Tuesday, September 11, 2018

BC-Wake game time moved up

After a few days of speculation, BC, Wake Forest and the ACC announced that kickoff has been moved up to 5:30 pm ET on Thursday. Aside from outright cancelling, this makes the most sense. It will likely still be wet, but less likely to have harsh winds and the heavy rain that a true night game would have had. I think the earlier time favors BC. The stands will likely be empty. The conditions not great, but shouldn't make us one dimensional. The only problem I see is if BC can't get out of North Carolina Thursday night.


mod34b said...
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mod34b said...
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BCAlum2000 said...

Thanks for quoting me at the end ... the point being that they should get the game in and get the hell out. This is exactly what is happening and they actually moved it up to make sure that is what happens. Genius.

mod34b said...

nice try

JBQ said...

It is nice to know that ESPN knows more than the governor of North Carolina. In 1989, Hurricane Hugo hit in the same general area. It went up the Charleston River and destroyed the naval base and took down trees which were 100 years old. That is why the Norfolk Naval Base emptied as a precaution.---Odds are that everything will work out. Nevertheless, it is dangerous and totally irresponsible to not look at this from the side of caution. It is all about money. The game should have been played at noon but no one would watch.---Florence is a fickle woman. There is nothing but open water if she follows the projected track. That would make it 140 mph as she hits landfall.

Geezer eagle said...

Smart to move it up to 530 and the game should be playable. However, for the safety of all concerned ( players, fans, students, ESPN crew), everyone needs to get the hell out of Dodge immediately after the last whistle blows.

BCAlum2000 said...

You arent very bright huh?

Knucklehead said...

The 1:23 comment is a cry for no help.

BCEagles2014 said...

It's important to remember the lessons from Cocoanut Grove during times like this. Football is nothing more than a game and not worth the risk of life. It is important Martin Jarmond, the ACC, and ESPN remember the lessons from that fateful night lest we be destined to repeat our mistakes.

working rich said...

if it rains, it rains.
But this is far inland.
This is not Coastal Carolina.

If the game needs to be cancelled, it will be cancelled.
If it can be played safely, play it.

In Little League they have lightning detectors and if they go off, the game is off. Not up to the coaches, but the detector.

i'm just waiting for some nudnik to blame trump for this.

The weather is way over hyped, it is not going to be that bad, just a storm

Joseph said...

reference from "working rich" to the liar in chief explains his comment on Florence being " just a storm".. Just like we had a great resopnse to Puerto rico.. Pure narcissistic BS

The hurricane is NOT just a storm and the response with paper towels was not good. Let's hope that they can play the game.Let's hope-that BC wins. Let's hope that the hurricane causes minimal damage. Let's hope that the BS from the white house stops and we have a government that really works rather then just tweet self serving BS.

JBQ said...

Not "just a storm". Governor Roy Cooper calls it historic and "big and vicious". It will make landfall Thursday evening or early Friday at 130-140 mph. Tropical winds will already be ashore on Thursday morning. Parris Island was evacuated by the Marines. Even 300 miles inland, this storm is nothing to play with.----To be safe, the game should have been moved up to noon. Sadly, this would cause a loss of scads of money. Now, the game will be played and all who participate will have to scramble to "get out of Dodge" (see previous comment).--- The fans at the stadium do not matter. This is a media event to make lots of bucks for ESPN. If a few people drown, that is collateral damage just like in Vietnam.

Edward Griffith said...

Starting at noon as JBQ wants to has two great benefits . Game conditions considerably
better and the opportunity to get out of Dodge before mega disaster hits.

Geezer eagle said...

Joseph, take your socialist bullshit back to the college campus. The liar-in-chief is leading the greatest economic boom times this country has ever seen.

working rich said...

I knew some nudnik would bring up Puerto Rico.
Response to Maria was as well organized as it could have been. Even Hillary could not have done better- but at this point in time ” what difference does it make.” but the slant would have been entirely different
Well designed and implemented by FEMA
Maybe you can blame GLOBAL WARMING

BCAlum2000 said...

