Saturday, July 29, 2017

Herren Jr gets BC offer

I don't know what to make of Jim Christian's offer to Chris Herren Jr. Barring a huge turnaround, Christian is not going to be coaching any of these new offers. If tradition holds, most recruits will bail or be unwanted by the new coach. When you throw in the Herren family history, that's a whole lot of baggage for a young kid starting the process. 

As of now, Herren is a mid-level recruit. The recruiting services don't expect him to be a difference maker. BC is the first Power 5 program to offer. The BC interest may spark other programs to offer or they might just consider him a legacy recruit from a lame duck staff.

I know Christian has to keep recruiting. I just wish he would pursue elite talent or kids who can be pushed off by the new staff without any hard feelings.

If Herren does eventually commit, I hope he makes the best of his BC career. His uncle and father both washed out at BC while battling personal demons. The pressure from fans and the media would be to finally fulfill the Herren potential (I have no idea if there would be family pressure). I also hope the new BC coach honors any offer. It would be nice to have a Herren-BC story with a happy ending.


Goberry said...

I can't imagine a possible better analysis. Well done.

JBQ said...

It must be stated that the posting is well beyond true. However, it is noted that Chris has been alcohol and drug free since 2008. He also has an organization called the Herren Project which does motivational speaking and helps with rehabbing.---Professional basketball has quite a climate. The entire environment is chock full of heavy drug associations. Chris Herren was a small fish in a big pond and couldn't cope. He was smart enough to get into Boston College and to rationalize himself into the environment for a number of years.---Praise the Lord that he did not die and that he now has a son who can carry on his legacy of "triumph over disaster". Actually, Herren should be dead without a doubt and it is a tribute to his Creator that he survived.

Knucklehead said...

I thought TGSs "son" was going to Providence.

Geezer eagle said...

Stop being such an instigator. Tgs is a flame thrower. Just ignore him.