Monday, July 10, 2017

Rumor: Vaughn Williams is coming to BC as Deputy AD

There is a lot of chatter that former BC assistant AD and current Kennesaw State AD Vaughn Williams is coming back to BC as Deputy Athletic Director. When BC fans -- including me -- were speculating on AD candidates, Williams was mentioned. His past ties to BC and his experience running his own program made him a logical candidate.

This Kennesaw State twitter account is going all in that it is a done deal. They don't seem all that broken up about it which normally sets off alarm bells that we are getting a lemon. I am not as worried about Williams not being a great AD. This will be Jarmond's show. Having a BC grad with BC experience working under him is not a problem.

Williams' most notable BC-related decision was hiring Al Skinner to be head basketball coach at Kennesaw State. His roles at BC varied.

I would be encouraged by this hire. Now let's see if it happens.


Frankie said...

Can we hire Al Skinner too?

Unknown said...

Al was a great recruiter and big time winner.

Eagje in Ardmore

JBQ said...

It has happened. Boston Globe has the story. Jocelyn Fisher Gates is also a minority hire as another deputy for Jarmond. The old adage is appropriate. "Be careful what you wish for".

CT said...

It's in the AJC, too.

Is it cynical to wonder if this is a step down?

Carter said...

I hope it's a package deal with Jocelyn:

knucklehead said...

Looks like Jarmond is being given full control of the athletic department just like the folks have been bitching for on here for years.

Leahy will probably leave BC soon. Been there are a very long time.

Geezer eagle said...

So is our new AD hiring only fellow African-Americans? How about a little color blindness and hire people based on merit, not skin color. (Okay liberals, play the race card.)

perkindc said...

Georgia Eagle, you understand that your question/comment introduced the race card, right?

Hey, just out of curiosity--would you care if BC only hired black coaches? Would that be a problem for you?

Geezer eagle said...

If they were the best qualified, yes. Did I pass your psych-babble test?

Lenny Sienko said...

You realize that these comments are being made in public? Our new athletics department officials can surely read them. Potential recruits, those "big time coaches" you'd like to hire, anyone can read these comments.

What does it say about Boston College that one of its main sports discussion boards starts off and seemingly limits the conversation about new hires to their race?

If I were a parent whose child was considering accepting a scholarship to BC for athletics, I'd think long and hard about exposing my child to the type of mind set some of these comments represent.

If that's the "race card", consider it played; but BC people here ought to start acting like they learned something worthwhile on the Heights.

modest34b said...

Mr Seinko. You overstate your case. This blog has little or no influence. And it is nothing like Eagleoutsuder - which has a much much bigger following.

. One of the major douche bags over there was making a joke about prentending a famous and very sick BC alum died. A very scummy group of BC a-holes there.

These blogs don't mean anything. And the recruits are not snow flakes.

Still your main point is worthwhile: post with some class.

Some real slime on this blog too.

modest34b said...

Good piece in Globe on Jarmond.

He is going to bring some diversity to BC.

I normally am not a fan of affirmative action, but BC and the City of Boston -deserved or not - have bad reputations on inclusiveness of African Americans.

This will be a big long term plus for BC

knucklehead said...

Section D you are a pompous douche.

knucklehead said...

Anyone with two functioning eyes and a brain sees three new hires who are African Americans. One of them is a woman, two of them are men and none of them are declared as transgendered. Nothing wrong with saying it if you want to. It is a fact.

Just ask TGS he is camping out at Hanscom Field so he can be the first to greet these folks into the BC community.

Like I said Jarmond owns the Athletic Department now. Leahy is out of it like everyone has been begging for(although he will decide when Dazzler gets canned because that is his bro).

We will see how it goes. Tom Crean would be a great and a realistic hire for Basketball. Ante up and get it done.

Geezer eagle said...