"Joseph, take your socialist bullshit back to the college campus. The liar-in-chief is leading the greatest economic boom times this country has ever seen."

I feel bad for you as you actually likely believe that to be true. Back to Tresch's Econ 101 in Devlin 100 for you.

BCAlum2000 said...

Wait, wasnt Puerto Rico a great success? After all, only 40 people died ...

working rich said...

Are you millennials or generation X?

NYCEagle said...

Michigan consumer sentiment index and small business optimism at ALL time highs. Bcalum2000 do you actually follow markers? Or just let CNN do your thinking for you? Seems to be an issue with a lot of people these days. GDP just hit 4.1%. Unemployment is at 3.9%. Do I need to go on, because I can

NYCEagle said...

I guess if all the media does is tell you “how bad things are” and you’re ignorant enough to believe them, facts don’t matter

tuesdaymorning said...

ugh. boomers love the comment section.

John said...

Huge game - sorry about the storm, of course. I have to fly back to Atlanta Thursday afternoon, but because that looks good, my mind is in Winston Salem, a hard fought victory and a fast escape for our players, coaches and staff.

Go BC - beat WF.

Goberry said...

I just saw the southward shift in the Hurricane Center’s 5 AM projection. Stay safe, dude.

NYCEagle said...

Yeah all those people screaming cancel the game! It’s not even going to make it to Winston-Salem based on the latest forecast. And you would have had us sacrifice a conference game in a year where we have a chance to be playing in Charlotte

NYCEagle said...

I’m a millennial. But I know a thing or two about economics and markets and feel the need to correct anyone who ignorantly thinks America and its economy is doing anything but booming right now

NYCEagle said...

It’s possible to not like someone as a person but to also admit that persons policies are working. Every economic indicator under the sun would tell you the latter

working rich said...

Before some GenX-illenial spouts off about how 3,000 people died in Porto Rico, you need to seriously doubt those numbers. It's at best three-fifths of that. President Donald J. Trump did the best he could - which is amazing - considering the people there don't even speak english.

BCAlum2000 said...

"Michigan consumer sentiment index and small business optimism at ALL time highs. Bcalum2000 do you actually follow markers? Or just let CNN do your thinking for you? Seems to be an issue with a lot of people these days. GDP just hit 4.1%. Unemployment is at 3.9%. Do I need to go on, because I can"

Try again regarding this being the greatest economic boom times this country has ever seen.

Tim said...

Please take the political talk elsewhere. This is a Boston College sports blog.

BCAlum2000 said...

"Before some GenX-illenial spouts off about how 3,000 people died in Porto Rico, you need to seriously doubt those numbers. It's at best three-fifths of that. President Donald J. Trump did the best he could - which is amazing - considering the people there don't even speak english."

Stupid racist

BCAlum2000 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BCAlum2000 said...

"It’s possible to not like someone as a person but to also admit that persons policies are working. Every economic indicator under the sun would tell you the latter"

So tell me Alan Greenspan, why were more jobs added in the last 18 months of the Obama Presidency than were added in the first 18 months of the Trump presidency? Hmmm, maybe the policies you seem to think were put in place, have carried over from a previous administration?

BCAlum2000 said...

Also try again regarding the claim that the Michigan Consumer Sentiment index is at an all time high.

Dont worry child, facts dont matter.

BCAlum2000 said...

How many of you wannabe economists and fake stat spewing lemmings actually attended Boston College? I am actually curious to hear the answer.

Joseph said...

Try as you might to spin, the chief exaggerator inherited an economy that was in full recovery mode after the disaster of the previous years. GDP is NOT at an all time high. Unemployment is NOT at an all time low. Facts NOT twitter spin. Yes the economy is doing well. No, it is not all because of Trump. Not even close. I know that the orange one must have everything to be "historic" even if he is hysterical. Trump was not to blame for the poor response in PR. however, he is to be blamed for lying that the response was great. I was there. People suffered and died because of the poor relief effort. Being truthful is not socialistic. Lying is not American or patriotic.

