Wednesday, December 05, 2018

What we can infer from the Coen news

Liam Coen is not going to be BC's new offensive coordinator. This comes a day after news that he would. But like my speculation from last weekend, Coen made sense. If this is the type of guy who Addazio is talking to and making offers to, we can probably infer a few more things about his eventual hire.

1. He is going to be QB guy. Addazio basically said as much. Coen played QB at UMass.
2. Addazio is still leaning into his network. This is natural although I always feel like it is a little limiting. Coen played QB for Don Brown.
3. It looks like he is going to go young. Instead of going with a veteran play caller, he made an offer to Coen, someone who has never called a play at an FBS level. Whether he wants young for the recruiting energy, the opportunity to hire the next big thing, or because the guy would defer to him, Addazio clearly wasn't going the old timer path.
4. He has a list and is looking to move. I wondered if he would wait until after the bowl game to make a move. That's when lots of guys are free and many staff changes are made. Addazio met with a guy during the ongoing NFL season and was ready to make a move. I don't know his urgency. Maybe he wants the new OC to lockdown recruits.

I don't know if Coen's NFL connection meant much. Addazio publicly mentioned the Rams last week. Maybe an NFL pedigree helps with recruiting. If you are looking for innovation, I don't think the NFL is a must. If anything, the best NFL teams are stealing from college football offenses.


mod34b said...
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Tim said...

Bring back Paul Peterson!

BCNavy89 said...

Peterson just named HC at Dixie State so...

Anonymous said...

Justin Frye most likely.

Anonymous said...

They need to do what OK State(coachcoach shippensburg St) did a few years ago and find someone at a small school who is dominating shit. I don't have time to do their jobs today and find someone especially after they effed up what I heard a few weeks ago would have been a damn good hire.

Jrb123 said...

He wants a young coordinator because anyone older, with a pair of balls would tell Addazio that his game plans suck. If it is a young, inexperienced OC, Addazio can continue the RRPP on offense.

mod34b said...
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Anonymous said...

They should hire the Syracuse OC.

Anonymous said...

Mod what is the point? Dumb.

JBQ said...

"The Heights" BC student newspaper had an article dated 11.09.17 (thought it was 2018 but in 2017) in regard to the creation of a Board of Regents. The article states that this is a new advisory and support venue for Father Leahy. There are 82 members and John Fish, Sutton Construction, is the inaugural chair. Peter Markell ('77) replaced Fish as chair of the Board of Trustees.---- It does appear that the Board of Trustees is no longer the "gunslinger" that it once was. It would appear that John Fish of Sutton Construction with 3 billion in business last year and ranked in the top 200 on the Forbes list is now the "sheriff in town". He "looked the other way" when Addazio was extended. He really has a lot of clout. His dad started the business and he has a brother who is a wing dinger business guy in Arizona. He was a big supporter and donater to Obama. He has liberal credentials and Addazio appears to be following the company perspective on affirmative action.

Geezer eagle said...

A big liberal donor from The People's Republic of Massachusetts. Say it ain't so.

CvegasEagle said...

JBQ -- Now that is despicable scum

Joseph said...

are you serious JBQ:"He was a big supporter and donater to Obama. He has liberal credentials and Addazio appears to be following the company perspective on affirmative action."

Are you blaming bad coaching on politics? Talk about kucoo. The term RIGHT WING NUT certainly applies here. So Addazio was extended because of donations to Obama? Remember who GHWB voted for(and he was very conservative)but was very sane and a decent man who would never come up with tripe like JBQ has.

I don't care who Fish or Addazio or Leahy donated to. I just want Addazio gone and replaced by a great leader.

Geezer eagle said...

Joey, your last paragraph actually makes sense. Every now and then you come out of your socialist fog.

BCAlum2000 said...

Its Suffolk Construction and yes, he is a billionaire. As for the rest of the drivel, should we note the irony that Fish a real construction billionaire as opposed to someone else who actually holds political office?

mod34b said...
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Joseph said...

No, mod. We have seen him/her in action before. Next you'll try to get us to believe that you are really OC and enjoy the multiple personalities to play with our tiny little brains. We won't buy it since your mother has given us the truth about your issues.

Unknown said...

ATL can spin this any way he wants, but the biggest takeaway is that Daz remains on the hot seat. Doesn't appear he's getting an extension. These potential OC's aren't buying into the "it will be beautiful" mantra.

Anonymous said...

He WAS the head of the board(TGS is getting excited). He was obviously put in place for campus restructuring and building as he was replaced. The question is what is the new guys priority? You would think academic and athletic improvement as he is a graduate.

