami, etc. and because of that we need to work harder and smarter. But I doubt anyone is interested in victories obtained through athletes who can barely write a coherent letter or figure out a tip on a dinner check.

Geezer eagle said...

Nappy, I couldn't have said it better. We should aspire to be a Stanford or Northwestern, not a Louisville or FSU. BC can become a winning top 25 program without sacrificing academic standards.

Unknown said...

Too bad BC sucks so bad at basketball and football and will never be close to a Stanford in terms of sports or academics.

Geezer eagle said...

A little pessimistic, Craig. BC just needs better leadership.

Unknown said...

They have a long history of mediocrity in football and basketball, why would you think that would ever change?

Knucklehead said...

Yeast infection.

Geezer eagle said...

I agree in principle. It might take an alumni revolt to get our do nothing adminstration off its collective ass and bring a winning spirit back to The Heights.

mod34b said...

don't feed the trolls GE. Craig is obvious a troll, prolly a UConn scrounge

Geezer eagle said...

We have a president! I'm so proud of my country and the democratic process.

Geezer eagle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

BC sports is as pathetic as it gets for a power conference team.

Max said...

Craig - go ask you Mommy for spending money so you can pretend you are a beautiful person in the Seaport District of Boston. You are pathetic and will marry some troll (if not already) and spend your time bad mouthing a school that you chose not to attend. Stop jerking of in the back seat of your fathers BMW and grow up. You are probably as athletic as a porn star with a bad back. Go troll the UNC board. I hear they like to treat their women rough down there. Perfect for a wanna be like you.

Unknown said...

Did you learn that grammar at BC? No wonder you come off as an idiot.

Bravesbill said...

Max--"a school that you chose not to attend." I'm pretty sure he didn't have the option of attending.

Unknown said...

BC is a safety school. Very low academic standards.

Knucklehead said...

Yeast infection.

Geezer eagle said...

So Craig is an infiltrator from another school. Ah ha. What community college?

Max said...

Craig matriculated at the fine institution of UNC. Rape, lying and false academic records are the norm. He is likely an Obama snowflake that thinks the world is one happy place that should allow the USA to fund every GD refugee and terrorist in the world.

Go ahead and focus on grammar you f'm p&$$$$. How does it feel to be a tough guy on the internet? What have you done with your life other than piss and moan that no one understands you. You criticize BC but have no skin in the game. Your a pussy that fucks his is. Sister to feel good. Say a prayer a fvuour mother. Your father is on route 1 looking for a glory hole

Unknown said...

Wow. I was going to give you some credit until I realized you don't even understand the difference between your and you're. For everyone else's sake I hope this kid didn't go to BC. No wonder the school is such a laughing stock. Morons.

John said...

This blog is going down the tubes.

Unknown said...

I know, too many BC grads that aren't intelligent enough for a reasonable debate.

Geezer eagle said...

UNC? Athletic scandals out the wazoo covered-up by the administration. Now if he went to Duke I might have some respect.
Love it when my fellow Eagles unite against disruptive outsiders whose only intention is to cast aspersions on our university.

Unknown said...

Duke was my M.S. degree!

Max said...

10 years of higher education will not erase the trash you are. Likely that you work for a non-profit or left wing feel good company. Glad you did not disparage BC with your attendance. Elizabeth Warem has a job for you. Bring a towel.

Knucklehead said...

Exclamation point.

Geezer eagle said...

Go max!

eagleboston said...

This used to be an awesome BC sports blog. Unfortunately, it has become a vicious, insulting, attacking blog where sports are just the sideline. Debate should be respectful and courteous. How quickly this degenerates into name-calling and personal attacks. And then other people feel they need to bring politics on a sports blog when there are 9,000 political blogs that cover all of that. Let's keep this about sports and Boston College and let's keep the posts courteous. Thank you.

mod34b said...

EagleBoston. Unfortunately ATL has no rules. People can say what they want. If you want more sports comments, provide more sports comment.

I think the nastiness today is due to the arrival of an abusive troll. Happens. He will slither back into the mud soon.

ATL_eagle said...

In general I let people say what they want. If someone is trolling I recommend ignoring him/her. Try to stay on topic.

Geezer eagle said...

I agree about the need to keep it polite and classy. I sometimes retaliate when insulted. Henceforth, I will take the high road and ignore the bottom feeders .

Geezer eagle said...

Also, no problem with a little political discourse ( especially this time of the year). Just keep it civil.

Lenny Sienko said...

Max's use of profanity and personal attack have gone beyond anything previously permitted here.

Geezer eagle said...


John said...

The only man to coach Matt Ryan and Aaron Rodgers is Jeff Jagodzinski. ☺

Go Matt - use your inner Steve Logan to beat the Packers today. We were lucky that Jags brought you to BC, and unlucky when DeFildicko passed you by for Head Coach when he had the chance to make a good decision.

Go BC Matt - beat the Pack. I like Rodgers, but take a seat please.

Unknown said...

Max is so crass. Unacceptable behavior.

Panharith said...

Go max!