BCEagles2014 said...

2000 and Joseph, no pretentious comment you make will change the fact that Trump is president. In fact, it is this arrogance you possess that drove people to reject the liberal elites and vote for Trump.

Now please kindly stop the political talk on here and let’s get back to talking about BC football. Tomorrow’s game will be a major litmus test on how this season plays out.

BCAlum2000 said...

"2000 and Joseph, no pretentious comment you make will change the fact that Trump is president. In fact, it is this arrogance you possess that drove people to reject the liberal elites and vote for Trump"

Actually, what caused many people to vote for Trump was a broader concern about the loss of place and lifestyle that has been going on for 40+ years. The fact is, the lifestyle enjoyed by many, in places that are now shells of their former selves, will never return. This is not because of NAFTA nor due to immigration. This is because that lifestyle was inflated and was the result of a time when less than 5% of the world's population was utilizing over 40% of the world's resources. The rest of the world, especially Asia, caught up. If you know anything about history, China and India were for centuries the two largest economies in the world before colonialization. Ironically, it was the world order that was driven primarily by the US and to a lesser extend\t western Europe, post WWII that allowed for this prosperity here at home. The same world order that the current President claims is bankrupting the US.

As for pretentiousness or whatever mindless drivel you try to deflect with, if being pretentious means actually utilizing statistics and facts versus hyperbole or outright falsities, so be it.

Those who actually were educated at Boston College and received a well rounded education in history, philosophy and economics and finance (if CSOM), will understand.

BCAlum2000 said...

"Now please kindly stop the political talk on here and let’s get back to talking about BC football. Tomorrow’s game will be a major litmus test on how this season plays out."

Civilized discourse requires people from one side not being so blinded that they can at the very least see the perspective of the other side and/or be able to be honest with those who's opinion they agree with, but are in the wrong. Go back up this thread and see where the political discussion began. After doing this, restate who you directed your post to.

NEDofSavinHill said...

The weather for the Wake game looks good as of this morning. The key to victory is to stop Wake from running, particularly the QB draw. Wolford killed BC with that play. Every 3rd and five resulted in a QB run for six. Make Wake one dimensional. BC had 300 yards of offense last year. They will need north of 400 to win.2. Last year BC was one of the best road teams. They were 5-1 on the road with only a loss to Clemson.

Shabby1011 said...

Oh no the moonbats from Eagles Nest are our in force to ruin this place of discussion!!

ATL I would put a stop this asap or the only topic of discussion will be why the Clintons are the greatest American family between five or so crazies, ha!

Doesn’t even have rain in forecast for game time. Next two weeks are going to tell us what season we will have. Dillion should get 25+ carries and Brown needs to manage the game & be accurate in plays downfield.

Win turnover battle and contain Dortch on special teams are two keys to game

Go Eagles

working rich said...

That's right Shabby, let's stick to football. I bet we're pumping our fists to BC WF Thursday night the way President Donald J. Trump was pumping his fists at the 9-11 memorial service yesterday! Go Eagles!

NYCEagle said...

Hey 2000 check out a chart of the S&P. Look at what date spurred the last 35% increase in markets. Looks like November 2016. What possibly could have happened there?! Markets anticipated a new administration with much less red tape and regulation. And that’s what they got. Small businesses (the people libs claim to really care about) were being regulated out of business. The Obama quote that “2% GDP growth is the new normal” was the biggest lie he ever made. He was strangling the economy due to fear from the recession that was no longer appropriate. Markets turned around when a conservative won office because it meant a pro-business environment

Joseph said...

"President Donald J. Trump was pumping his fists at the 9-11 memorial service yesterday!"

Like it was one of rallies and not about America and those who didn't cop out with bonespurs.

NYCEagle said...

