Monday, March 06, 2017

Solid Combine for Milano

He wasn't the target of NFL Networks' coverage, but Matt Milano did do well at the Combine.
Despite his numbers, Milano's real value to the NFL remains his versatility. He can play LB and tackle whoever he is supposed to nail. He also has experience putting pressure on the QBs. Finally, he can cover too.

I don't know where Milano will go. The big sites still have him as a 6th or 7th rounder. When you are that late you are not guaranteed anything, so I hope he finds one team that believes and gives him a chance on the field.


mod34b said...

Pretty light weight-wise (225) without compensating speed (e.g. Jabril peppers)

Napolean Bonaparte said...

Agree - but the kid is a player and I bet if he is given the opportunity to see the field he will make the most of it and eventually work his way into a line up.

knucklehead said...

He is a good player. He will play special teams and will be a back up weak side linebacker.

Could see him going to the Patriots. Versatile, good intelligence and will do what he is told.

mod34b said...

he is a good player with great instincts. hope he catches on somewhere. but speed is everything in the NFL. KPL is similar in size to Milano, but runs a 4.5 not a 4.7.. big big difference

Milano would be great safety (wasn't he originally a safety at BC?) if had more speed. Special teams might be the thing....

knucklehead said...
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knucklehead said...

Mod, Something flip for you between midnight and 10am? Your comments make you sound Coo-coo for coco-puffs.

mod34b said...

knuck - you've become a big dick. chill. focus on something else. you are clueless and really just interested in bullshit and argument.... basically after your bro-mance with "Tony" and "craig" you'v ebecoem a troll. GTFOFMAM

Geezer eagle said...

The Knuck really is a truculent and pugnacious shit. Don't know what his problem is. Must have flunked out of charm school.

Bravesbill said...

Mod's comments are pretty consistent. All about speed in the NFL.

knucklehead said...

There are different ways for people to get their point across. Confrontation works with some people and working to understand people and create a common ground works with others.

When it comes to you I don't care about common ground. You are obviously another one able to dish out bs but not take it.

mod34b said...

GE and BB - Knuck seems like a good guy on the inside... he is a redeemable scoundrel..... I think his friends recent "Tony" and "Craig" really led him astray....

but how to redeem this angry scoundrel?

I wonder though if he actually went to BC. I'm think UMass Boston...

knucklehead said...

GE and BB. Wha wha. Sniveling for consensus.

Geezer eagle said...

Knucklehead, be a man. Admit you've been a total jerk. It won't kill you to apologize for personally attacking members of this blog.

knucklehead said...

Where is the personal attack? Find one and I will point to one against me. Mostly instigated by and from the same two people who whine about me attacking them.

"Be a man." Is that not a personal attack?

Geezer eagle said...

Delusional and hopeless.

knucklehead said...

Delusional eh?

JBQ said...

Hope that Milano makes it. In my opinion, he has already made it as a great representative of Boston College. The NFL is not the NFL of Vince Lombardi. It is now a total example of "unbridled capitalism" and the use and abuse of blacks as human chattel. Of what value is an education from a SEC school with several notable exceptions? Rick Pitino should be being prosecuted under RICO standards as a pimp. BC has to keep their standards up and continue to "fight the good fight". To insinuate that Milano will "fail" in his quest for the NFL is a misnomer and misleading. His class and dignity is much the same as "Cool Hand Luke" who had his head handed to him literally. There is something deeply wrong with the NFL and nothing at all wrong with BC.

Bravesbill said...

I'm not sure how pointing out how mod's statements are consistent makes me a sniveling whatever but to each his own.

Geezer eagle said...

JBQ, I like the way you think, sister.

JBQ said...

@Georgia Eagle: I deserve that. I confused you with DixieEagle.

Geezer eagle said...

Huh? You lost me.

Max said...

JBQ - well said. I agree with you. Based on NFL propaganda you would think everyone is entitled to an NF L career. Wait - I need to buy Tom Brady's food delivery service for $80 per week so I can eat like him. Don't go there how much it costs to sleep with his wife or cheat on your first wife.

I believe that most have lost sight of this.

You do not have to look to hard to understand the NFL has mutated into a bastard son of greed which allows behavior you or I would be locked up for.

I still think we can do a lot better than Daz and Bates. Not looking for a national championship but for Christ sake can we at least be competitive and fun to watch.

JBQ said...

@Georgia Eagle: If you don't remember, then good. It was a military thing.

JBQ said...

@Max: I agree. Vince Lombardi once stated that there was one thing that was almost as good as winning. That would be losing. You competed, developed character, and "had fun". If you have ever coached girls' softball, you will find out quickly that the girls are not there to win. They are there to have fun which shames us all.

Napolean Bonaparte said...

Agree JBQ - I feel the same way about girls beach volleyball. They are there just to have fun.
And I could care less who wins or loses. I just want to sit there with a cold six pack and see them jump up and down, bend over and play hard. Is there anything wrong with that?

Geezer eagle said...

Lol. I love your honesty, nappy. You are just saying what the rest of us are thinking.

Max said...

Hope your girls (if lucky) decide to compete in volleyball do not have people like you in the stands. Grow up.

mod34b said...

Sensitive Max??? Ha. Did you recently say this "Grow the f up. Call your wife by your whore mistress name."

Max said...

It's called an insult using hyperbole based on statistical data to reinforce a point.

I am just pointing out that if you watch woman's volleyball to get you jolleys you have serious problems; not withstanding your ability to raise a daughter if lucky enough to hive one.

Separate what is real and not in your life. You will be better for it. How about inviting reality into your life? Novel concept for you potentially but worth a shot. What do you have to loose? A night at Hootets?

mod34b said...

max wtf does this mean "using hyperbole based on statistical data to reinforce a point" statistical data??

do you call you wife some whore name after the volleyball game?

nappy was kidding around - right you knew that

Napolean Bonaparte said...

Thanks Max for being such a moral compass. You set a wonderful example for all of us and because of you the world is a better place. You truly sound like a lot of fun to be around.