Thursday, July 26, 2018

BC makes offer to Mass product

Recruiting had been quite for a few least on social media. We know that some of the assistants are on the road, but there are still kids visiting. And seeing the new Field House probably didn't dull Mass DE Greg Crippen's excitement when BC offered him. He already holds offers from Michigan and Purdue. It would be nice to lockdown a local kid who is generating that type of interest.


mod34b said...
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Anonymous said...


Geezer eagle said...

I'm so blessed to have mod and da Knuck as my fellow commentators.

BCBCBC said...

mod34 you should be excited. he's white. that's what you want.

CT said...

Georgia Eagle and Mod are the same person. Sad. I remember when the blog was better-when mod disappeared

mod34b said...
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Geezer eagle said...

The liberal snow flakes are in a shitty mood today. I wish I was Mod. He is a younger man.

Geezer eagle said...

Go back to your safe spaces and mommies, comrades.

mod34b said...

You tell 'em Georgia Eagle. These libtard cucks don't know what it's like to be dominated by a real man!

Geezer eagle said...

I try using that line on my female lovers but they just laugh lol

mod34b said...

LOL! Don't let Sharon know!

Geezer eagle said...

Sharon? My ex-wife? Do we know each other?

mod34b said...
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Geezer eagle said...


John said...

You guys crack me up on a college football blog. Libtards and snowflakes, etc.

How about this? I'll piss on you and make you smell like a man! Pitiful.

Get back to football or SCREW!

Geezer eagle said...

In case you haven't noticed, there is no football this time of year. This blog Is dead in the summer. Lighten up, John boy

mod34b said...
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Geezer eagle said...

Yea. A little scary. Who the hell in herr knows I was married to a woman named Sharon?
Oops, I'm not talking football. A pox on my house. Does anybody have ANY important football news?

Knucklehead said...

Douche Mod.

Geezer eagle said...

No football news? Someone? Anyone ? John/JBq? Liberal snowflakes? No? Okay back to politics.

Unknown said...

No one has anything to say now? Figures. Just like my-ex's pharmacy friends - crickets all around

Geezer eagle said...

Okay. That's a fake me. Mod, who are these creepy imposters? Worse, who the hell knows my background?

Geezer eagle said...

Knucklehead, knock it off. I never attacked you.

mod34b said...
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JBQ said...

A comment in regard to news from the French School. Lauren Sinacola was recently hired as an assistant soccer coach by the new male coach. On July 24, it was announced through "Church Militant" that she is now engaged to be married to her significant other girl friend.