Fish isn't running the show. Anymore.

mod34b said...
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JBQ said...

@Joseph: GHWB had lots of skeletons in his closet. He was pictured in Dallas at the School Book Depository on the day in question. He was a Navy pilot with a two man crew. He bailed out when hit and left his two crewmen to die. His Chinese mistresses were legendary.---While you were fighting the battle of the WalMart checkout line, my father was shot down over Germany on his 21st mission. He survived as a POW to raise five sons because the pilot stayed at the controls until everyone else jumped from the B-17.-----Do some research on the religious background of Boston College. It has drifted way to the left of Attila the Nun. The leadership is now sociological and all about redistribution of wealth and a Jesuit pope's lust to create a world socialist government where gays swing merrily through the forest. The selling out of Leonard Feeney is only one among many atrocities leading to the athletic demise of Boston College.---Anthony Brown is a terrible quarterback and only starts because he is African-American. Addazio has ingratiated himself with the new athletic director based on his treatment of black athletes. ---John Kennedy was from Massachusetts. His expertise as his father was in his business acumen. Boston College is turning into a socialist paradise. The athletic director has absolutely only one credential. While at Ohio State, his only task was to create future schedules for football and basketball. That tells you a number of things. It says that his wife was well connected.----Notre Dame solved their racial issues quite some time ago. They had a healthy competition this year between a black and white quarterback in Wimbush and Book. BC is locked up in the run up to 1968.----Compare Brian Kelly to Steve Addazio. The result is rancid. With all of the billionaire business acumen of Fish, not only did he approve the extension but continues to sit on the sidelines with his thumb up his rump.

Joseph said...

Hey Mod. For once I agree with you. This stuff from JBQ must be a fool trying to emulate OC. None of what he spouts could be coming from a sound mind so it has to be really a clever tongue in cheek attempt to be as humorous as OC. Of course, like Addazio, he is at best mediocre at worst a total failure. The way he strings random thoughts together would lead you to believe that his real initials are DJT.

BCAlum2000 said...

Wow, what a classy individual ...

Lenny Sienko said...

Bill Maloney: Its time to reign in racist comments from JBQ. His writings make it very difficult for minority families to want to trust their kids to a place which could produce someone who writes such hateful nonsense and whose alums tolerate such things on their message boards.

While "benign neglect" usually lets the network and board police itself, I think its time for active intervention on your part. If you want to know why BC has such a hard time recruiting local start athletes to attend, just read this drivel, which is being allowed to stand as representative of Boston College, which I pray it is not.

Lenny Sienko said...


BCAlum2000 said...

It is not at all representative of BC. In fact, I am sure that classless moron didnt attend BC, and if he did, it was 50 years ago. That BC does not even remotely reflect the BC of today or even the BC of the past 20-30 years.

Knucklehead said...

Great. Lets move on.

As usual nobody has anything of value to contribute about the post except me.

Unknown said...

Knuck mentioned coaches at smaller schools that have potential. They are out there, but we know Daz would never head this route.

For those interested (in no particular order) some names to consider:
Will Hall: Memphis- Moved up the ranks from DII to the current Assoc HC @ Memphis. Previous OC experience.
Matt Storm: Texas A&M University Commerce Assistant HC- Believes in the "throw game." Previous OC experience
Chris Brown: Fort Hays State University Head Coach- This guy is the anti-Daz. Improvement in record every year from 2011-2017. Believes in the "throw game." 2018 was an off year with only winning 9 games. Only makes ~$100k.

mod34b said...
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Geezer eagle said...

Liberals. Justify what possible reason Brown,aft af a disasterous season, Brown is still the starting qb.

Geezer eagle said...

Lenny, you you represent the fascism of the Left. Any conservative who strays from the political correctness of the left is branded a racist. It's getting old, comrade. It's getting old.

Joseph said...

GE: What really is old in your "lefty" and Comrade " and "socialist" stuff. I don't know Lenny, but i do know me. I am very far from being a 'comrade". I don't subscribe to the "insult" and name calling method of debate. I find it very hard to understand why KH would start a sentence with "liberals". and then talk about the starting QB. Connected ? how? several contributors have decided that I, and a few others have no voices here because they think, for some unknown reason, that we are communist subversives. I don't think that they believe that but it serves their purpose of insulting, and demonizing. Differ with me about what I say or do. Don't fantasize about Lenny. jbq made non-debatable racist remarks. lenny said so. true. What is to complain about. Lenny should be appreciated not vilified.

We all care about BC We all have agreat desire to have athletics excel as well as every other university activity. We are BC and there is no need to insult or denigrate any of us.