Oh and cap ex has taken off since the new tax plan was put in place. Companies have more cash than ever to either distribute back to shareholders, or plow back into their own business. The latter is very good for jobs btw. And when you compare that to the fact that only 28 cents on the dollar or redistributed income in this country actually reach the intended recipient, I think we should all be pretty happy with this alternative

Joseph said...

"Hey 2000 check out a chart of the S&P. Look at what date spurred the last 35% increase in markets."

And what does this have to do with the economy that most Americans care about? It has no effect on GDP or employment which are both tracking on the same curve for he past 8 years.

NYCEagle said...

Wakes new QB has a lot of Wolford in him. Denis interview on The Perch said they were in a ton of RPOs. Let’s pray that after last year this defense is better prepared to stop that attack. If not it will be a long day

NYCEagle said...

53% of Americans are invested in markets either through personal brokerage accounts or 401k’s. So yeah, I’d say that much wealth creation is good for Americans in general

BCAlum2000 said...

This is beyond easy at this point.

During Obama's tenure, the cumulative return on the S&P was 233.71% or 16.25% annually.

So far during Trump's tenure, the cumulative return on the S&P 500 is 26% or 14% annually. If you want to go back to immediately after the election, it is 33%, or 15.7% annually.

Going back to 1897, Obama has the second highest annual growth rate in the S&P during his presidential tenure. #1 you ask? Bill Clinton at 17.49%.

As for The 4.1% latest quarter GDP figure (that will get stated down BTW), that is pretty nice. Its still not close to the 5.1% in Q2'15, or the 4.9% in Q2'15, or even the 4.7% in Q4'11, but still decent.

NYCEagle said...

If you think more regulation is actually good for any companies or markets in general it’s not even worth having this discourse. Obama was starting at rock bottom, the only way was up. The argument is that the recovery would have been even swifter if not for him adding thousands and thousands of pages to government regulations. Find me one business leader who says that’s good for him?

NYCEagle said...

Slowest recovery from a recession in modern history, by the way

NYCEagle said...

On top of all that, wage gains are accelerating at the fastest annual pace in this business cycle.l, fyi

BCAlum2000 said...

"If you think more regulation is actually good for any companies or markets in general it’s not even worth having this discourse. Obama was starting at rock bottom, the only way was up. The argument is that the recovery would have been even swifter if not for him adding thousands and thousands of pages to government regulations. Find me one business leader who says that’s good for him?"

Translation: "I was proven incorrect and continue to spew BS, so let me try to deflect"

As for wage gains, the real wage gain last quarter was 0%. You understand the difference between nominal and real correct Greenspan?

Knucklehead said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Knucklehead said...

Forget Puerto Rico. You clowns are gripping about 3k people dieing because of an accident when 3k people died 17 years ago yesterday and an 8k people have died or gravely ill from the ramifications. With no mention of it whatsoever.

Get your heads out of your asses.

TGS is a lowlife.

Knucklehead said...

Wake Forest is getting obliterated by us tomorrow.

BCAlum2000 said...

Knuckle, linking the two events is not relevant nor the point of the discussion. Puerto Rico was brought up because of the current hurricane that is bearing down on the Carolinas. Referencing 9/11 is as relevant as mentioning Pearl Harbor when discussing Hurricane Katrina.

BCAlum2000 said...

And I hope you are right about the obliteration.

Knucklehead said...

Bob Mueller is interference. No matter how the mid terms go Trump is going to win. If Congress stays republican they indict the deep state and prove all the undercutting is true. If the republicans lose then Trump redacts all the FISA and other congressional records, let's the news chew on it for two weeks, then cans Rosenstein and Sessions because the Democrats dont have the class to do it, even though they claim moral superiority over Trump.

Either way he wins.

NYCEagle said...

Again, he started at rock bottom. And still his returns are actually less than Trump’s since after the election, despite starting from a much lower base

Knucklehead said...

BC Alum. Whatever I say is pertinent is pertinent. You just feel guilty for forgetting. Back to your rock.

Knucklehead said...

You talking about the economy when the discussion is BC football is as relevant you are, which is completely irrelevant. Bye bye.