I expected to be raked over the coals on this. I'm a conservative. I believe in the merit system, not the quota system. All I'm asking for is color -blindness in the athletic department. I don't want to become like the city of Atlanta where, despite being 40-percent white and 10-percent Hispanic and Asian, virtually all city positions are black. Racism is a two-way street.

perkindc said...

Georgia Eagle-- If the Atlanta Common Council is all black, it's because Atlanta residents elected black officials. Period.

Lucky for us, you're not the guy evaluating the merits of faculty, students, coaches and department heads at Boston College. Unless you're talking about vision tests or eyesight, I would strongly encourage you to avoid phrases like, "color blindness." Also, if Jaramond wants to hire an all black staff--in fact, if he wants to replace Jerry York with a black hockey coach, that's his prerogative. If you don't like it...then maybe you should root for another college.

Geezer eagle said...

First of all, I was referring to appointed, not elected officials in Atlanta which is a clear picture of racial bias.
Second, take your liberal political correctness and shove it where the sun don't shine !

knucklehead said...

No one should be pushed to root for another college( and not for their alma mater) because they disagree with how the Athletic department is being run. That is absurd bullshit. By that logic everyone here should fuck off too because they didn't like anyone that has managed the department or a major sport at BC going back to Tom O'B and Al Sk.

That is literally the most hypocritical and moronic statement I have every read here.


Geezer eagle said...

Thanks, Knuck

Danny Boy said...

The fact that people weren't clamoring for "color blind" hiring practices when the entirety of the athletic department was lily white, but are now up in arms over two additional minority hires (both of whom have attractive pedigrees) is a little telling.

We just hired a deputy AD with ties to BC and experience running (and growing) his own program (including adding lacrosse). And we hired another deputy AD with power 5 experience at what we aspire to be a peer school. I'm not sure what the concerns are or where merit is lacking.

And to think that information found here wouldn't be used against us is short sighted. Other schools will use whatever ammunition they can get. To say nothing of the fact that if its being seen here, its being seen in other circles as well.

knucklehead said...

Georgia, That was complete BS.

Read the Jarmond article in the Globe today. The story is about a recruit and his family who are concerned about having their kid in Boston because of racism here(Newton really. Newton racist . . . hahah). Jarmond doesn't defend Boston.

According to the Globe(maybe they left it out of the story)Jarmond doesn't defend Boston/Newton. Instead he says that he will protect the kid. The ignorance of the family and the lack of defense from the AD are ignorant. Boston/Newton is the safest major city in the world(why do you think all the prep school chicks are banging the door down to get into BC).

The article and the discussion in it were absurd. Jarmond is the AD he isn't a HR Director, a Mayor or an advocate of Boston College or the city he works in evidently.

I am disgusted.

Hire a basketball coach who can win games and make a decision on the football coach. Save the sociology for the Sociology department.

Lenny Sienko said...

As to the effect of comments on BC sports blogs, I recall when accurate descriptions of BC football practices by posters were used by opposition scouts and TOB decided that practice should be closed to the public.

Never underestimate the effect of what is posted here and elsewhere.

modest34b said...

Improving reputations for diversity at BC and in Boston are solid and needed goals. As Jarmond said, its a good thing for everybody. It is. He seems like a very thoughtful man. Glad he is at BC.

Like it or not, there is a significant perception problem for BC that needs to be addressed and fixed - even though BC's demographic footprint is in line with major area school and most of the ACC.

From a purely practical point of view, this perception hampers BC ability to attract top coaches and top talent. It might impact academic life too and slow BC's future success.

TGS said...

Love the logic of libs. Perception, even if incorrect, is all that matters.
TGS said this AD would be a disaster when he was hired (the reasons were obvious and had nothing to due with his skin pigmentation), and he's well on his way to proving me right.
The libs love "diversity" as long as you agree with them.

Danny Boy said...

When we were looking for an AD the wishlist was ties to BC, run a football program, experience in a power 5 program. We just hired 3 people who cover off all of those aspects. Why is there outrage at this?