Anonymous said...

Thank you.

Syracuse OC would also be a good poach a previously stated. Syracuse offense is similar and tougher across line.

Reading comprehension issues Mod. Actually just reading now.

Geezer eagle said...

Knucklehead, funny how you play both sides of the debate. What's it going to be, bro, free speech or the leftist fascism of comrades Joey and Lenny?

mod34b said...
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Anonymous said...

I said move on. nothing else. nothing about liberals or free speech or whatever bullshit you sorry motherfuckers are writing about.

Mod, you cannot read, you can barely write and you obviously cannot think of anything yourself. Pathetic.

Lenny Sienko said...

Georgia Eagle and JBQ; sound like the same poor soul.


BCAlum2000: Oddly enough, I graduated the first time from BC in 1968, so it was exactly 50 years ago that my views on racism and BC were shaped.

BTW, unlike the rest of the crowd here, since the group stared in 2008 and for all of its predecessors, I use my real name and identify myself quite clearly. I have no reason not to do so.


As to the narrower football aspect of the question, I have no doubt that anyone hired by DAZ will be forced to subscribe to RRPP. At this point we are merely "...rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic...". I have no idea why the AD and/or Fr. Leahy won't do what they should have done three (3) tears ago and terminate DAZ.

William Brown said...

Very informative post...

Book online bus ticket from Redbus

Mary Smith said...
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Tim said...

Women’s hoops won again last night. They are now 8-1. Last season after 9 games, they were 4-5. And they have already surpassed their win total from last season (7). Bernabei-McNamee is looking like a great hire by Jarmond.

Geezer eagle said...

A winning team at BC? No way.

bceagle93 said...

While it may not be popular here or bring a ton of attention, our women's sports (hockey, soccer and lacrosse) are stellar. We consistently attract top national talent in those programs and each has solid, intelligent, respected coaches in place. Too bad collectively they all make a fraction of what Daz makes......

Great to see Coach Mac raising the game for women's hoops.

Napolean Bonaparte said...

Agree 93. While Coach Mac has a lot ahead of her with the ACC portion of the schedule coming down the pike and we can't set expectations too high too soon - she's clearly a breath of fresh air and is a gunner. Although you need to give a fair opportunity and sufficient time with any coach - when it's obviously not working - you need to move on. BC has always had a hard time doing that. Women's basketball coach prior to Coach Mac was kept on too long. And when you pay someone more than $2.5 million a year - you should have even higher expectations. I think it's time to move on with Daz as I think he has been treated very fairly. But I do not want to move on unless we are prepared - meaning a solid list of great candidates and a high likelihood of attracting one or more of them. Replacing Daz with another underwhelming candidate makes worse sense to me than keeping him on. Book still out on Christian - but recruiting classes in 18 and 19 looking decent - will see where we stand at the 3/4 point of the ACC schedule.

Unknown said...

Geoff Collins to Georgia Tech from Temple. We can hope that Temple offers Addazio to come back!

Joseph said...

"Liberals. Justify what possible reason Brown,aft af a disasterous season, Brown is still the starting qb."

This from GE not KH. Apologies.

Edward Griffith said...

Coach Mac needs to teach her ladies to shoot foul shots. Thirteenth in ACC at this point.
It is a long way back to the Heights Cathy Inglese had the program before FLOPPO
intervened and Bates followed up.

Marvin has two more tasks jettison Dazzo=Shit for Peter Carmichael (BC guy)
Jared , Danya and Malcolm for Christian

Geezer eagle said...

Joey, you are rambling. And, yes, what possible justification is there for Brown remaining starting QB? Duh.

Joseph said...

I quoted GE so If you think there was rambling Then look in the mirror to see the rambler. I have never been at a practice and seen reps by Brown, Perry or McDonald. I totally agree that Brown will never be the QB on a very good BC team, but not having been able to fairly judge his competition I am not sure of what is better. As long as Addazio is boss there will be his style players.

Joseph said...

Larry Bird practiced foul shots for hours. He was always over 90% and a League leader. Muscle memory training plus the ability to avoid distraction and emotion.

Geezer eagle said...

Are you a lawyer? You're always waffling. Take a position and stick to it ( e.g., Brown is a mediocre to poor QB and should not be starting) see how easy that was, Joey Boy.

Edward Griffith said...

Transforming the quarterbacks from fair to good

2 weeks with Doug in May and 2 weeks with Matt in June. Do it "FOR BOSTON"

Bravesbill said...

GHWB was very conservative? That’s news to pretty much everyone.