NYCEagle said...

Cite a business leader who is on record saying they prefer the anti-business environment Obama championed?

NYCEagle said...

Let’s do some simple math. Is 14% of 1000 or 14% of 2000 a greater gross number when it comes to wealth calculation? Is growth easier when you’re starting from a smaller number or a larger number?

BCAlum2000 said...

"Again, he started at rock bottom. And still his returns are actually less than Trump’s since after the election, despite starting from a much lower base"

Not only does this lemming make up stats, he cant even read a stat when it is showed to him.

BCAlum2000 said...

"Let’s do some simple math. Is 14% of 1000 or 14% of 2000 a greater gross number when it comes to wealth calculation? Is growth easier when you’re starting from a smaller number or a larger number?"

You might be the dumbest person on the planet. I mean that.

Please, please, please tell me you are not a BC graduate. Mike Barry would be ashamed to call you one of his students.

NYCEagle said...

Who created more wealth? It’s a very simple way of looking at this debate from a gross perspective

Joseph said...

Climate change is a Chinese hoax and who needs the EPA when we can make more money by dumping carcinogens into our rivers and blow more smoke into the air we breathe.

Knucklehead said...

BC Alum, Pick on someone your own size. Just because I stuck your head in the toilet and gave you double swirly it doesn't mean that you can take it out on someone else. You are the dumb, deal with it.

BCAlum2000 said...

"BC Alum, Pick on someone your own size."

Exactly. Midget.

NYCEagle said...

Who created more wealth.

NYCEagle said...

If someone increases their scoring average from 2 to 4 or 10 to 20 what’s more impressive?

BCAlum2000 said...

"If someone increases their scoring average from 2 to 4 or 10 to 20 what’s more impressive?"

Are you seriously still going you lemming? Google annualized rate of return. Then stop posting. Forever.

BCAlum2000 said...

Seriously, tell me you did not attend Boston College.

Knucklehead said...

BCAlum, that doesn't make sense. You are stupid and you know it. Go get on your sales call.

Knucklehead said...

Go now. Go. Don't want to be late for a potential commission.

Knucklehead said...


NYCEagle said...

The point is that where you start (the base in this calculation) actually plays a major factor in gross wealth creation. If you can comprehend how that works. Whatever go on falsely thinking a borderline socialist is better for domestic economic policy, because that’s worked literally 0 times in innumerable countries around the world

BCAlum2000 said...

"The point is that where you start (the base in this calculation) actually plays a major factor in gross wealth creation. If you can comprehend how that works. Whatever go on falsely thinking a borderline socialist is better for domestic economic policy, because that’s worked literally 0 times in innumerable countries around the world"

I actually feel bad for you as you dont even know how to frame the argument let alone answer the question. If you invested $1 when Obama started and $1 when Trump started, under which scenario would you have more money today. Cumulative is irrelevant. Thats like arguing that GDP growth is not the metric, its total GDP expansion and hence Jimmy Carter was clearly a better President than Thomas Jefferson.

As for Socialism, continue to try to use that boogeyman lemming to try to deflect from the fact that your arguments as garbage as your facts.

BCAlum2000 said...

***GDP expansion

GDP Size

NYCEagle said...

To put it very straightforward for you, going from 2139 to 2887 on the SPX in less than 2 years is more impressive than 930 to 2139 over 8 years. I’m looking at gross wealth creation. Also I just checked on Bloomberg. Trump’s annualized return is 20.49% from November 2016 until today. Obamas’s was 13.39% over 8 years. So you’re the one making up numbers bud

Knucklehead said...

What is arbitrage? What is the square root of the variance? No Bing searches tough guy. Or Google.

Knucklehead said...

What was Hussien Obama's second term? Better comparison

Knucklehead said...

Stop explaining yourself to him. he is incapable of understanding you.

BCAlum2000 said...