Geezer eagle said...

You liberals are exhibiting mass hysteria simply because i dared to challenge permissable pc speech is alive and well on our college campuses, provided it's politically correct thought speech. Four years of left-wing college professors did a superb job indoctrinating you thin-skinned snow flakes. Pathetic group think.

perkindc said...

No guy; you didn't challenge anything. You simply said something kind of dumb...and a little bit racist. Also, if you think I studied under liberal professors at BC, you obviously didn't have Fr. Kennedy, Dr. Kreeft ... and the cabal of Jesuit Bible thumpers who taught me during my formative years.

Hopefully your grasp of college sports is more firm than your grasp of public policy and American politics. "You Liberals"--that doesn't even mean anything; you dummy. How do you know I'm not a Republican?

BCBCBC said...

Georgia, you are a racist, ignorant, piece of crap. I hope to God that you didn't actually attend BC because you appear too stupid to have done so. You are a hate-filled, moronic douchebag.

BCBCBC said...

The worst part about the internet, social media, and blogs like this is that idiots like Georgia can hide behind the anonymity of their keyboards rather than being held responsible for racist, ignorant, and hateful commentary like they should be. Fucking coward.

modest34b said...

"The worst part about the internet, social media, and blogs like this is that idiots like BCBCBC can hide behind the anonymity of their keyboards rather than being held responsible for" abusive classless responses to other boorish slobs.

Max said...

I just love how everyone is so easily offended these days. Does not even have to be directly related to you but GD it it seems it is everyone’s job to point out perceived offenses, hate, anger, racism.blah, blah blah.

Maybe if a was a transgender-ing black Muslim lesbian without a job with 5 kids you might listen more. Because after all these are the real hero’s of the country.

Some of the views and perspectives included in these posts make me think the reason the team sucks is because it reflects the overall school being sucked dry by acceptance of snowflakes, liberal, minority pandering, money grubbing self-serving azzholesa

JBQ said...

Vaughn Williams has a background at BC. He was in charge of facilities management from '98 to '04. He has a B.A. from UMass and an M.A. from BC (Advancing Studies whatever that is). Late in 2016, he was suspended for a week for covering up sexual harassment on the part of the tennis coach. He is the nuts and bolts guy who will do all the dirty work.---Fisher-Gates has a Biology degree from Howard, DC and an M.A. from Georgia Southern (Kinesiology/Psychology). She started out as an affirmative action intern with the NCAA and has a background at Duke. She will do the evaluating.---It is no accident that both are coming from Atlanta. My nephew who is a former Marine attends Kennesaw State. The entire school is a mess and embroiled in affirmative action. I have a woman relative who lives in Atlanta. The entire City is one big human resources mess.---The Archdiocese is also one big mess. The previous African-American archbishop was shopping around his sexual wares with various women. Wilton Gregory is now the African-American archbishop. The writer of "Gone With the Wind", Margaret Mitchell, left her mansion to the Archdiocese. Gregory ripped it down and then built an even more lavish one on the spot and moved in.----Jarmond had experience in making schedules at Ohio St. That is it. He does have a degree in Communication from UNC-W. His two Masters in Business and Sports Administration do speak well.---His wife is a dentist and Caucasian. He made a good impression on Leahy and that was it. The Fish and outgoing chair had no input at all.

Geezer eagle said...

The bomb-throwing leftists on here just don't get it. You don't react to an all lilly-white male AD department by going to the opposite extreme and load up with blacks and females. Didn't anybody understand my Atlanta analogy ?

Danny Boy said...

Ahh, so your only issue is that they're black. Got it.

We didn't over react to a white ad by highering 3 black people. We reacted to an AD who was in over his head and had no ties to BC by hiring two people with power 5 experience,and another with ties to BC who ran his own program and was named the under armor AD of the year last year.

Knucklehead said...

JBQ, That is the Woods night school Masters program. Weak.