" Also I just checked on Bloomberg. Trump’s annualized return is 20.49% from November 2016 until today. Obamas’s was 13.39% over 8 years. So you’re the one making up numbers bud"


Once again, just admit you never attended Boston College.

BCEagles2014 said...

No doubt BCAlum2000 voted for Bernie or Hillary and will vote for Elizabeth Warren or Andrew Cuomo in 2020. Probably thinks Ocasio-Cortez has a fiscally sound economic platform too. Not impressed with these “academics” who let their proffesors brain wash them into supporting pie in the sky socialism.

Notice how the right thinkers on here debate on policy and facts while staying away from personal insults, but BCAlum2000 and Joseph attack their intelligence. They object to the horror of us sharing degrees from the same institution. God forbid any BC alumn shares a view outside the liberal mainstream!

NYCEagle said...

I literally just checked on my Bloomberg terminal. November 2008-November 2016 annualized return on the SPX index is 13.39%. November 2016 to present is 20.49%. Again, maybe check your sources. CNN has been known to manipulate numbers

NYCEagle said...

Couldn’t have said it better myself. Find one instance where I attacked him personally. The second you say anything that doesn’t fit the storyline he hears within his echo chamber, he resorts to insults. On top of all that, I just hope everyone realizes I just factchecked the numbers he cited earlier and they were in fact not anywhere near correct

dixieagle said...

Geez, I just came here to see the latest on the game...

Joseph said...

"Notice how the right thinkers on here debate on policy and facts while staying away from personal insults, but BCAlum2000 and Joseph attack their intelligence."

I can't find where I attacked the intelligence of another poster. But did someone call someone a moron. Did someone say "you are stupid" Can KH ever argue anything without emulating his hero by constantly belittling and demeaning? and maybe he can explain in a reasonable tone why he uses Obama's middle name?

Who of the "right thinking" posters believes that "climate change" is a chinese hoax? Who believes that eliminating the EPA is a good idea for us, our kids, and grandkids? Who believes that "we'll hire only the best people" (and then fire them)? Who believes that our dear leader loves "strong men" dictators like Kim, Putin and Dutarte because they are such good leaders who believe in democracy, law and freedom?

BCEagles2014 said...

Joseph, I fear you have not learned the lessons from Cocoanut Grove. Much like Hillary was on her way to an easy presidential victory, the 1942 Boston College team waltzed into Fenway for a tune-up game on their way to the national championship against Alabama. But as fate would have it, Holy Cross would crush BC in a 55-21 trouncing. The BC team had planned a celebration party that night at the Cocoanut Grove nightclub, but did not attend for obvious reasons. This ended up saving their lives as the nightclub burned to the ground that night.

Like football, politics is just a game. Perhaps, your party's defeat saved you as well.

Joseph said...

Oh, but I have learned a lesson from Coconut Grove. I stay away from non-celebrations at clubs where there are poor safety conditions. Did politicians plan on going to the nightclub? Why? Sorry, but you lost me on this one.

You have no idea to what party(if any) I belong. Like I have no idea to what party you belong, and couldn't care less.

I happen to not respect a narcissistic liar who insults and demeans constantly with no understanding of his job and only seeks adulation at every turn. He has no principles and like his Trump University is totally worthless. He has no belief in traditional republican values, but rather panders to anyone who will believe his lies and exaggerations (like inaugural crowd size). He called ted Cruz the worst liar ever but still thinks he should be part of our government. As Woodward said, he is amoral. Winning is his god. Cheating and lieing are ok as long as he wins.

Sorry, but thank god most Americans are made of better stuff.

Knucklehead said...

Every is concerned about you Joseph. Time for some self reflection. Maybe you will find the answers to your questions there. Good luck. You have a long road ahead to get to where you need to be to be a mentally healthy member of society. Long way to go.

Geezer eagle said...

The socialism now advocated by mainstream Democrats is frightening. Just remember, Comrade Joseph, socialism works well until it runs out of other people's money to pay for it. somebody has to pay for your free health care, free education, and guaranteed income. Viva Cuba and Venezuela!

CT said...

Really the only subject that gets more comments than a uniform change.

Joseph said...

Just one more then I'll leave you right minded folks to whatever you wish to say.

I am very far from being a socialist and am just as convinced as you are that it does not work in real life. I own my own very successful business that employs several hundred dedicated people in many levels. I believe totally in capitalism. I believe that there is an income inequality that is morally indefensible and will ultimately harm our American form of democratic self government. I believe that our leaders have an obligation to be honest in every regard. I believe they should should say "we" instead of "I". I believe that they should not insult adversaries with schoolyard names. I believe that they should understand our constitution and the principle of the separation of powers and understand that government employees are to serve the people not the leader. I served as a commissioned officer in the US military because I wanted to defend all people from those that would deny others the basic protections of our constitution and the Bill of Rights. I do not believe that there is any good whatsoever in any Nazi or like minded person who would attack others because of racial, religious or ethnic reasons. I believe that as Americans we have the right, and obligation, to stand up for what we believe in and to be free to protest in any way that does no harm to others. I believe that we must strive to increase voter participation not look for methods to suppress it. In short, I believe in what I am convinced were the founders principles and understanding of what makes America always great.

working rich said...

I know this is a sports blog
Income inequality almost disappears in the USA if one subtracts the mega wealthy and one factors in the transfer payments.

Remember the Kerry /Heinz and the Kennedy clan will never pay taxes but they will try to screw me out of my social security.
I work for my money and get taxes to hell
Way too much in taxes.
Most of my taxes are transfer payments.
You want equality - go to cuba everyone makes $16/month

Bc better beat up wake forest
Big timeb

dixieagle said...

In other words, Joseph, you're a sane person.

Knucklehead said...

When you say Right do you mean correct or Right politically? Do you even know? . . . .

And I take it you are not a leader Joseph since you use I to begin every sentence.

Have you ever heard Hillary Clinton speak without a teleprompter. She uses "I think" more than anyone I have ever heard(arrogant and insecure). She was so self righteous that she didn't think that she needed to travel around the Midwest asking for votes. She was/is lazy. And she spent more money travelling the world whoring her political appointment for her own personal financial gain than anyone ever(it even made pissed of Obama). That is why you have Donald Trump. Joseph. Stop crying and pick someone willing to work.

. . . Since words matter so much.

Hypocrite liberals purport to be open minded but have to classify everyone and everything . . . so they feel comfortable.

Here is one classification I would agree with - TGS is a clown. Is there a box for clown Joseph?

BC 27
Wake Forest 24
Florence O

Arbitrage is exploiting price mismatches and the square root of variance is standard deviation.

No wonder the US News ranking dropped to 38.


NYCEagle said...

Let it be known that bcalum2000 was wrong about the single valid statistical point he tried to use to respond to my argument. The S&P has grown at an annualized pace of 20.49% since Election Day in November 2016. That is factually the highest growth rate in the history of the modern economy

Knucklehead said...

You win and he loses. Boston College and stupid Wake Forest.

Unknown said...

NYC eagle, you’re incorrect on that statement. I couldn’t really care to dig out the stars, but don’t think you’re a genius. You’ve made and obvious error.

NYCEagle said...

No I have not. The SPX has a total return of a little less than 40% since Election Day 2016. When you factor in annualization, that number should be a little more than half (because we’re not quite at 2 full years since that day). Hence the 20.49%. Unless my Bloomberg terminal is lying to me

NYCEagle said...

You know what kind of people say “I couldn’t really care to” in the middle of an argument? People who have no basis in said argument. It took me all of 30 seconds to dispute and correct BCAlum2000 false information

Tim said...

Don’t any of you people have anything better to do with your time? 105 comments in an utterly futile “debate” in the middle of a workday.

BCBCBC said...

attributing market performance solely to the current president in office is moronic, regardless of whom you support. this whole thread is stupid.

Knucklehead said...

It isn't racist though, is it? BCBC. I want your opinion on that.